Anisum Stellatum – Star Anise

Anisum Stellatum – Star Anise

The attenuations are prepared from the dried ripe fruits of the plant Illicium verum Hook. (also known as Chinese Anise), which is a native of China and Tonkin.

N.O. Magnoliaceae.

Anise (Aniseed) has proved its worth as a carminative and mild spasmolytic, es- pecially in flatulent distension. According to Nash it is also especially effective in catarrhal conditions of an asthmatic nature, if the pain goes through the upper part of the left breast and radiates towards the shoulder. It has a mild expectorant action, and is reputed also to function well as a galactogogue.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation-Monograph for Illicium verum, published the

following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for

anisum stellatum: bronchitis; flatulence.