Diverticulosis Nosode

Diverticulosis Nosode

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from the surgically removed diverti- culi of the large intestine.

The Diverticulosis Nosode is indicated both in the presence of diverticuli and in related conditions, e.g. general pre-cancerous states of the intestine.

Even though treatment of diverticulosis with the nosode of diverticulosis is obvi- ously purely isopathic, and isopathy – even theoretically – is less effective than ho- moeopathy, it must always be borne in mind that the material for the nosode was ob- tained from some one other than the patient under treatment and that therefore cer- tain differences of albumen-composition and in the specific foundations of the dis- ease apply. Thus even in such cases (where we are using the nosode of exactly the same disease as presents in the patient), we may speak of a certain Law of Similars, which is also borne out in the results of treatment. In general, the potencies needed for each treatment and the indications for them are obtained by testing with electro- acupuncture.