Diencephalon Suis

Diencephalon Suis

The attenuations of this sarcode are prepared from the fresh diencephalon of a healthy pig (Sus scrofa domesticus).

The name diencephalon is used to denote the hypothalamus, and the thalamus, which lies above and behind it, both in the lower area of the brain and separated from each other by the sulcus hypothalamicus.

In this part of the brain are localised the central switch-boards for almost all the autonomic nervous functions, not only for sleep and blood-pressure, but also for the whole autonomic innervation.

The indications for use of Diencephalon – also of Thalamus or Hypothalamus – are impregnation and degeneration phases, e.g. manifestations of autonomic dysto- nia, possibly in combination with other suitable remedies, or as a compound remedy.