Materia Medica Homoeopathia Antihomotoxica

Materia Medica Homoeopathia Antihomotoxica

Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg

4th completely revised edition

The rapid increase in new developments in and knowledge of the field covered by the Antihomotoxic Materia Medica that has occurred in recent years has made   a comprehensive revision of the contents of Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg’s Homoeopathia Antihomotoxica an urgent necessity.

In addition, to simplify matters for the practising therapist, volume I (A Selective Pharmacology) and volume II (Index of Symptoms and Modalities) have for the first time been combined into a single work.

The Homoeopathia Antihomotoxica is now also available for the first time on CD-ROM, allowing information to be retrieved rapidly and conveniently, so that the user can browse backwards and forwards between the homoeopathic remedies described in the first part and their characteristics in the second part.

The first part of the book assigns remedies to clinical indications, symptoms and modalities. Shown here in bold under ‘Indication’ is the indication as defined by the Monograph Preparation Commission D for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy, which in many cases is also the principal indication according to the Materia Medica Antihomotoxica. Also listed are the main (secondary or tertiary) symptoms established in clinical provings, which have been included in part II (A Selective Pharmacology).

Since the clinical indications are listed in alphabetical order, the user can easily gain a detailed picture of each of the substances listed and – taking account of the cardinal symptoms and modalities – narrow them down to find the one best suited to the patient. More detailed information about the profile of the individual remedies is given in the Materia Medica in part II.

This contains, in alphabetical order, monographs on all the antihomotoxic substances. Each monograph contains full definitions of raw materials, their names as listed partly in the current official German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and/or the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia US (HPUS), plus clinical information such as indications, symptoms and modalities.

In addition to the already documented drug provings in the previous edition comprehensive, homoeopathic remedy profiles have been produced for up to 40 antihomotoxic substances, the clinical indications and use of which have hitherto been based exclusively on practical experience.

For greater ease of reference to part II (A Selective Pharmacology), an extensive index has been compiled that includes the substance names used in the classic homoeopathic literature (repertories), in the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (2001) and in the titles of the corresponding Commission D monograph published in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette). The index also includes colloquial names.

Ingredients that are no longer used in homoeopathic antihomotoxic therapy have been omitted from this text. This may, for example, be to protect endangered species or – particularly in the case of certain nosodes – because the considerable difficulties involved in obtaining the raw materials make it impossible to guarantee a supply of these substances in the quality and quantity required.

An overview of the ingredients contained in antihomotoxic products (homoeopathic compound remedies) is included as a separate supplement.

We hope that the new, completely revised edition of the Homoeopathia Antihomotoxica will also prove a useful reference work for those wishing to familiarize themselves with the substances used in antihomotoxic medicine and their therapeutic capabilities. This work allows the therapist to see at a glance the characteristics of the substances contained in antihomotoxic combination remedies and single-agent Injeels. Their classification by indication, symptoms and modalities in part I also allows similars to be identified.

The author and the publishers always welcome readers’ suggestions, praise and criticisms.

Baden-Baden, September 2002.

Dr. Wilfried Stock

Now that homotoxicology has given scientific substance to the working principles of the homoeopathic remedies through extensive literature on homotoxins, it has become increasingly necessary to make these remedies accessible to physicians for their therapeutic work by supplying a description of the chief individual homoeopathic remedies used in treatment to effect antihomotoxic stimulation of the body’s defensive systems.

Over the past 40 years, combination remedies have been developed, and these exhaustively described in specialist literature. Descriptions also exist of numerous individual homoeopathic remedies, among them the most commonly used polychrests in homoeopathy. However, these descriptions are dispersed throughout the relevant literature, and it is therefore highly necessary to collate them into one volume.

This is all the more necessary since the range of individual substances used in antihomotoxic therapy far exceeds that of the homoeopathic remedies in common use and which are described in the homoeopathic materia medicas.

It has been made clear in the scientific explanation of the working principles of homoeopathy that homoeopathic preparations of whatever  kind  achieve  their effect according to the Law of Similars of Hahnemann and the Reversal Effect of Arndt and Schulz. All  the  individual  and  combination  remedies  used in antihomotoxic therapy are derived from substances or compounds referred to in the German Pharmacopoeia and of course in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, including chemical compounds, plant-tinctures, poisons of animal origin, etc.

Particularly in view of the many toxic aspects of civilisation, such as insecticides, pesticides, and especially also in view of the increasing incidence of iatrogenic damage by chemical drugs and other non-biological treatments, a number of environmental toxic factors and toxic drugs in homoeopathic potency are also in therapeutic use. Thus it may still be possible to compensate for some of the damage which has been caused, by employing stimulative methods according to the Reversal Effect and the Law of Similars.

Here, descriptions will be found of sarcodes (remedies from healthy organs and tissues), intermediary catalysts (intermediate products playing a part in intermediary metabolism), other factors in enzyme-activity such as vitamins (particularly in combination remedies), and especially the so-called nosodes (i.e. morbid material in homoeopathic potency), both morbid bodily exudates and also bacterial cultures, isopathic excreta such as perspiration, discharges, pus, etc., and also, for example, viral excreta or cultures (such as Coxsackie Virus A9 and B4). The result of this is a substantially more comprehensive compendium of the remedies needed for the treatment of patients in a homoeopathic, antihomotoxic way: remedies which have since come into wide use in general therapeutic practice.

All substances which have an action on the body can be homoeopathically potentized and used in a wide variety of medicaments to achieve antitoxic effects in counterpoint.

In consequence of this, practically every substance and every material in everyday life, including foodstuffs, common medicines, bodily secretions etc. – in other words, everything around us – can be used in an antihomotoxic way, i.e. in the form of homoeopathic single remedies. These also include homoeopathic attenuations of synthetic drugs, substances such as nitrosodiphenylamine, which do not otherwise occur in nature, environmental toxins and factors which are isolated from them, as well as quinones etc.

People often enquire why the sarcodes are obtained from organs and tissues of the pig. The reason for this is the similarity between these and human tissues. Because of this, the organs and tissues of the pig act like organ-specific nosodes, the toxic effects of pork coming into their own as a result of homoeopathic potentization, both according to the Reversal Effect and as homoeopathic Similars. Thus they are ideal remedies to use in stimulative treatment where damage has occurred to the organs and tissues in question: (mostly impregnation and degeneration phases, but they may also be used experimentally in neoplasm phases).

