Camphora – Camphor

Camphora – Camphor

The attenuations are prepared from D-camphor, C10H16O, MW: 152.2, which is ob- tained from Cinnamomum camphora T. Nees et Eberm. N.O. Lauraceae.

The essential indications are:

Initially abortive cure in influenza. Main remedy for cholera. Violent fever with subsequent prostration. Irritation of the bladder. Cramps and neuralgias.

Camphor serves as an antidote for a wide variety of remedy-aggravations.

Typical Camphora symptoms are burning pains in the gullet and stomach, retching and vomiting, and effects on the circulation. These are seen first of all in slowing of the pulse, pallor of the skin and lowering of the body temperature; later there is a re- action, with quickening of the heart-beat and raising of the body temperature. With this there are heat and flushing of the face and palpitation in the carotid arteries.

Camphora is also indicated at the beginning of colds, e.g. in acute fluent coryza with increased discharge of watery mucus from the nose, with or without sneezing. However, it is also indicated in congestive coryza and catarrhal irritations of the la- ryngeal and tracheal mucosa, with short dry coughs and constriction of the chest.

Camphora is always indicated when death threatens through rapid depression of neural activity or of pulmonary or cardiac activity, e.g. in drowning. In such situa- tions of collapse it is on a par with Carbo Vegetabilis.

Camphora also has a reputation in bladder problems arising from the abuse of Spanish-fly blisters. Such bladder symptoms would otherwise indicate prostate dis- ease. There is frequent urging to pass urine, the urination being painful and difficult, the urine passing drop by drop with burning pains. There is also urging from holding the urine, and tenesmus of the sphincter vesicae.

A rare symptom may be mentioned: that the bladder is pressed out over the pubic bone, rather as if a rupture had occurred.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Camphora, published the fol- lowing indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for camphora: common cold; syncopal attacks.