Cysteinum – Cysteine

Cysteinum – Cysteine

The attenuations are prepared from the essential amino-acid (L-(+)-Cysteine), C3H7NO2S, MW: 121.2.

It is a SH-group-containing factor of redox potentials (e.g. Glutathione). Retoxic and iatrogenic damage of all kinds. To be used intercurrently in all cellular phases, especially in liver damage, asthma, leukaemia, pre-cancerous states and neoplasm phases.

The drug picture of Cysteinum was composed in July 1995 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

This remedy has an affinity for the digestive tract with nausea, strong urge to stool and diarrhea. Increased thirst was also part of that picture. Headache, vertigo and a sick feeling were also noted.

Irritability. Generally worse in the morning. Sick feeling. Vertigo. Dull headaches. Eye pain. Coryza with copious, clear discharge. Sneezing. Nausea. Increased thirst. Stomach pains. Diarrhea. Flatus. Increased urge for evacuation of the bowels. Inef- fectual urging. Back pain and stiffness.


IRRITABILITY especially in the morning or when ill. Threw a cat off of a bed. Awk- wardness and dropping things. Absent-minded, discontented, and confused. CONFI- DENCE is either lacking or improved. Anxiety especially on staying awake during the night. Sense of being in a hurry. Indifferent about missed appointments. Feeling a sense of isolation. Forgetful, particularly about business. Ennui, sadness, worse in the morning. SADNESS with involuntary weeping. Jealous. Being talkative and desir- ing to talk and joke Dreams of insects , and in particular bees. Delusion that bugs are crawling in circles on the back. Vivid dreams. Answers hastily or incorrectly. Aver- sion to company. Difficult concentration. Weakness of memory. Quiet disposition. Rapid thoughts. Timidity.


Worse in the morning, weakness, weariness, pain. SICK FEELING in general with a feeling of collapse. ENERGY is increased especially at 5 p.m. or decreased. Desires bacon, eggs, and fish. Lassitude, weakness, and weariness in the MORNING. Aching pain especially on waking. Sense of physical relaxation.


VERTIGO, worse from motion. Worse from standing. Faint-like.


Sense of constriction in the head as from a band or hat. Heat in the head. Itching at the vertex. DULL HEADACHE in the occiput or vertex better from pressure. Head pain in one part of the head extending to other parts of the head, forehead to neck, or teeth. Head pain better cold applications or pressure. Waves of pain or strong head pain on waking with sinus involvement. Shooting, lancinating head pain. Head pain in the

forehead, behind the eyes, occiput especially left side, on the sides behind the ears, temples and vertex. Pains that are piercing, shooting in the temples, and throbbing of the forehead. Pains that extend from the forehead backward and to the ears, neck or occiput, and vertex.


Dry eye gum especially in the inner right canthi. Dryness with increased lachry- mation, worse in the evening. Pain in the eyes, as if there is sand in the eyes better on closing the eyes. Burning pain in the eyes associated with dryness of the eyes. Press- ing pain in the left eye better from pressure.


Blurred and wavering.


Aching pain in the ears.


CORYZA on the left or right side as if leaking. Discharge is clear and also from the posterior nares. SNEEZING in the afternoon or from tickling in the nose. Itching inside the right nostril at night. Inflammation in the sinuses on the right side.


Dry face and lips. Aphthae. Painful eruptions inside the left nostril. Cramping pain in the jaw. Relaxation of tight, cramping jaw pain.


Aphthae. Dryness in the mouth. Eruptions on the palate.


Taste in the mouth as if she had been eating herbs.


Choking sensation. Dryness and irritation, worse on the right side of the pharynx. Thick, watery mucus. Sore pain.


APPETITE increased or decreased. Feeling distended NAUSEA; worse in a warm room or worse in the upper abdomen. INCREASED THIRST for large quantities. Desire to drink large quantities of water. Stomach pain, burring pain with cramping, and eruc- tations. Gurgling in the morning. Painful stomach after vomiting. Vomiting of undi- gested food, green bile, or sour.


Cramping pain as if diarrhea would come on or before stool. Burning pain.


DIARRHEA, worse in the morning at 5 a.m. or sensation as if diarrhea is coming on. Constipation with straining. FLATUS that is burning, during diarrhea, or involuntary. URGING that is INEFFECTUAL or straining at stool or improvement from normal need to strain.


Frequent stools or absent stools. Stools like balls. Loose, watery stool. Yellow or green or long stool. Scanty stool.

Genitalia, Female

Thin vaginal discharge. Menses is too short.

Speech & Voice Hoarseness and tightness. Respiration

Difficult inspirations as if mucus is down deep. Sighing and need to take deep breaths.


Deep cough with thick, ropy, yellow expectorations.


Thick, yellow, and ropy expectorations.


Stitching pain in the chest in the right breast or sternum. Palpitation at night after starting from sleep. Aching pain in the wind. Sense of oppression or heaviness of chest coupled with lightheadedness.


Pain and stiffness as from a spasm. Worse on the right side. Worse in the upper back and neck. Itching in the region of the scapulae. Back pain in the right cervical region or between the scapulae.


Awkwardness of the hands with tendency to drop things. Eruptions of pimples on the thighs. Itching of the second and fourth fingers, thigh, and upper limbs and as if covered with bugs or ants. Sharp pulsations felt in the toes. Weakness of the upper limbs. Aching in the shoulder that is worse motion, especially if raising the arm or occurs as illness comes on. Shooting pain in the upper limbs and arm and the calf. Stitching pains in the toes.


Disturbed sleep. Difficulty to fall asleep. Restless sleep that is light. WAKING that is difficult in the morning, or after one a.m., or with the desire to urinate. Yawning es- pecially in open air.


Paroxysmal fevers without perspiration.


Eruptions of small boils or pimples above the eyes or on the thighs.