Experiments carried out over a period of years have shown that the action of homoeopathic remedies, whether single or in combinations, is in no way impaired by adaption to the familiar dispensing methods of Galen. This applies not only in the case of ampoules, but also in the case of suppositories, ointments, eye-drops, nose-drops and ear-drops.

The recent investigations by Veith, Snell and others of the molecular combinations which take place in aqueous solutions and in colloids have shown – along with earlier investigations  by  Junker,   Kolisko,   Nebel,   Cahis   and   others   –  that several stages of attenuation (potencies) of one and the same original substance may be combined within one remedy yet still retain their own individual action.

As has been shown in experiments carried out on plant-shoots, certain interferences are possible in this process. Whenever there are various stages of attenuation, culminating points result. When several potencies of the same substance are combined, these culminating points interfere with the intervals between one potency and another.

One important outcome was the establishment of action – explainable in molecular terms – of potencies above Avogadro’s number (6.02X1023).

The action of homoeopathic attenuations, triturations, powders etc. is not impaired by their incorporation into ointments and suppository-bases, not even, for example, by preservatives added to the ointments, but is maintained independently. This means that homoeopathically potentized antihomotoxics have had widespread external use.  In  these cases the  choice of  a  suitable base  for  the  ointment  is of importance. It must have an affinity for the skin, must penetrate it easily yet be free of side-effects.

So as not to present the antihomotoxic therapist with too confusing an array of the extremely many-sided treatment methods involved in the use of individual remedies, in this book we thought it important to offer a selective materia medica. Of course, any other homoeopathic remedies which are recommended in other materia medicas and which fit the symptomatology of the case may be used when working along antihomotoxic lines. This is because the symptomatology corresponds to a particular “toxic state”, which must be broken down by the homoeopathic or antihomotoxic remedy by stimulating either the mechanisms which create antidotes, the organs of the “Defensive System”, or the intracellular detoxification mechanisms.

Much proof indicates that these mechanisms are brought into play by the introduction of specific enzymes which have detoxifying action. In this process, both the Law of Similars (along the lines of the Law of Matrices, which is generally valid in biology: mirror-image effect) and the Reversal Effect are valid. The Reversal Effect follows the basic biological law of Arndt and Schulz governing the opposing action of large and small doses: small doses have a stimulative effect, medium doses act indifferently, large doses inhibit, disable or kill. These pharmacological points of view are likewise scientifically confirmed and established by homotoxicology.

Of course it would be pointless to attempt to treat a case of arsenic poisoning with higher attenuations of the same poison, i.e. Arsenicum 6X, or some similar potency. The receptors of the relevant enzyme-systems are blocked or engaged by the action of massive toxic doses, so that smaller doses can no longer get through. However, it is possible to administer another homoeopathic preparation, and so activate other similar defence-mechanisms (which are still held in reserve) by creating a similar remedy-picture. According to Hahnemann’s theory, this would be a “second healing-illness”: according to homotoxicological theory, which  sees illness as equal to the repelling of toxins, a second, reserve defence-mechanism is being brought into action. From this it may be seen that arsenic poisoning  may very well be susceptible to treatment with homoeopathic preparations of substances which have a similar effect, e.g. with potentized aluminium tartrate, and vice-versa.

In view of the operation of the Law of Matrices (Law of Similars) it is understandable how even homoeopathic remedies which do not provide a 100% identical match with the remedy-picture or disease-picture at hand may nevertheless prove highly effective. In that case, usually, further remedies will be needed to clear up the case, until the point at which the simillimum (i.e the remedy providing the closest match with the picture of the patient’s illness) brings about the final healing.

It also follows that, where a mixture of states of illness is present, in which the effects not only of the patient’s own intermediary toxins are evident, but also side- effects of allopathic drugs (so-called “iatrogenic pathology”) and possibly the burdens of environmental toxins as well (insecticides and others), then a mixture of antidotal therapies must be applied.

This provides the basis for the development of combination remedies, which are also more suited to the treatment of a syndrome than to the symptomatology of a single homoeopathic remedy, although the aim of the therapist should always be to find the simillimum which gives an exact match with the picture of the patient’s illness.

However, in a large number of cases this is not in fact possible. Thus, in such cases, the use of a combination- or compound-remedy is required, especially in degenerative phases to the right of the Biological Division.  This  sets  the  whole toxic state once more into motion, which is indicated by recurrence of inflammation and other symptoms along the lines of a regressive vicariation.

There may be a recurrence of earlier illness which had apparently been cured, such as fistulae, eczema, abscesses, etc. These now form channels of elimination for the homotoxins which have been set in mobilized.

Thus it should be self-evident that such changes in a state of illness must be correctly assessed in the light of homotoxicology. This means that these detoxifying processes – and an inflammation must be understood as such (in other words, nature’s self-healing tendency) – must not be curbed with antibiotics, chemical drugs or other suppressive measures such as suppression of fevers or discharges, use of anti-perspirants etc., at the first signs of a slight cold or sore thorat; only when there are indications of vital significance are such measures justified.

Homoeopathic remedies, properly applied, are capable of rehabilitating blocked enzyme-systems and thus re-stimulating the process of detoxification. This is expressed by the restoration of detoxifying mechanisms (e.g. inflammations), which should therefore only be welcomed by any therapist working along antihomotoxic and biological lines.

If antihomotoxic biotherapists wish to steer a course of “accelerated natural healing” (for this is the only way of understanding the action of homoeopathic remedies), aware of the biological context and fully in control with antihomotoxic methodology, then they must not only be fully conversant with the combination remedies – thus easing substantially the work-load of the practice – but will also find the single remedies of inestimable value.

It may be helpful to think of the toxins as first being surrounded by an army (of one or more combination remedies etc.). Other units (complex remedies etc.) may be brought in to give support in the detoxification-battle for the cure of the disease. Finally the last remaining basic homotoxin – the commander of the enemy troops, as it were – is finished off by the “pistol shot” of the simillimum.

The   physician  working  along  antihomotoxic  lines  has   need  not   only   of combination- and complex-remedies in every medical form (drops, triturations, powders, ampoules, ointments, suppositories, etc.), but also of single remedies in both low and high potencies, in order to achieve the best therapeutic results.

