Streptococcus Haemolyticus – Streptococcinum-Nosode

Streptococcus Haemolyticus – Streptococcinum-Nosode

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from a sterilized culture of pyogenic streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes) corresponding to 107 CFU/g.

The main indications are:

According to Julian it is indicated in throat infections, epigastric pain, dry, scaly eczemas, endocarditis, myocarditis, migraines, chronic oedema of the lower limbs,

alopecia, chronic polyarthritis, hallucinatory psychoses and acute articular rheuma- tism.

Symptomatically there is intolerance of noise, light and draughts, causeless weep- ing, fear of cancer, servility, vibrating sensation in the spinal column when lying stretched out and when stamping the feet. Nightmares. Disturbances of vision, rush- ing sounds in the ears. Sensation of having salty lips.

The Streptococcus Nosode should always be used with this nosode, particularly if streptococcal involvement in the pathogenesis is suspected.

Particularly effective in combination with Staphylococcus.

The drug picture of Streptococcus haemolyticus was composed in December 1995 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Tingling, tickling, or itching of scalp, eyelid, ear canal, lips, and throat. Many dreams especially sexual dreams. Lightheaded. Forehead pains. Pressing pains. Leu- corrhea.


Anxiety about health, or anticipatory anxiety is better after eating. Difficult con- centration.

DREAMS: strange, fearful dream of being shot, of being beheaded, of winning lot- tery, disturbing dream of old friends. Procrastinating. Homesickness. Impatient and hurried. Sexual dreams. Rage with ranting and raving and striking objects. Confu- sion in thinking. Changeable moods. Suspicious that others are talking about him. Time passes to slowly.


Flushes of heat spread over body when moving around that cause relaxation. De- sires warm food, warm breads, soup, and peanut butter. Increase of energy. Racing heart rate on waking. Left sided symptoms in ear, heel, shoulder, elbow, and nasal discharge.


Lightheaded when walking outdoors. Slight dizziness on rising.


Feeling of lightness. Heaviness. Pain with sensation of a bowl on top of head. Itching scalp. Feeling of fullness. Pains in forehead or temples, especially left tem- ple. Dull pain in the temples or over the right eye. Pain as from a blow. Pressing pains over eyes, in occiput, and over whole head. Aching pressure behind the eyes and above eyebrows. Throbbing temples or from eyebrows to occiput.


Itching on the eyelid in spots. Heaviness of lids. Yellow thick discharge that is moist in inner canthi. Eyes feel strained with the headache.


Sensation of swelling or itching in canal of left ear. Stopped sensation.


Dryness of mucus membranes. Pressure behind nose. Morning coryza discharge or sneezing is decreased. Right sided epistaxis of bright red blood. Discharge im- proves that is left sided or in the morning. Sinus pain that is tingling.


Flush of heat after eating and when rising. Teeth clenching that causes jaw sore- ness. Tingling of lips.


Dry sensation. Coated, sticky tongue. Aphthae under tongue. Sore palate pain.


Bad taste of water.


Coated sensation on teeth. Upper rear teeth dull pain worse inspiration of cold air.


Mucus in throat. Itching sensation worse on swallowing. Painful, swelling of cer- vical glands worse on swallowing.


Decreased appetite. Cramping before menses. Butterfly sensation in stomach. Heartburn before eating. Burning pain extends to the chest.


Pain. Sharp pain in right lower quadrant. Churning and gurgling noises. Cramping in umbilicus.


Constipation that is painful or improves. Bleeding hemorrhoids. Painful defeca- tion. Diarrhea, especially in the morning is improved.


Straining and forced large stool. Ball like stool. Blood streaks on stool.


Burning pain during urination.


Strong and offensive odor.

Genitalia, Female

LEUCORRHEA. Brown or creamy or dark or bloody leucorrhea. Sudden onset of a yeast infection with external itching. Swelling of breasts or ovaries. Vaginal itching. Menses is early.

Larynx & Trachea

Tickle in throat or improvement of that symptom.


Shortness of breath while eating.


Large and painful eruptions of pimples. Contraction of neck muscles causes headache. Sharp pain in the dorsal region on motion. Soreness in the lumbar region of back when leaning backwards. Itching of the neck.


Eruptions of pimples on thighs, or that are itchy on the forearms and arms. Scratching aggravates the itching. Coldness of toes. Tripping over things. Weakness of the forearms and hands. Sharp pain in left heel worse walking or in a small spot on rotating the shoulder. Aching in right hand. Soreness of the left elbow, or sore pain below the patella worse with exercise improves. Left elbow pain stiff and sore- ness worse motion and with clicking noise. Worse motion.


Waking startled from nightmare. Falling asleep is difficult.


Body itching everywhere except hands and soles. Wandering itching ameliorated by scratching.