Chininum Arsenicosum – Quinine Arsenite

Chininum Arsenicosum – Quinine Arsenite

The attenuations are prepared from Arsenic trioxide As2O3, MW: 179.8 and anhy- drous Quinine C20H24N2O2, MW: 324.4.

The main indications are:

Sepsis. Chronic fever. Neuralgias. Lack of appetite. Unsteadiness, as in Arsenicum Album. Asthma.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Chininum arsenicosum, pub- lished the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for chininum arsenicosum: general weakness and debilitation; anaemia; neuralgia.