A knowledge of single-remedy methodology can be combined with general biotherapy, not to mention other additional procedures such as Niehan’s therapy, hydrotherapy, Felke mud-baths, ozone therapy, acupuncture, climatic treatments, massage etc. All this affords both a freedom of action conducive to true healing, and a profound degree of professional satisfaction.

Baden-Baden, January 1977

Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg

For thousands of years, those concerned with healing have been seeking the causes of and explanations for diseases. Whereas originally it was thought to be the gods, or spirits which had attacked or possessed the sick person, as early as Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek times it had been found that damage to, or a faulty combination of, bodily “humours” might be responsible. From the 18th Century onwards, the theory of toxic damage has diminished in significance. In the 19th Century Rudolf Virchow developed his theory of cytology, and with it a theory of disease based on the assumption that the body is a “country peopled by cells”, with the individual cells being mutually dependent upon and cooperating with each other. Thus it is in disorders or pathological changes in the individual cells that we must look for the cause of every disease.

As a result of this cellular pathology, scientific medicine had an extraordinarily fruitful period spanning the second half of last century and into the present century. However, areas of weakness occurred, making it necessary to supplement existing theories or seek out other explanatory models for disease in medical science.

Reckeweg’s theory of homotoxicology represents a further development in individual etiological research, with the aim of utilising an integral combination of the various areas which have proved important in the diagnosis of disease.

Thus, according to Reckeweg, illnesses are agent-determined reactive processes in which homotoxins can bring about an inflammation, for example. In the course of the inflammatory process, these toxins are then rendered harmless and eliminated by the body, which is capable of reacting to them.

The theory of homotoxicology proceeds from a completely new, dynamic concept of disease. Illnesses are processes, images of the physical state, and symptoms which show that the body is fighting with toxins, with the intention of rendering them harmless and eliminating them. The logical consequence of this new view of the disease-concept has to be a corresponding alteration in treatment-methods. Even such modern concepts as the change of flow-equilibrium and cybernetic control processes have found their way into Reckeweg’s theory of homotoxicology.

It is Reckeweg’s contention that therapeutic measures should introduce the absolute minimum of noxious side-effects into the body, already damaged as it is. This notwithstanding, they should achieve the optimum in healing or alleviation of complaints. This may mean that, depending on the state of the illness, corrective surgery may be called for or, after careful consideration of the patient’s holistic situation, even chemotherapy or other measures such as radiotherapy may be employed. To inhibit and suppress an illness, for example an inflammation, would thus be to prevent the body from eliminating the homotoxins and poisons in a physiological way. In treating patients with his antihomotoxic therapy, Reckeweg employed single homoeopathic remedies for an extremely wide variety of complaints, or else suitable combination remedies, which he called Homoeopathica Anti- homotoxica. Substances of all kinds are used, according to homoeopathic principles. These substances include preparations from plants, organs and tissues, morbid material (nosodes), trace elements, intermediary agents, potentized allopathic drugs, as well as attenuations of toxins and of chemical compounds of all kinds.

According to Reckeweg, in the body’s defensive fight against homotoxins we can differentiate among six separate antitoxic defence-phases of disease. In the case of the first three, i.e. the excretion phase, the reaction phase and the deposition phase, the body’s defensive energy has dealt with the detoxified toxins by elimination or deposition. These are designated “humoral phases”. There is no damage to either organs or cells.

The first three phases of disease are separated from the next three, the cellular phases, by what is known as the “Biological Division”. These three phases are called the impregnation phase, the degeneration phase and the neoplasm phase. They represent cellular impregnation, degeneration and neoplastic change or proliferation (carcinogenic processes). From the fourth to the sixth phase, the body succumbs increasingly to the deleterious action of the homotoxins. The body endeavours to preserve the best possible level of life for as long as possible, although it can no longer prevent cell-damage, organic disorders and finally unbridled growth of the organism. During the first three phases – the humoral phases – the principle of excretion holds good, the enzymes remain intact, and the body’s tendency to heal itself is maintained. In the last three phases, however, the prognosis is unfavourable. Here the enzymes are damaged and the body’s flow equilibrium is upset. The tendency is towards deterioration, and the prospects of recovery are doubtful.

So how does the body defend itself against the influence of the homotoxins? Reckeweg’s view of the body’s counter-reaction is that of a Greater Defensive System. This system consists of five subsidiary systems which are mutually interlinked and render homotoxins harmless in the course of their defensive fight. These subsidiary systems include, for example: antibody formation; defence through the use of neuronal adaptation hormones; antitoxic defence by way of the nervous system; detoxification via the liver; detoxification via the connective tissue, which represents an extensive storage and drainage system taking up the waste material which comes from the cells and transporting it away via the lymphatic system, or else storing it.

If this system is affected, for example by the chemotherapeutic drugs, sulphonamides, antibiotics, immuno-suppressives, salicylates etc. which are in common medical use nowadays, the intervention in the normal course of biological defence may in part be extremely effective, but it will also be attended by tremendous danger. However, if the Greater Defensive System can be influenced in a harmonic way, then the progress of disease can be reversed bringing about a change of phase in the direction of recovery. Thus, to give an example of what may occur, a duodenal ulcer may regress into a carbuncle and, after this has healed, the pathology in the duodenal area will also have disappeared. This process in a positive direction was termed regressive vicariation by Reckeweg. The continued progression of a disease so that the patient’s condition deteriorates Reckeweg called progressive vicariation.

In homotoxicological treatment, it is therefore of great importance to administer homoeopathic remedies in the appropriate homoeopathic attenuations, since otherwise they would reinforce the body’s toxic state or exert a negative influence upon it.

Building upon the foundation of Samuel Hahnemann’s homoeopathy, Reckeweg has made a compilation of homoeopathic single and combination remedies for the treatment of the various diseases from a homotoxicological point of view. An extremely wide variety of therapeutic agents is employed. Homotoxicological therapy has as its objective the stimulation and regulation of the body’s self-healing powers. As an essential part of holistic medicine, this also includes a biologically correct life-style, the avoidance of iatrogenic damage, which can be caused by the use of excessively strong chemical drugs – among other things – and, finally, a further aim of this mode of treatment is the achievement of self-help and motivation by the patient. However, where extreme cases require them, it does not exclude the employment of other therapeutic measures, of which familiar examples are antibiotics and corrective surgery.

