a-Ketoglutaricum Acidum – a-Ketoglutaric Acid

a-Ketoglutaricum Acidum – a-Ketoglutaric Acid

The attenuations are prepared from a-ketoglutaric acid, C6H6O5, MW: 146.1.

An active factor in the Citric Acid cycle and in redox systems. All kinds of im- pregnation phases, also asthma, angina pectoris, pruritus, skin diseases, psoriasis, pre-cancerous states and in neoplasm phases (especially in the early stages), to im- prove cell-respiration. Diabetes mellitus. Paralysis following a stroke.

Among the catalysts of the Citric Acid cycle, a-Ketoglutaric Acid has the particu- larly prominent symptom that the patient always gets too little air, both in asthma and in emphysema, and also in such conditions as allergic rhinitis and influenza.

An especially typical symptom is a feeling of utmost exhaustion, “as if he had been tortured on the wheel”. The bed feels too hard and the bed-covers too heavy. (cf. Arnica.)

The windows must always be wide open (cf. Carbo Vegetabilis). Neither can the patient remain in closed spaces; he runs about restlessly day and night, and eats little or nothing. There is a typical aggravation from sitting still or driving. (Opposite of Fluoric and Nitric Acids.)

The remedy is indicated in general glandular hypofunction, in endogenous corpu- lence, after tonsillectomy, excision of tumours, and also in atony of the stomach, py- loric stenosis of infants, stress-incontinence of urine, and in prostate patients and nocturnal enuresis.

It may also be tried in psoriasis and in infected wounds which are slow to heal; also in warts, seborrhoea and post-amputation pains (causalgia).

A proving of this substance was conducted in the spring and summer of 1994 by Dr. David Riley.

Congruent symptoms with Dr. Reckeweg:

  • exhaustion, fatigue
  • difficult respirations
  • fluent coryza as in allergic rhinitis
  • restlessness
  • skin eruptions

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Fatigue and daytime sleepiness were prominent symptoms from this remedy. Mental dullness, forgetfulness, and irritability were also prominent. There GI symp- toms of increased thirst, flatulence and rumbling, constipation with straining, and soft stool.

Irritability. Anger. Difficult concentration. Mental dullness and forgetfulness. Tired and fatigued. Flushes of heat. Lightheaded sensation. Pressing and dull head pain localized in the forehead. Clear, copious nasal discharge. Painful sore throat. Increased thirst for cold drinks. Flatulence with rumbling. Cramping abdominal pain. Constipation with straining. Flatus with soft stool. Delayed onset of the normal monthly menstrual flow. Chest constriction. Aching back pain. Sleepiness worse in the daytime and evening.


Absentminded. ANGER. Complaints from anticipation. Anxiety, or improvement of anxiety especially about the future. Awkardness and drops things. Critical of oth- ers. Aversion to company and aggravated by conversation or the talking of others. DIFFICULTY IN CONCENTRATION while studying. Mental confusion. Contentment. De- spair improves. DREAMS that are vivid or unremembered, amorous, frightful, full of anger, of being pursued, or nightmares. MENTAL DULLNESS. Fears of death or disaster. FORGETFULNESS. Silent grieving improves. Hopefulness. Hurriedness in occupation or movements. Impatience. Indifference to love ones. Introspective and reflective. GREAT IRRITABILITY especially to family members, from noise or talking, on waking,

during perspiration, or from trifles. Thinking and talking rapidly and changing the subject or slowness of speech. Morose, Pessimistic. SADNESS. SENSITIVE to noise. Feeling time passes too slowly. Shyness. WEEPING in the sleep.


Increased energy. Aggravated by physical exertion. FOOD DESIRES OF COLD DRINKS, FRUIT, juicy things, coffee, oranges, and sour things. Flushes of heat. Relaxation of body but with alertness. Heaviness of the body. WEARINESS AND LASSITUDE or im- provement of the fatigue in the afternoon. Weakness that is sudden or from heat of the sun.


LIGHT HEADED, particularly when rising from a bed.


Constriction or tightness like a band. Heat in the forehead. Heaviness of the head especially experienced in the forehead. Pulsations or throbbing in the vertex, or oc- ciput and extending to the vertex, or from the temples and extending to the occiput. Shaking sensation in the forehead. Tension of the scalp relaxes. DULL HEAD PAIN on the forehead, temples, or sides. Sharp pain in the forehead or temples. PAIN IN THE FOREHEAD that is above the eyes. OCCIPUT PAIN that extends to the neck, or the vertex, or is on the sides of the occiput. Pain on the sides of the head, especially the left side, that extends to the jaws or forehead. TEMPLE PAIN that is left sided. PRESSING PAIN in the forehead, temples, left side, and occiput. Shooting pain in the forehead that extends to the nose. Stitching pain in the forehead and sides of occiput.


