Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C

Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C

The  attenuations  are  prepared  from  Thiamine   chloride   hydrochloride (Vitamin B1 ) C12H18Cl2N4OS, MW: 337.3, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2 ) C17H20N4O6, MW: 376.4, Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6 ) C8H12ClNO3, MW: 205.6, Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12 ) C63H88CoN14O14P, MW: 1355 and Ascorbic acid (Vit- amin C) C6H8O6, MW: 176.1.

On the basis of research into homotoxins it has been proved that homoeopathic remedies are stimulators of enzyme-activity. Disease is a fight against poisons or the expression of damage by poisons, and this is expressed in the six phases of toxicosis. What follows is a tabulation of homotoxicoses with the six homotoxic phases:

  1. Excretion phases, (eliminative), which correspond to all the physiological excre- tions via the ectodermal tissues.
  2. Reaction phases (or reply-periods), which correspond to all inflammations in the ectodermal tissues, and must be regarded as the reply of the body’s defence-sys- tems (Greater Defensive System) to the infiltration of a poison. Inflammations or reaction phases serve to separate off and eliminate poisons in the form of pus, mucus, etc., by means of the defensive reactions taking place in the connective tissues.
  3. Deposition phases are when homotoxins of which the body would have rid itself in the first three homotoxic phases now form deposits, coupled with non-toxic homotoxones.

Now follow the three Cellular phases, which are characterised by toxic damage to cellular structures. These are:

  • Impregnation phases, characterised by the penetration of poisons into the cells themselves;
  • Degeneration phases, in which cell-enzymes or even genetic factors suffer more or less irreversible damage;
  • Neoplasm phases (cancerous) which come about as a result of the action of car- cinogens.

Now homoeopathic remedies act within the context of the Reverse effect (Arndt- Schulz Law) and Hahnemann’s Law of Similars as specific stimulants of antitoxins. Through the homoeopathic remedy the body is given a substance which is similar to the original disease-poison and is itself capable of evoking similar disease-symp- toms. Thus it is necessary to dilute these stimulatively-acting irritants, so as to pre- vent any further strengthening of the general toxic state. As a result of the dilution and potentisation by succession or trituration, a considerable increase in the surface area takes place, by means of which the action of the related antidote can be more clearly expressed, having been “wrought” to a certain extent. In a similar way, not a great deal can be done with a block of iron, but if it is rolled out and the surface-area increased, the most incredible objects and structures can be made with it (machines, bicycles, etc.).

The case is similar with homoeopathic remedies, which occupy certain key roles in enzyme-conversion. In many cases the mechanism operates through immunolog- ical channels, especially when sarcodes and nosodes are used, and possibly also through the induction of enzymes by the administering of highly attenuated end- products, which may possibly act as co-repressors, especially in organs with cellular damage.

In many cases regeneratively acting enzyme-functions cannot take effect because of the absence of the corresponding coenzymes and trace elements, and particularly of vitamins, since in large measure these take over the functions of coenzymes.

The giving of vitamin-combination preparations is especially effective, in which there are also other enzyme stimulants such as intermediary catalysts (Citric Acid cycle, quinones etc.) and trace elements (Manganese, Magnesium, Cerium etc.) but possibly also disease-secretions (nosodes) in higher potency. These probably act as co-repressors, so that a massive regeneratory effect results from the total action of the medicament, which could never be achieved with isolated single remedies. By this development new paths have been opened up for homoeopathy in the treatment of cellular phases which would otherwise have appeared hopeless, particularly in the case of degeneration and neoplasm phases.

Dilutions of the vitamins result, which lie between the 3rd and approximately the 6th to 8th decimal potency. This fact has swept away the former seemingly irretriev- able prejudice in the field of vitamin research, that little cannot achieve much. When administering homoeopathically-active substances for antidotal purposes, it is not a question of how much is given, but of giving the correct antihomotoxic agent, so that the specific antidotal factor comes into play. In cellular phases (to the right of the Bi- ological Division), in other words in most chronic diseases which are recognised as such, a single remedy is usually not sufficient, although from time to time one may

be indicated and may prove very useful. A toxic state which has become gradually and increasingly more serious on account of much preceding abuse must be coun- tered with a combined antidotal prescription, and this has been borne out superbly by experience with composite remedies, antihomotoxic and biotherapeutic prepara- tions, some of which also contain vitamins.

