Parodontosis Nosode – Nosode of Periodontitis

Parodontosis Nosode – Nosode of Periodontitis

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from periodontal tissue (gum, root membrane and alveolar bone) which is affected by periodontitis.

The Parodontosis Nosode is indicated not only in periodontitis, but it constitutes an effective stimulative therapy in the event of homotoxic overloading (a raised level of toxins), especially if it is supported by other anti-homotoxic preparations such as enzyme stimulators, intermediary catalysts and organ stimulating remedies.

The Parodontosis Nosode is also particularly indicated when, after all the teeth have been removed, the symptoms of periodontitis are suddenly halted and a regres- sion sets in of the homotoxins which were previously routed through the infection. These then trigger off a wide variety of phases at other sites of least resistance, e.g. manifestation of liver damage, cirrhosis of the liver, intolerance of alcohol (wine and beer), a sudden rise in the blood pressure, disturbances of coronary ciruclation, etc. As is generally the case with the nosodes, and particularly in the case of the Paro- dontosis Nosode, the general homotoxic state must be taken into account. So those homotoxins which were formerly being eliminated by way of the reaction phase of periodontitis and are now taking effect, because of retoxication, must be stimulated by the use of other suitable preparations, particularly combination-remedies, such as

are used in cellular phases.