Tabacum – Tobacco

Tabacum – Tobacco

The mother tincture is prepared from the dried unfermented leaves of the plant Nicotiana tabacum L., a native of Central America and cultivated in many other places. N.O. Solanaceae.

The main indications are:

Collapse with pallor and cold sweat, trembling, coldness of the limbs. Angina pectoris, pain in the left arm, fear of death. Migraine. Renal colic. Hernias with ten- dency to symptoms of strangulation. Cholera with icy coldness of body. Neuralgia. Vertigo and Menière’s syndrome.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Nicotiana tabacum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for tabacum: complaints associated with acute hypotension; diarrhoea with vomiting; angina pectoris.