Bad Kissingen, Germany                                                                 Claus-F. Claussen

The single homoeopathic remedies in common use are usually available in the form of attenuations, triturations, powders and ampoules and there is normally no difficulty in procuring them within the geographical area in which a physician working along antihomotoxic, biological lines is prescribing. However, when prescribing unusual single remedies there are sometimes difficulties which must be resolved by the local pharmacist.

In general, the following rules apply:

  • The more violent the symptoms, the more frequent the dose.
  • When improvement sets in, reduce the frequency of the dose.
  • In case of aggravation (this is often a “healing reaction”), temporarily reduce or completely discontinue the dosage for a period of hours or possibly days.
  • It is also possible to give several single remedies in succession. This is necessary in cases in which recognition of the symptom picture of an indicated remedy is insufficiently clear. One then uses two (or possibly even three or four) remedies in succession, (or administers them simultaneously). Thus a particular area of symptoms is eradicated. As Leimbach puts it, “the homotoxins are gradually excavated”, rather in the same way that a buried monument is gradually exposed during an archaeological dig.
  • If one then checks the symptom picture, in many cases it will be found that a clear remedy picture has emerged. This new situation then requires a new simillimum to match the new symptom picture in question.
  • Where a completely different symptom picture emerges, corresponding to a different “toxic state”, then possibly a completely different single remedy is called for, or in the case of a new syndrome, a matching combination or compound remedy. From his position as the practitioner, it often appears to the physician as if “the illness” (i.e. the toxin which is at the root of the defence-reaction) were being chased around the body by the stimulative action of the remedy “like a hobgoblin”, until at last it finds the appropriate exit, the correct elimination-route for the particular toxin from which the whole disease process originated. This may be a suddenly-recurring eczema, a fistula, an abscess, an apparent cold, usually a reaction phase associated with secretions, and with its appearance, all the complaints usually finally disappear. Without a knowledge of homotoxicology, particularly of the shifts which occur from one homotoxic phase to another through the vicariation effect, such functions remain shrouded in biological darkness. Otherwise – and this may be attended by devastating consequences for the patient – they may be interpreted incorrectly, in which case medicated creams, for example, may be applied, these days it is usually cortisone, thus inactivating them by blocking the connective tissue, and so the detoxification is halted.

In the early years of my practice in Berlin, a 60-year-old businessman came to me for treatment. He had spent a fortune on medical treatment for his chronic rheumatism with stiffness and swelling at the bones, and in spite of all the hydrotherapy treatments he had undergone at spas he was sinking deeper and deeper

into a state of chronic disease. His big toes were swollen and deformed and his cervical vertebrae were almost immobilised due to exostoses. Following the prescription of Mercurius praec. rub 4X to 6X, Hekla Lava 8X, Kali Iod. 4X, Asafoetida 8X and other remedies, a severely itching eczema erupted on his back. This was treated with Sulphur 30X, Lycopodium 30X, Hepar Sulph., Arsenicum and other remedies. In the space of a few months, this patient, severely immobilised, in great pain and in declining health, was fully cured. The result was that I was almost inundated with patients flooding into my consulting room on the recommendation of this man who had been “sick unto death”. So we may draw this chapter to a close with the words of the great homoeopathic physician Dr. Gisevius: “Excellent therapeutic results provide the best advocacy for homoeopathy.”

Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg

Anyone who has come to grips with the subject of homoeopathy knows that its basic law: “Similia similibus curantur” (like is cured by like) was born of Hahnemann’s own experience. A large number of experiments has proved that it is possible to influence symptoms and diseases with homoeopathic potencies of a medicinal substance in a holistic way, i.e. on the physical functional, emotional and mental levels of manifestation.

Homoeopathy represents action through stimulation. Through the smallest of impulses, the body is stimulated to react (the Law of the Minimum Dose). Many of today’s diseases are distinguished by a plethora of aspects and symptoms, as, for example, the multi-morbidity which accompanies modern civilisation.

How then does the physician find the effective, stimulative homoeopathic remedy, the simillimum, as it is called?

For this, the physician needs decades of experience. In this difficult search for a particular simillimum, a great advantage can be gained by the use of complex remedies, i.e. medicaments consisting of several homoeopathic components. These mixtures cover a broad spectrum of possible precipitating causes and functional disorders and also take into account both constitutional factors and environmental influences.

It is to the German physician, Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, that classical homoeopathy owes the acquisition of a well-founded scientific background. Presented below is an outline of the theory of homotoxicology which he developed, and its consequences for the therapeutic practice.

The word “homotoxin” means “poison to humans”. Thus homotoxins are substances which are poisonous to mankind, including metabolic products which are not broken down and eliminated quickly enough. Homotoxicology proceeds from the fundamental fact that all vital processes depend upon the conversion of chemically identifiable agents. In the case of a disease, these chemical substances are the pathogenic toxins. Such toxins, which are active within the diseased tissue, may be detected in the secretions such as sweat and pus. Within the body they are responsible for those processes to which we give the name of “illness”.