Eye dryness. Glassy appearance of the eyes. Irritation. Increased lachrymation in the wind. Pain that is aching like a strain, burning, or stinging. Photophobia espe- cially in the daylight that causes squinting. Redness.


Blurry and foggy vision.


Dull, aching pain in the ears. Stitching pain in the left ear. Sensation as if the ears were plugged up.


Congestion to the nose, a sense of fullness, or obstruction. Coryza that is constant or with fluent discharge. DISCHARGE IS CLEAR, COPIOUS, from the posterior nares, ex- coriating, thick or thin, and white. Itching inside the nostrils. Sneezing.

Smell Acute. Face

Cracking sounds in the jaws when chewing. Red flushes. Heavy feeling. Itching of the cheeks and tingling under the eyes. Crinkly tension in the masseter muscles re- laxes.


Numbness on the palate. Bleeding of the gums improves when brushing the teeth.


Metallic taste in the mouth.


Swelling of the cervical glands. Muscular tension on the sides of the neck relaxes. Dry throat at night. Increased mucus in the throat from the posterior nares. Numb- ness. PAIN. Burning pain at night. PAINFUL SORE THROAT. Roughness. Throat pain bet- ter or worse from swallowing.


Anxiety felt in the stomach. Increased appetite in the morning. Distension. Gur- gling. Heartburn in the afternoon with a burning sensation in the throat. Nausea be- fore or while eating, with motion and better lying down. INCREASED THIRST.


Bubbling sensation. Feeling as if diarrhea would come on. FLATULENCE especially trapped in the colon flexures. GURGLING. PAIN. CRAMPING PAIN at night or before stool. Sore pain in the left hypogastrium. Lancinating pain in the iliac region. Pulsations in the umbilicus like a heart beat. RUMBLING in the ileocecal region.


Constipation with straining or ineffectual urging. Diarrhea. Flatus that is difficult or during the stool. Improvement of hemorrhoidal itching. Sudden urging to stool es- pecially in the afternoon.


Dark mucus on stool. Frequent. Offensive odor of stool. SOFT STOOL Watery stool.

Bladder Sudden urging. Urine

Cloudy, pale urine.

Genitalia, Female

DELAYED ONSET OF MENSES. Leucorrhea that is varied: albuminous, bland, thick, or offensive. Onset of painful menses does not occur. Short menses. Diminished sexual desire.

Larynx & Trachea

Irritation and itching in the trachea. Tightening and tickling of the trachea that leads to bronchitis.


Difficulty in inspiration associated with chest constriction.


Dry, rattling cough, worse during sleep. Spasmodic cough. Cough from irritation in the bronchi.


Scanty, yellow phlegm.


CHEST TIGHTNESS AND CONSTRUCTION with raw pain or thick mucus in the chest. Per- spiration in the chest and axilla with an increased irritability.


ACHING BACK PAIN in the cervical neck or in the dorsal region. Soreness of the back and dorsal region that is worse while lying down.


Painless cracking of the knee. Red eruptions on the feet. Heat of the hands and soles of the feet especially in bed. Heaviness of the forearm and feet. Itching be- tween the toes. Swelling of the fingers, heels, and feet. Tingling of the hands, and knee and extends to the right foot. Twitching or buzzing sensation in the left shoul- der. Aching pain in the shoulder. Burning in the posterior knee. Dull pain in the left elbow and extending to the wrist. Pressing pain in the posterior thigh. THROBBING PAIN in the forearm, foot, and toes. Tendon pain.


Chilly during sleep. Deep sleep in the daytime. Difficult or restless sleep. Falling asleep is difficult or difficulty in falling back to sleep during the night. Falling asleep early. Sleeping on the right side. SLEEPINESS in the morning, noon, DAYTIME, and EVENING. Frequent waking. Tendency to sleep on the right side. Sleeplessness. WAK- ING from dreams, early, frequently, or after midnight.

Perspiration Perspiration during sleep. Skin

Dry, flaky skin on the forehead and chin. Red, spotted skin eruptions on the feet.