The drug picture of Thiamini hydrochloricum (Vitamin B1) was composed in No- vember 1995 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Anxiety mentally and physically, and especially felt in the chest when breathing and stomach. Itching or tickling experienced in the eyes, ears, and throat and larynx. Sleep cycle is effected with restlessness, difficulty falling asleep, or waking

Improvement of the normal prove symptom of flushes of heat. Dreams of sickness and health. Delusions about body parts. Dreams of premonition. Depression. Food desires of bread, milk, and sweets. Itching of the ear. Nasal discharge. Paroxysmal sneezing. Molar pain. Scratchy throat pain. Difficulty in swallowing. Tickling in the throat from post nasal drip. Dry throat. Increased or decreased appetite. Heartburn or burning stomach pain. Nausea. Distention. Sharp gas pains. Flatus in the evening. Frequent urging for stool. Hard or soft stool. Sleep that is restless, has frequent wak- ing, or that is difficult to fall asleep.


Anxiety. Cursing from physical pain. Delusions of size of body or parts of body. DREAMS. Dreams about health, disease and sick people, hemorrhage or injuries. Dreams that are amorous, of homeland, naked and embarrassed, snakes, premoni- tions of the following day’s events, or being a prisoner. Hurriedness or more impa- tience improves. Changeable moods. Depression with nostalgia and homesickness. Sensitive to light. Arguments within his own mind about silly things.


Physical anxiety or irritability. Increased energy. Improvement of flushes of heat. Food cravings of bread, milk, sweets, and carbonated drinks. Aggravated by ba- nanas or the sight of food. Trembling with nausea and hunger.


Constriction like a band in occiput or temples. Heaviness or pulsation at the vertex in the evening. Drawing or dull pains. Sudden onset of headache or constant head pain. Sharp pains in forehead behind the eyes. Sore to touch. Throbbing like the top of head would come off. Head pain with nausea.


Dryness and soreness of inner right canthi. Itching. Lachrymation. Aching and soreness of eye muscles when looking to periphery.


Pimple in meatus discharges clear fluid. Itching in inner ear.


Sinus congestion extending to chest. Discharge that is white or from the posterior nares. Left sided epistaxis in the morning. Paroxysma sneezing that improves.


Aphthae on right upper lip.


Aphthae on inside bottom lip. Dryness with thirst.


Bitter taste on tongue.


PAIN. Sensitive to cold drinks or air. MOLARS especially the lower. Toothache at night. Pinching pain.


Discharge from posterior nares. Dryness especially in the evening. Irritation. Tight restriction like the food won’t go down. PAIN that is raw or SCRATCHING. Difficulty swallowing. Throat tickle from post nasal drip. Tender lymph node under left ear but without swelling.


Anxiety. APPETITE DIMINISHED or increased. Heartburn after eating. Hiccoughs throughout the day. Indigestion. NAUSEA at the thought of food and accompanied by headache or flatus. Nausea with trembling. Burning pain after eating. Thirst for large amounts.


Constipation with ineffectual urge after eating bananas. Distention. Flatulence that is sharp and painful. Gurgling and rumbling especially in bed before sleep. Sharp pain at navel. Pain extends to chest.


Constipation with no urge or ineffectual urge and during menses. Diarrhea. FLA- TUS especially in the evening or with stool. Urging frequent and then ineffectual.


Hard or soft stool. Larynx & Trachea Tickling in larynx. Respiration

Short of breath with anxiousness.


Anxiety with shortness of breath. Congestion extending down from the sinuses. Constriction after smoking. Lung twinges similar to pleurisy.


Rash on both scapulae that is fine and tiny. Left side of neck is sore and achy on turning head. Muscle tension in head and neck.


Sharp pain and swelling of right knee worse when walking. Hot and tingling sen- sation in forearms. Return of a large painful wart on the big toe. Sore shoulder pain as if sprained.


DIFFICULT FALLING ASLEEP or improvement of insomnia. Restless sleep. Sleepiness in the morning. WAKING too early, frequently, or from thirst or warmth.




Fine rash on back. Painful and soft warts on the toe.

The drug picture of Riboflavinum (Vitamin B2) was composed in October 1995 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Drying affect of the nose, mouth, throat, and skin. Watery discharges from the nose or rectum. Improvement of normal prover symptoms: clearer vision, and lack of leg cramping following excess alcohol intake which is a family trait, and men- strual cramping.

