Neurofibroma Nosode

Neurofibroma Nosode

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from the surgically removed neurofi- broma.

Recklinghausen’s disease or generalised neurofibromatosis are the names given to multiple neurofibromata which are distributed throughout the body, the neurofibro- mata arising from the peripheral nerve branches, with a possibility of sarcomatous degeneration.

Apart from symptoms of sensory irritation there are occasionally conductive dis- orders of the affected nerves; other possible symptoms include anomalies of skin pigmentation, multiple naevi, bone anomalies and background lesions of the eyes; there may also be mental disorders. It is also possible for fibromatous tumours to de- velop on the nerves of the brain (acoustic neuroma). The basis for the disease lies probably in a rudimentary malformation, and often in dominant hereditary factors within the family. Thus the Neurofibroma Nosode will be used both in Reckling- hausen’s disease and possibly also in sarcomas of the skin, neuralgias and neurally determined degenerations, and experimentally in pareses also.