Manganum Phosphoricum – Manganese Phosphate

Manganum Phosphoricum – Manganese Phosphate

The attenuations are prepared from Mangenese(II)-hydrogenphosphate, MnHPO4, MW: 150.9.

The main indications are:

Spinal cord problems. Spastic spinal paralysis. Multiple sclerosis. Tabes dorsalis. Aching muscles and states of exhaustion with anaemia. Brain-stem lesions.

The drug picture of Manganum phosphoricum was composed in January 1996 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

This remedy has a strong effect on the sleep cycle. Falling asleep early, dozing off, and napping occur. Improvement of nasal congestion and menstrual cramping. Anx- iety. Varied dreams. Cramping abdominal pain. Flatus. Rectal itching. Back and ex- tremity pain. Napping, dozing off, falling asleep early and everywhere.


Anxiety and nervousness. Repeats the same phrase. Vivid fearful dreams that are threatening. Euphoric mood and giddiness. Short tempered. Senses dulled. Feeling of being separate from others and in own world. Felt friendless and homesick. Clear thinking in a.m. Lacking concentration.


Wheezing on exertion. Quick onset of symptoms. Weakness and shaking inside. Cravings for sauerkraut, chicken livers, and sweets especially chocolate. Aversion to wine and mayonnaise. Flushes of heat before menses. Sensation of internal chilli- ness. Good energy during the day. Tiredness in evening.


Lightheaded with a rush.


Dull head pain that comes on quickly and lasts only a short time. Dull but intense like a migraine. In occiput. Head pain like wearing a small metal cap. Pressure in forehead and around the eyes. Dull ache over eyes especially the left.


Lachrymation especially in morning. Burning tears. Eyes irritated and bloodshot and must blink. Mucus in outer canthi.


Blurry with tears.


Left ear itching into the head.


Nasal passages clear. Clear watery discharge especially right sided. Waking with congestion. Sneezing and running nose in morning as from allergies but with a quick onset.


Lips chapped in wind. Bones around eyes ached. Pain on opening the mouth. Mouth


Dry mouth with metallic taste at back of tongue. Food is tasteless.


Gagging cough from a small dry spot in throat. Sore throat pain on waking. Dry- ness.


Gagging with cough. Increased appetite in morning. Decreased appetite. Nausea during headache. Heartburn on rising in morning. Rumbling. Hungry but can’t de- cide what to eat.


Tightness in the solar plexus like a cramp pushing up on diaphragm. Cramping pain in right lower quadrant and right lower rib cage. Distention and feeling of bloating. No cramping with menses. Dull stabbing pain.


Flatus all day. Diarrhea with flatus or offensive odor. Pain or itching after stool. Rectal itch or burning sensation after bowel movements. Constipation as if intestines blocked.


Increased frequency. Hard stools. Dark loose colored stools. Watery stools.


Frequent urination with pressure in kidneys. Awaking at night to urinate. Inconti- nence when walking and must urinate hourly to prevent this.

Genitalia, Male

Mental desire for sex without physical desire.

Genitalia, Female

Rawness of vagina and itching. Leucorrhea hot and burning. Sharp right sided pelvic pain as if ovulating. Menses short duration.


Wheezing with exertion. Constricted breathing like a weight on chest during the night.


Dry cough > drinking. Dry spot in throat that causes gagging cough.


Back pain with burning pain in neck, left arm, and left chest after eating with anx- iety about heart disease. Chest constriction with difficult breathing. Squeezing sen- sation in chest. Heart palpitations. Cramping pain at the bottom of the rib cage. Red, inflamed, and sensitive pimples or blemishes on sternum.


Tightness felt in back. Back pain. Nerve like pain in right buttock. Dull sacral pain worse

on motion. Burning in cervical and dorsal muscles.


PAIN. Hip stiffness with aching in the hip joint. Hip joint felt like sandpaper in it. Burning pain in left arm, left side and left chest. Tight muscles on right forearm. Swollen ankles in morning on waking. Skin sore on forearm. Sore calf and groin muscles. Cramps in calves during the night


Napping in afternoon or daytime. Falling asleep anywhere or while listening to a friend. Dozing off early. Very tired and going to bed early. Waking at 2 a.m.



Blemishes on sternum. Cuticles cracked and dry around thumbs.