Abies Nigra – Black Spruce

Abrotanum – Southernwood

Absinthium – Common Wormwood

Aceticum Acidum – Acetic Acid

Acetylcholine Chloride

Acetylosalicylicum Acidum – Acetylsalicylic Acid

Aconitum – Monk’s Hood, Wolfsbane

Actaea Spicata – Baneberry

ACTH – Adrenocorticotrophin / Corticotrophin

Adenoma Mammae – Tumour of the Mammary Gland

Adenoma Prostatae – Tumour of the Prostate Gland

Adeps Suillus – Lard

Adonis Vernalis – Pheasant’s Eye

Adrenalinum – Epinephrine

Aesculus Hippocastanum – Horse Chestnut

Aethiops Antimonialis – Hydrargyrum Stibiato-Sulphuratum

Aethusa – Fool’s Parsley

Agaricinum – Agaricic Acid

Agaricus – Fly Agaric

Agnus Castus – Chaste Tree

Ailanthus Glandulosa – Tree of Heaven

a-Ketoglutaricum Acidum – a-Ketoglutaric Acid

Aletris Farinosa – Star Grass

a-Lipoicum Acidum – Thioctic Acid

Allium Sativum – Garlic

Aloe – Common Aloes

Alumina – Aluminium Oxide

Ambra Grisea – Ambergris

Ammonium Bituminosulphonate

Ammonium Bromatum – Ammonium Bromide

Ammonium Carbonicum – Ammonium Carbonate

Ammonium Muriaticum – Ammonium Chloride

Ammonium Nitricum – Ammonium Nitrate

Anacardium Orientale – Marking Nut

Anisum Stellatum – Star Anise

Anthrachinon – Anthraquinone


Antimonium Arsenicosum – Arsenate of Antimony

Antimonium Crudum – Antimony Trisulphide

Antimonium Sulphuratum Aurantiacum – Golden Sulphide of An- timony

Aorta Suis

Apis Mellifica – Honey-Bee

Apisinum – Honey-Bee Venom

Apocynum – Indian Hemp

Apomorphinum Hydrochloricum – Apomorphine Hydrochloride

Appendicitis Nosode

Aquilegia – Columbine

Aralia Racemosa – American Spikenard

Aranea Diadema – Diadem Spider

Arctium Lappa – Burdock

Argentum Metallicum – Silver

Argentum Nitricum – Silver Nitrate

Aristolochia Clematitis – Birthwort

Arnica – Leopard’s Bane

Arsenicum Album – Arsenous Acid Anhydride

Arsenicum Iodatum – Arsenictriiodide

Artemisia Vulgaris – Mugwort

Arteria Suis – Artery

Arum Maculatum – Cuckoo-pint

Arum Triphyllum – Indian Turnip

Asa foetida – Devil’s Dung

Ascarides Nosode – Maw-Worm

Asclepias Tuberosa – Pleurisy Root

Asparagicum Acidum – Aspartic Acid

Asterias Rubens – Starfish

Asthma Nosode

ATP – Adenosine Triphosphate

Atropinum Sulphuricum – Atropine Sulphate

Aurum Iodatum – Gold Iodide

Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum – Sodium Gold Chloride

Aurum/Aurum Colloidale – Gold/Colloid Gold

Avena Sativa – Oats


Bacillinum – Bacillinum Pulmo

Bacterium Coli – Coli-Bacillinum Nosode

Bacterium Lactis Aerogenes

Bacterium Proteus

Bacterium Pyocyaneus

Baptisia – Wild Indigo

Baryta Carbonica – Barium Carbonate

Baryta Iodata – Barium Iodide

Baryta Oxalsuccinica – Barium Oxalsuccinate

Basilicum – Basil

Belladonna – Deadly Nightshade

Bellis Perennis – Daisy

Benzoicum Acidum e resina – Resin Benzoin

Berberis – Barberry

Berberis Aquifolium – Oregon Grape

Beta Vulgaris Rubra – Beetroot

Betonica – Betony

Betula Alba – Birch

Bismutum Kali Iodatum – Bismuth Potassium Iodide

Bismutum Subnitricum – Basic Bismuth Nitrate

Blatta Orientalis – Indian Cockroach

Borax – Sodium Borate

Bothrops Lanceolatus – Fer-de-Lance

Bovista – Warted Puff-ball

Bronchus Suis – Bronchial Tube

Brucella Abortus Bang

Bryonia – White Bryony

Bucco – Buchu Leaves

Bufo – Toad

Bursa Pastoris – Shepherd’s Purse (Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris)


Cactus Grandiflorus – Night-blooming Cereus

Cadmium Sulphuricum – Cadmium Sulphate

Caecum Suis – Blind Gut

Caladium Seguinum – Dumb Cane

Calcium Bromatum – Calcium Bromide

Calcium Carbonicum Hahnemanni – Hahnemann’s Calcium Car- bonate

Calcium Fluoratum – Calcium Fluoride

Calcium Iodatum – Calcium Iodide

Calcium Phosphoricum – Calcium Phosphate

Calcium Sulphuricum – Calcium Sulphate

Calculi Bili – Gall Stones

Calculi Renales – Kidney Stones

Calendula – Marigold

Caltha Palustris – Marsh Marigold

cAMP – cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate

Camphora – Camphor

Cantharis – Spanish Fly

Capsicum – Cayenne Pepper

Carbo Vegetabilis – Activated Charcoal

Carbolicum Acidum – Carbolic Acid (Phenol)

Carcinoma Bronchium – Nosode of Bronchial Cancer

Carcinoma Coli – Nosode of Intestinal Cancer

Carcinoma Hepatis

Carcinoma Laryngis – Nosode of Cancer of the Larynx

Carcinoma Mammae – Nosode of Breast-Cancer

Carcinoma Uteri – Nosode of Cancer of the Womb

Cardia Ventriculi Suis – Cardiac Sphincter of Stomach

Carduus Marianus – St. Mary’s Thistle (Silybum)