Anxiety. Difficulty in concentration. Dreams that are amorous. Frightening dreams that cause waking. Mental dullness. Increased physical energy. Sensation of heat or flushes of heat. Dull headaches. Pain in the forehead above or behind the eyes or at the vertex. Draining and clearing of sinuses. Dryness of the lips. Nasal discharges or bloody discharges. Decreased appetite. Nausea. Sharp, lancinating ab- dominal pain. Diarrhea. Flatus. Watery or lienteric stools. Eruptions of pimples on the female genitalia. Back pains. Cramping, aching, or soreness in the extremities. Sleepiness. Dry skin.


Self absorbed. Anxious. Audacity. Difficult concentration with lightheadedness or especially while studying and time passes too slowly. DREAMS: amorous, of being cut by a knife, strange, or frightful that cause waking, Dullness improves and more clar- ity of mind. Homesick and feeling estranged from friends. Hurriedness and hastiness at work improves. Irritable with family and children and spanks child for the first time ever. Sensitive and quiet. Sentimental to reprimand and makes her intolerant of contradiction. Weepy while reading.


ENERGY is increased especially in the morning, or decreased. Weariness. Flushes of heat like a fever inside. SENSATION OF HEAT, or coldness. Influenza that has dry mucus membranes. Relaxation of muscles. Weakness when standing. Trembling with hunger. Desires coffee, milk, or yogurt, or aversion to milk or coffee. Desires sour drinks or yogurt. Desires cold or warm drink. Aversion to bread, coffee, and milk. Fatigue.

Vertigo Faint like. Head

Flashes of heat in head and legs. Headache like heaviness in temples. Sense of lightness. HEAD PAIN. Dull pain in occiput and vertex. Lancinating pain above the

left eye. Pain in forehead behind eyes or above eyes. Pains in forehead, occiput, temples, and vertex. Piercing or pressing pain.


Aching pain aggravated by light, sunlight, or motion of the eyes. Staring.


Seems clearer.


Left eye pain extends to left ear and is a sharp aching. Cysts anterior to the ear.


Sinuses draining or clearing. Bloody discharge from one side. DISCHARGES with much variety and consistency: thin, watery, copious or thick, clear, yellow, and ex- coriating. Dryness inside. Sneezing that is paroxysmal. Itching.


Dryness of lips. Flushes of heat. Perspiration on upper lip. Itching in the cheeks.


Aphthae on bottom lip. Parched and dry. Tongue coated gray.


Metallic in upper part of mouth.


Jerking pain in upper right molars. Sensitive to cold with electric sensations espe- cially with inspiration. Pain in lower left molars.


Dryness. Lump sensation with anxiety. Thick mucus in throat. Pain that is burning or scratching. Clearing. Tenderness or swelling of glands. Rash on the front and sides of neck.


APPETITE DECREASED or increased in the morning. Nausea especially after eating. Rumbling. Thirstlessness.


Sensitive to clothing. Hard sensation like a lumpy colon in the inguinal region. Painful flatulence. PAIN. Cramping pain with diarrhea. Sharp pain from flatulence causing waking, or during the day. Lancinating pain in the left hypochondria. Sore, stitching, or paroxysmal types of pain. Rumbling.


Diarrhea with lienteric stool. Flatus. Urgency.


LIENTERIC. Watery. Hard pieces or like balls. Frequent, soft, hot, acrid, and small.


Aching or pressing pain before urination. Painful and sudden urging.

Genitalia, Male

Decreased sexual desire.

Genitalia, Female

Eruptions of pimples or on labia that are painful or itching. Itching in the pubic hair. Painful menstrual cramps like labor or improvement of menstrual cramping. Long, protracted menses.

Speech & Voice

Hoarseness or huskiness or roughness.


Itching or scratching cough. Cough from the stomach.


Itching of nipples. Oppression and heaviness of the chest with anxiety. Pain in the axilla that is aching or sore. Palpitations with a racing heart and hard beat and while sitting. Swelling of axillary glands.


Pains that are aching or lancinating. Spasms in cervical and dorsal region during headache. Stiffness in cervical region. Sharp constant pain along the spine.


