Rubella Nosode – Nosode of German Measles

Rubella Nosode – Nosode of German Measles

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from rubella vaccine.

Rubella (“German measles”) has gained in importance in recent decades with the knowledge that infection of the mother during the first three months of pregnancy can result in damage to the foetus in the form of congenital heart disease, with pos- sible deafness and blindness.

Rubella is caused by infection with the rubella virus, (with some 2–3 weeks’ incu- bation period and then a rash similar to that of measles, or in some cases similar to scarlet fever), but without any notably serious complaints apart from swelling of the cervical glands and mild changes in the state of the blood.

Thus the Rubella Nosode could be used in peripheral swellings of the lymph glands, especially those near the mastoid process, in the occipital and posterior cer- vical region, and those, especially on the left side, which extend along the edge of the sternocleidomastoid like a string of pearls, and also those in the axilla and in the crease of the elbow and inguinal area.

Also when large lymphocytes are found in the blood, and the so-called “wheel-nu- cleus” lymphocytes (i.e. those with nuclear chromatin arranged like the spokes of a wheel), and plasma cells (i.e. usually lymphocytes: cells with particularly thick pro- toplasm which colours dark blue under the usual stain), one should think of Rubella Nosode, and also if women succumb to any kind of infectious diesease in the first three months of pregnancy.

Since, after the mother has had Rubella, anomalies of the lens are found in the em- bryo, the Rubella Nosode could also be tried in cataract, likewise in deafness, if no pathogenetic cause can be found.