Cartilago Suis – Cartilage

Castoreum – Beaver-secretion

Caulophyllum Thalictroides – Blue Cohosh/Squaw-Root

Causticum – Potassium Hydrate

Ceanothus Americanus – New Jersey Tea/Red-Root

Cedron – Cedar

Cepa – Onion

Cerebellum Suis

Cerebrum Frontalis Suis – Frontal Brain

Cerebrum Occipitalis Suis – Posterior Brain

Cerebrum Suis – Brain

Cerebrum Totalis Suis – Whole Brain

Cerium Oxalicum – Cerous Oxalate

Chamomilla – German Chamomile

Chelidonium – Greater Celandine

Chenopodium Anthelminticum – Worm-Seed

Chimaphila Umbellata – Pipsissewa/Ground Holly

China – Peruvian Bark

Chinhydron – Quinhydrone

Chininum Arsenicosum – Quinine Arsenite

Chininum Sulphuricum – Quinine Sulphate

Chionanthus Virginica – Fringe Tree


Chlorum – Chlorine

Cholesterinum – Cholesterol

Cicuta Virosa – Water Hemlock

Cimicifuga – Black Cohosh

Cina – Worm-Seed

Cinnabaris – Cinnabar

Cinnamomum – Cinnamon

Cirrhosis Hepatis Nosode – Nosode of Cirrhosis of the Liver

cis-Aconiticum Acidum – Aconitic Acid

Cistus Canadensis – Rock-Rose

Citricum Acidum – Citric Acid

Clematis – Virgin’s Bower

Cobaltum Gluconicum – Cobalt Gluconate

Cocculus – Indian Cockle/Fish Berry

Coccus Cacti – Cochineal

Cochlearia Officinalis – Horse-Radish/Scurvy-Grass

Coenzyme A – CoA

Coffea – Coffee

Colchicum – Meadow Saffron

Colibacillinum – Bacterium Coli Nosode

Collinsonia Canadensis – Stone-Root

Colocynthis – Bitter Cucumber

Colon Suis – Large Intestine

Condurango – Condor Vine

Conium – Hemlock

Convallaria Majalis – Lily of the Valley

Cor Suis – Heart

Cornea Suis

Corpus Luteum Suis

Corpus Pineale Suis – Pineal Gland

Corpus Vitreum Suis – Vitreous Humour of the Eye

Cortex Glandulae Suprarenalis Suis – Adrenal Cortex

Cortisone – Cortisonum Aceticum

Coxsackie Virus Nosode

Crabro Vespa – Hornet

Crataegus – Hawthorn

Crinis Humanus – Human Hair

Crocus – Saffron

Crotalus Horridus – Rattlesnake

Cubeba – Cubeb

Cucurbita Pepo – Pumpkin

Cuprum – Copper

Cuprum Aceticum – Copper Acetate

Cuprum Sulphuricum – Copper Sulphate

Curare – Arrow Poison

Cutis Suis – Skin

Cyclamen – Sow-Bread

Cynara Scolymus – Artichoke

Cypripedium Pubescens – Lady’s Slipper

Cysteinum – Cysteine

Cysto-Pyelonephritis Nosode


Damiana – Turnera

Dens Suis – Tooth

Diencephalon Suis

Digitalis – Foxglove

Dioscorea Villosa – Wild Yam

Diphtherinum – Nosode of Diphtheria

Discus Intervertebralis Suis – Disc

Diverticulosis Nosode

DL-Malicum Acidum – Malic Acid

Dolichos Pruriens – Cow-Itch


Drosera – Sundew

Ductus Auricularis Externus Suis – External Auditory Canal

Ductus Deferens Suis

Dulcamara – Bittersweet

Duodenitis Nosode

Duodenum Suis


Echinacea Angustifolia – Coneflower

Echinacea Purpurea – Black Sampson

Echinococcinum Nosode – Nosode of Echinococcus

Embryo Suis

Ephedra Vulgaris – Teamaster’s Tea

Epididymis Suis

Equisetum Arvense – Common Horsetail

Equisetum Hiemale – Scouring Rush

Erigeron Canadensis – Canada Flea-Bane


Eucalyptus – Blue Gum/Fever-Tree

Eupatorium Cannabinum – Dutch Agrimony

Eupatorium Perfoliatum – Boneset

Euphorbia Cyparissias – Cypress Spurge

Euphorbium – Gum Euphorbium

Euphrasia – Eyebright


Fagopyrum – Buckwheat

Fel Suis – Pig’s Gall

Ferrum Iodatum – Iron Iodide

Ferrum Metallicum – Iron

Ferrum Muriaticum – Ferrun Sesquichloratum Solutum

Ferrum Phosphoricum – Iron Phosphate

Ferrum Sulphuricum – Iron Sulphate

Ferrum-II-Fumaricum – Ferric Fumarate

Fibroma Pendulum – Nosode of Skin-Fibroma

Fluor Albus Nosode – Nosode of Leucorrhoea

Fluoricum Acidum – Fluoric Acid

Formica Rufa – Red Ant

Formicicum Acidum – Formic Acid

Fucus Vesiculosus – Sea Wrack

Fumaria Officinalis – Fumitory

Fumaricum Acidum – Fumaric Acid

Funiculus Umbilicalis Suis – Umbilical Cord


Galium Aparine – Cleavers/Goose-Grass


Gastritis Nosode

Gelsemium – Yellow Jasmine

Gentiana Lutea – Yellow Gentian

Geranium Robertianum – Herb Robert

Gingiva Suis – Gum

Ginseng – Aralia Quinquefolia

Glandula Lymphatica Suis – Lymph Node

Glandula Parathyreoidea Suis – Parathyroid Gland

Glandula Pinealis Suis – Pineal Gland

Glandula Submandibularis Suis – Submandibular Salivary Gland

Glandula Suprarenalis Suis – Adrenal Gland

Glandula Thymi Suis – Thymus Gland

Glandula Thyreoidea Suis – Thyroid Gland

Glioma – Brain Tumour

Glonoinum – Nitroglycerin

Glutaminicum Acidum – Glutaminic Acid

Glyoxal – Oxaloaldehyde

Gnaphalium Polycephalum – Common Everlasting

Gonococcinum – Nosode of Gonorrhoea

Granuloma Dentis – Granuloma of the Tooth

Graphites – Black Lead

Grindelia Robusta – Gum-Plant

Guaiacum – Gum Guaiac


Hamamelis – Witch Hazel

Hedera Helix – Ivy

Hekla Lava – Hecla Lava

Helleborus – Christmas Rose

Helonias Dioica – Blazing Star

Hepar Suis – Pig Liver

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum – Hahnemann’s Calcium Sulphide/ Liver of Sulphur