CRAMPING in right calf, thighs, finger joints, wrist, or sole of foot. Sharp pain in ball of foot but like a cramp. Improvement of leg cramps after alcohol consumption which is her family trait. Eruptions of rash on left wrist and forearm, or pimples on back of left leg. Flushes of heat requiring the foot to be uncovered. Swelling of feet and legs. Leg and calf weakness on rising like a muscle relaxant. Aching in elbow, fingers joints, knee cap, wrist. Soreness in wrist or bones of the leg.


Sleeping on back. Restless. Sleepiness especially in the morning or in afternoon at 1 p.m. Waking frequently or from dreams.


During anxiety and palpitations.


Dryness between fingers or on hands.

The drug picture of Pyridoxinum hydrochloricum (Vitamin B6) was composed in October 1995 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

The mucus membranes of the eye, nose, sinuses, and throat are affected with ei- ther dryness or increased secretions. Heat sensations are noted in the extremites,  upper sternum, face, and the upper back extending to the neck.

Improvement of normal sinus symptoms or breast tenderness during menses. Anxiety with a speedy sensation. Varied dreams. Forgetfulness. Difficult concen-

tration. Throbbing head pains at the temples or base of the brain. Congestion of the ear canal. Nasal congestion. Clear, copious nasal discharge. Pain in the maxiallary sinuses. Throat dryness. Nausea. Cramping uterine pain. Waking with cough. Press- ing chest pain.


Absorbed due to difficult concentration. Restless activity. Anxiety with a speedy feeling or restlessness. Euphoric from excitability. Apathetic and relaxed. Difficult concentration as if inebriated. DREAMS of disasters like a flood, family, friends from long ago, killing, being pursued by wild animals, witches, and making peace. Weeping while dreaming. Dull, slow mind especially when reading. Forgetful of time and plans or altered perception of time. Weak memory for what he heard.


Coldness in bed. Increased energy in afternoon at 4 p.m. Desires bland foods. Flushes of heat. Heaviness. Restlessness and increased physical irritability. Lassi- tude and sluggishness with increased fatigue and sleepiness. Sore pain all over body on waking. Tingling. Weakness with a sick feeling.

Vertigo  From motion. Head

Numbness in forehead spreading down nose. Tight, constricted sensation like a cap on waking with a cold. Tingling sensation in the head. Pain in forehead in the morning. Throbbing pain in left temple or in occiput at the base of the brain. Im- provement of his normal sinus pain symptoms.


Bruising in left eye with itching, dryness, and soreness in inner canthi. Pain on movement of eyes to the right. Tired and heavy sensation of eyelids with desire to rub eyes. Tearing of eyes with a cold.


Aching in left ear with a congested or plugged sensation in canal. Right ear pain on swallowing.


NASAL CONGESTION with clear and copious discharge. DISCHARGES that are clear, copious, from left side, or posterior nares. Coryza extending to throat or frontal si- nuses or posterior nares. Itching inside. Numbness in forehead extending down nose. Pain in maxillary sinuses. Waking with sneezing.


Face and forehead hot to the touch. Numbness of the cheek. Aching pain in the jaw as if from chewing.


Itching on palate.


Dull pain in upper right molars.


Dryness. Constricted sensation behind the Adam’s apple and scratching sensation. Burning pain from post nasal drip better from warm drinks. Throat soreness on coughing.


Ravenous appetite. Distension in the evening. Nausea with diarrhea. Gnawing, empty pain better by eating.


Cramping pain after eating or aggravated from drinking hot drinks. Cramping pain in the hypogastrium followed by diarrhea. Pain on waking. Rumbling.


Diarrhea with cramping after eating.


Loose or watery diarrhea. Copious. Yellow.

Genitalia, Female

Thick and white vaginal discharge. Cramping uterine pain before menses or dur- ing menses better by warmth. Increased sexual desire.


Waking up coughing in the morning. Coughing up mucus from the chest.


Thick, yellow mucus and difficult to expel.


Sensation of heat behind the upper sternum. Pressing pain on the upper sternum that is like heartburn. Soreness or fullness of breasts during menses improves. Rac- ing sensation about the heart.


Flushes of heat extending to cervical region. Sensation of heat in kidney and lum- bar regions.


Hot and cold all day. Aching or cramps in upper arm. Burning pain on top of wrist.


Not the usual sleepiness. Dozing during the night.


All over the body.