Gnaphalium Polycephalum – Common Everlasting

Gnaphalium Polycephalum – Common Everlasting

The mother tincture is prepared from the fresh aerial parts in flower, Pseudo- gnaphalium polycephalum [L.] Hilliard et B.L. Burtt., a native of North America.

N.O. Compositae.

Gnaphalium displays a few typical symptoms, which would justify a widespread use of the remedy, whereas in general it is simply used in sciatica, when the pains extend from the hip down to the toes, linked with a sensation of numbness and hav- ing “gone to sleep”, the numbness alternating with pain, cramps in the calves and lumbago-like complaints, possibly associated with a sensation of heaviness low down in the pelvis.

Rheumatism may also be present in the knees and ankles. Episodes of gout in the big toe may also react favourably to Gnaphalium.

Additionally Gnaphalium is indicated in children’s summer diarrhoea, and also in dysmenorrhoea, in symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy, when the bladder cannot be emptied properly, with urging to urinate and restlessness in the legs. This may be ac- companied by heightened libido and frequent erections, but often with impotence. These latter complaints are generally concealed. They present as rheumatic com- plaints, i.e. as restlessness in the legs with crawling sensations in the thighs, numb- ness, and possibly stabbing pains at times, so that generally it is the use of Gnaphal- ium in sciatica which has prevailed.

Rheumatic conditions of the facial nerves can likewise be beneficially affected by Gnaphalium; also vertigo and dull occipital pain, shooting pains in the chest, cramps of the calf-muscles, and rheumatic pains in the arms and elbows.

Dahlke refers to morning diarrhoea as an indication for Gnaphalium. The following is a summary of the remedy-picture:

  1. Sciatic nerve-pains, associated with a sensation of numbness, extending to the toes. Cramps in the calves and feet, especially in bed. Rheumatic complaints in arms and elbows.
  2. Morning diarrhoea with great exhaustion. Mouth is furry. Nausea. Abdominal rumblings and flatulence.
  3. Prostate complaints with restlessness of the legs. Pressure in the kidney region.
  4. Increase in erections and libido. Dysmenorrhoea. Heavy sensation in the pelvis.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Pseudognaphalium obtusifoli- um, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for gnaphalium polycephalum: rheumatism; sciatica; neuralgia; diarrhoea.