Hepatica Triloba – Liver-Wort

Herpes Simplex Nosode

Herpes Zoster Nosode – Shingles Nosode


Hydrastis Canadensis – Golden Seal

Hydrochinon – Hydroquinone

Hydrocotyle Asiatica – Indian Pennywort

Hydrocyanicum Acidum – Hydrogen Cyanide

Hyoscyamus – Henbane

Hypericum – St. John’s Wort

Hypophysis Suis – Pituitary Gland

Hypothalamus Suis


Iberis Amara – Bitter Candytuft

Ichthyolum – Ammonium Bituminosulphonate

Ignatia – St. Ignatius’ Bean

Indol – Indole

Influenzinum – Nosode of Influenza-Vaccine



Iodum – Iodine

Ipecacuanha – Ipecac

Iris Versicolor – Blue Flag


Jaborandi – Pilocarpus

Jejunum Suis

Juglans – Walnut

Juniperus Communis – Juniper


Kali Arsenicosum – Potassium Arsenite

Kali Asparaginicum – Potassium Asparate

Kali Bichromicum – Potassium Bichromate

Kali Bromatum – Potassium Bromide

Kali Carbonicum – Potassium Carbonate

Kali Chloratum

Kali Iodatum – Potassium Iodide

Kali Muriaticum – Potassium Chloride

Kali Nitricum – Potassium Nitrate

Kali Phosphoricum – Potassium Phosphate

Kali Picricum – Potassium Picrate

Kali Sulphuratum – Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum

Kali Sulphuricum – Potassium Sulphate

Kalmia – Mountain Laurel

Klebsiella Pneumoniae – Friedländer’s Bacillus Nosode

Kreosotum – Creosote


L(+)-lacticum Acidum – Sarcolactic Acid

Lac Caninum – Dog’s Milk

Lachesis – Bushmaster-Snake venom

Lacticum Acidum – Lactic Acid

Lamium Album – Dead Nettle

Lapathum Acutum – Bitter Dock

Lapis Albus – Gastein Gneiss

Larynx Suis

Lathyrus Sativus – Grass Pea

Latrodectus Mactans – Black Widow Spider

Ledum – Marsh Tea

Lemna Minor – Duckweed

Lens Suis

Leptandra – Culver’s Root

Lilium Tigrinum – Tiger Lily

Lingua Suis – Tongue

Listeriosis Nosode

Lithium Benzoicum – Lithium Benzoate

Lithium Carbonicum – Lithium Carbonate

Lithium Muriaticum – Lithium Chloride

Lobelia Inflata – Indian Tobacco

Luffa Operculata – Sponge Gourd/Purging Luffa

Lupulus – Hops

Lycopersicum – Tomato

Lycopodium – Club Moss

Lycopus Virginicus – Bugle-Weed


Magnesium Asparaginicum – Magnesium Aspartate

Magnesium Carbonicum – Basic Magnesium Carbonate

Magnesium Oroticum – Magnesium Orotate

Magnesium Phosphoricum – Magnesium Phosphate

Magnesium-Manganum Phosphoricum – Magnesium Manganese Phosphate

Majorana – Majoram

Mamma Suis – Mammary Gland

Mandragora – Mandrake

Manganum Aceticum – Manganese Acetate

Manganum Gluconicum – Manganese Gluconate

Manganum Phosphoricum – Manganese Phosphate

Mastoiditis Nosode

Mastopathia Cystica Nosode – Nosode of Cyst of Mammary Gland

Medorrhinum (Gonococcinum) – Nosode of Gonorrhoea

Medulla Oblongata Suis (Lowest part of Brain Stem)

Medulla Ossis Suis – Bone Marrow

Medulla Spinalis Suis – Spinal Cord

Melilotus Officinalis – Sweet Clover

Melissa – Lemon Balm

Meningeoma – Nosode of Meningeal Tumour

Menyanthes – Buck Bean

Mercurialis Perennis – Dog’s Mercury

Mercurius Auratus – Gold Amalgam

Mercurius Biiodatus – Mercuric(II)Iodide (Mercurius Iodatus Ruber)

Mercurius Cyanatus – Mercuric Cyanide

Mercurius Iodatus Flavus – Mercurous Iodide (Mercurius Protoio- datus)

Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber – Red Oxide of Mercury

Mercurius Salicylicus – Mercurous Salicylate

Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni – Hahnemann’s Soluble Mercury

Mercurius Sublimatus Corrosivus – Corrosive Sublimate

Methylenum Caeruleum – Methylene Blue


Mezereum – Spurge Olive

Millefolium – Yarrow

Momordica Balsamina – Balsam Apple

Moschus – Musk

Mucosa Nasalis Suis – Nasal Mucous Membrane

Muira Puama

Muriaticum Acidum – Hydrochloric Acid

Musculi Oculi Suis – Eye-Muscles

Musculus Suis – Muscle

Myoma Uteri – Uterine Fibroids

Myosotis Arvensis – Forget-me-not

Myristica Sebifera – Ucuuba

Myrtillus – Blueberry/Bilberry


Nadidum – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide

Nail Mycosis Nosode

Nail Trichophytia Nosode

Naja Tripudians – Cobra



Nasturtium Aquaticum – Water Cress

Natrum Bromatum – Sodium Bromide

Natrum Carbonicum – Sodium Carbonate

Natrum Molybdaenicum – Sodium Molybdate

Natrum Muriaticum – Sodium Chloride

Natrum Nitricum – Sodium Nitrate

Natrum Nitrosum – Sodium Nitrite

Natrum Oxalaceticum – Sodium Oxaloacetate

Natrum Phosphoricum – Sodium Phosphate

Natrum Pyruvicum – Sodium Pyruvate

Natrum Sulphuricum – Sodium Sulphate (Glauber’s Salt)

Nervus Olfactorius Suis – Olfactory Nerve

Nervus Opticus Suis – Optic nerve

Neurofibroma Nosode

Niccolum Aceticum – Nickel Acetate

Niccolum Metallicum – Nickel

Nicotinamidum – Niacinamide

Nitricum Acidum – Nitric Acid (Aqua Fortis)

