Galium Aparine – Cleavers/Goose-Grass

Galium Aparine – Cleavers/Goose-Grass

The mother tincture is prepared from the fresh aerial parts in flower of Galium aparine L., very commonly found in the Northern hemisphere. N.O. Rubiaceae.

Galium Aparine is used both internally and externally as a folk-remedy against cancer, and also against glandular swellings and ulcers.

Galium Aparine also acts especially on the urinary system and is said to be able to dissolve renal calculi. Hale mentions the removal of a hard, nodulated tumour of the tongue in a 60-year-old woman.

According to Boericke, Galium Aparine is also useful in oedema, dysuria and cys- titis, and is said to have the power of suspending or modifying the further develop- ment of a carcinoma. Its use in cancerous ulcers and nodular tumours of the tongue has been clinically verified. It has an influence on old skin complaints and scurvy. It also favours healthy granulation tissue on ulcerated surfaces.

Particularly in conjunction with other biological anti-cancer remedies and with ex- tracts of other varieties of Galium, Galium Aparine has a powerful effect in favour of regressive vicariation. In other words, when acute illness, skin eruptions, discharges, etc. have been suppressed, resulting in cellular phases, possibly also in degeneration and incipient neoplasm phases, it is able to reverse these phases in a biologically correct way, along the lines of regressive vicariation. Thus Galium has proved itself to be of great importance in geriatrics, regulating numerous basic autonomic func- tions which are disturbed to a greater or lesser degree, such as are typical of a pre- cancerous state and form the basis of numerous complaints of old age.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Galium aparine, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for galium aparine: nephrolithiasis; ulceration, especially of the tongue.