Nux Moschata – Nutmeg

Nux Vomica – Poison Nut


Oculus Totalis Suis – Eye

Oenanthe Crocata – Hemlock Drop-Wort

Oesophagus Suis – Gullet

Oleander – Rose Laurel

Ononis Spinosa – Rest-Harrow

Onyx Suis – Ungular Substance

Oophorinum Suis – Ovary

Origanum Vulgare – Oregano

Oroticum Acidum – Orotic Acid

Orthosiphon Stamineus

Os Petrosum Suis – Petrous Part of Temporal Bone

Os Suis – Bone

Osteitis of Jaw Nosode

Osteomyelitis Nosode

Otitis Media Nosode

Ovarian Cyst Nosode

Oxalicum Acidum – Oxalic Acid

Oxalis Acetosella – Wood Sorrel

Oxyuris Nosode – Threadworm Nosode


Paeonia Officinalis – Peony


Pancreas Suis

Papaver – Red Poppy


para-Benzochinonum – p-Benzoquinone


Paratyphoidinum B

Pareira Brava – Velvet Leaf/Virgin Vine

Paris Quadrifolia – One-Berry

Parodontosis Nosode – Nosode of Periodontitis

Parotidinum – Nosode of Mumps

Parotis Suis – Parotid Gland

Passiflora Incarnata – Passion Flower


Pertussin – Nosode of Whooping Cough

Petroleum – Rock Oil

Petroselinum – Parsley


Phosphoricum Acidum – Phosphoric Acid


Phytolacca – Poke Root

Picrinicum Acidum – Picric Acid

Pinus Silvestris – Scots Pine

Pix Liquida – Pine Tar

Placenta Foetalis Suis – Foetal Placenta

Placenta Suis

Plantago Major – Plantain

Platina – Platinum

Plumbum Aceticum – Lead Acetate

Plumbum Iodatum – Lead Iodide

Plumbum Metallicum – Lead

Podophyllum – May Apple

Poliomyelitis Nosode

Pollis Graminis – Grass Pollens

Polypus Laryngis – Laryngeal Polypi

Polypus Nasalis – Nasal Polypi

Pons Suis – Pons Varoli of Brain

Populus Tremuloides – American Aspen

Primula Veris – Cowslip

Procaine Hydrochloride

Prostata Suis – Prostate Gland


Psorinum Nosode – Nosode of Scabies

Pulmo Suis – Lung

Pulpa Dentis Suis – Dental Pulp

Pulsatilla – Wind Flower/Meadow Anemone

Pyelon Suis – Renal Pelvis

Pyoderma Nosode – Nosode of Septic Skin-Lesion


Quassia Amara – Bitterwood



Ranunculus Bulbosus – Buttercup

Rauwolfia Serpentina – Snake-Root

Rectum Suis

Ren Suis – Kidney

Retina Suis

Rheum – Rhubarb

Rhododendron – Yellow Snow-Rose

Rhus Toxicodendron – Poison Oak

Robinia Pseudacacia – False Acacia

Rubella Nosode – Nosode of German Measles

Rubidium Muriaticum – Rubidium Chloride

Ruta – Rue


Sabal Serrulata – Saw Palmetto

Sabina – Savin

Salmonella Paratyphi B – Nosode of Paratyphoid B Bacteria/ Paratyphoidinum

Salmonella Typhi – Nosode of Typhus Bacteria/Thyphoidinum

Salpinx Uteri Suis – Fallopian Tube

Salvia Officinalis – Sage

Sanguinaria – Blood-Root

Sanguinarinum Nitricum

Sanguis Suis – Blood

Saponaria – Soap Root

Sarsaparilla – Smilax

Saxifraga – Saxifrage

Scilla – Sea-Onion / Squill

Scrophularia Nodosa – Knotted Figwort

Secale Cornutum – Ergot of Rye

Sedum Acre – Small Stone-Crop/Wall Pepper


Sempervivum Tectorum – House Leek

Senecio Fuchsii – Fuchs’ Golden Ragwort

Sepia – Cuttle-fish


Serpyllum – Wild Thyme

Silicea – Silicic Acid

Sinusitis Nosode – Sinusitinum/Sinusitisinum

Skatol – Skatole

Solanum Nigrum – Black Nightshade

Solidago Virgaurea – Golden Rod

Spartium Scoparium – Broom

Spigelia – Pink Root

Spiraea Ulmaria – Hardhack

Splen Suis – Spleen

Spongia Tosta – Roasted Sea Sponge

Stannum – Tin

Staphisagria – Stavesacre

Staphylococcus – Staphylococcal Nosode/Staphylococcinum

Stellaria Media – Chickweed

Sticta Pulmonaria – Lung-Wort

Stillingia Silvatica – Queen’s Delight

Stramonium – Thorn Apple

Streptococcus Haemolyticus – Streptococcinum-Nosode

Streptococcus Viridans


Strontium Carbonicum – Strontium Carbonate

Strophanthinum – g-Strophantin/Ouabainum

Strophanthus – Strophanthus Seeds

Struma (Cystica/Nodosa/Parenchymatosa) – Goitre

Strychninum Nitricum – Strychnine Nitrate

Strychninum Phosphoricum – Strychnine Phosphate

Succinicum Acidum – Succinic Acid/Amber Acid

Sulfonamide – Sulphanilamidum


Sulphur Iodatum – Iodide of Sulphur

Sulphuricum Acidum – Sulphuric Acid

Sutoxol – Nosode of Pork

Sympathicus Suis

Symphytum – Comfrey

Syzygium Jambolanum – Jambul


Tabacum – Tobacco

Tanacetum Vulgare – Tansy

Tarantula Hispanica – Spanish Spider

Taraxacum – Dandelion

Tartarus Stibiatus – Tartar Emetic (Antimonium tartaricum)

Terebinthina laricina – Resina laricis/Larch Turpentine

Testis Suis – Testicle

Tetanus Antitoxin


Teucrium Scorodonia – Wood Germander

Thalamus Opticus Suis

Thallium Aceticum – Thallium Acetate

Thallium Sulphuricum – Thallium Sulphate

Thioctic Acid

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris

Thuja – Tree of Life

Thymus – Thymus Gland

Thymus Serpyllum

Thyreoidinum – Thyroid Gland


Tonsilla Pharyngica Suis – Adenoid

Tonsilla Suis – Tonsil

Tonsillar Pus Nosode

Tonsillitis Nosode

Tormentilla – Tormentil

Trichomonas Discharge


Tuba Eustachii Suis – Eustachian Tube

Tuberculinum – Tuberculin

Typhoidinum – Nosode of Typhus



Ulcus Ventriculi Nosode – Nosode of Gastric Ulcer

Ureter Suis

Urethra Suis

Uricum Acidum – Uric Acid

Urtica Urens – Stinging Nettle

Uterus Suis – Womb

Uva Ursi – Bearberry


Vaccininum – Smallpox Vaccine

Valeriana – Valerian

Variolinum – Nosode of Smallpox

Vas Deferens Suis

Vena Suis – Vein

Ventriculus Suis – Stomach

Veratrum Album – White Hellebore

Verbascum – Mullein

Veronica – Fluellein/Paul’s Betony

Vesica Fellea Suis – Gall Bladder

Vesica Urinaria Suis – Urinary Bladder

Viburnum Opulus – High Cranberry/Cramp Bark

Vinca Minor – Lesser Periwinkle

Vincetoxicum – Swallow-Wort

Viola Tricolor – Pansy

Vipera Berus – Common Viper/Adder

Viscum Album – Mistletoe

Vitamin A

Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C



Yohimbine – Yohimbine hydrochloride


Zincum Cyanatum – Zinc Cyanide

Zincum Gluconicum – Zinc Gluconate

Zincum Metallicum – Zinc

Zincum Sulphuricum – Zinc Sulphate