Pulsatilla – Wind Flower/Meadow Anemone

Pulsatilla – Wind Flower/Meadow Anemone

The mother tincture is prepared from the whole fresh plant, gathered while in flower, of Pulsatilla pratensis Miller, which occurs in the mountains of Europe and Russia.

N.O. Ranunculaceae.

The tincture prepared from the Wind Flower, Pulsatilla Pratensis, contains pro- toanemonin (an antibiotic substance), tannin, resin and saponin, and shows typical therapeutic indications, which cover both psychic and somatic symptoms. All com- plaints are aggravated by warmth in any form, and are ameliorated by coolness and moving about in the fresh air. The aggravation of the complaints tends to occur in the evening, both before and after the menses, all the symptoms being very change- able. Generally the mood is weepy, with a mild, shy nature, and there may be vertigo with a tendency to vomit and aggravation when lying down. The headache changes position rapidly and is better from pressure. The eyelids are often inflamed and itch- ing, with lachrymation. The external auditory canal may also be swollen and in- flamed, as may the nasal mucosa, with loss of the sense of smell. The lower lip is often cracked. Drawing and jerking is felt in the teeth, as if a nerve were being pulled and then let go again; this is especially bad at night and in a warm room, with pains extending to the ear, eye and temple.

There are also important symptoms with respect to the alimentary canal, begin- ning with loss of taste, or a putrid, slimy, rancid taste, or a taste of blood. The tongue is coated whitish, or with white mucus, the patient being thirsty but maintaining that he can discipline himself not to drink. Fatty and acid foods usually disagree, or are vomited hours after eating. There is a sensation of fullness, pressure and heavi- ness, as if there were a stone in the stomach, or as if an apple were lodged under- neath the sternum. The stools may be changeable, but are particularly thin and mu- cous, alternating between diarrhoea and constipation, and there is a pinching pain in the abdomen which persists after defaecation.

Pulsatilla is also indicated in many kinds of bladder problems, with tenesmus and burning during urination, and with involuntary passage of urine on coughing, in sleep or as a result of sudden shock. There is also an increase in libido, with erec- tions in the morning, and possibly pain and burning in the testes (e.g. also after re- covery from gonorrhoea).

The menses are usually scanty, arriving late or irregularly, the patients expressing the feeling long beforehand that the period is about to arrive. There is also dysmen- orrhoea with bearing down.

Coughing also has a place in the Pulsatilla picture; it is particularly bad in a warm room, hoarseness developing; it is loose in the morning with greenish-yellow expec- toration, and worse when lying down.

All of Pulsatilla’s complaints and pains with stabbing or pressure normally change their location rapidly. The venous constitution is predominant with swelling of the veins and a feeling of puffiness and heaviness all over the body. In the evening there is an amelioration of the general state of health, with the exception of certain com-

plaints, whilst in the mornings a sleepy, irritable mood is uppermost, as in Nux Vom- ica. In spite of the amelioration in fresh air, there is also a certain chilliness, espe- cially during pain.

There are typical partial sweats on one side of the body, the patients wishing to be lightly clothed in spite of the chilliness.

Pulsatilla patients often complain of a feeling as if pus were concealed beneath certain painful places. There are yellowish-green secretions – particularly in the mornings – whilst in the evenings in many cases the discharges are of a thin, runny consistency.

In the region of the heart there are frequent stabbing pains, associated with a sen- sation of narrow-chestedness and with suffocative attacks, and there may be prick- ling sensations all over the thorax.

Particularly in measles, for which Pulsatilla is one of the most important remedies, there is catarrh in the larynx and air-passages, with violent scraping and scratching, and coughing with tenacious mucus.

In general there are the following typical symptoms and indications:

  1. Aggravation in a warm room and in hot weather; amelioration in fresh air and walking about gently. In spite of chilliness wishes to wear light clothing. Headache ameliorated in fresh air. Certain complaints are aggravated in the evening, also before and after the menses.
  2. Gastric catarrh with white coating of the tongue and the sensation of a stone in the stomach, or as if an apple or crust of bread were lodged underneath the ster- num. Pappy or bloody taste in the mouth, especially in the morning. Measles, bronchitis and broncho-pneumonia. Intolerance of fatty food (and pork).
  3. Venous constitution. Vicarious bleeding (from the nose, instead of the menses).
  4. Rheumatic complaints and gouty diathesis with pains frequently changing loca- tion. Gout in the left big toe.
  5. Urticaria. Consequences of suppressed gonorrhea, or of suppressed leucorrhoea, with orchitis or oophoritis. Chilblains.
  6. Concomitant catarrh of the bladder with hypertrophy of the prostate.
  7. Ophthalmia after measles, especially when granulations are present. Blepharitis and tendency to styes. Also otitis media with violent, stinging, pulsating pain.
  8. Pulsatilla is usually indicated for female patients who are full of complaints and can take an hour or more telling the doctor all about their problems, although ob- jectively nothing can be found.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Pulsatilla pratensis, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for pulsatilla: skin diseases; varicose veins; inflammations of the respira- tory passages; tendency for the common cold; inflammations and disorders of the di- gestive organs; digestive insufficiency; inflammations and disorders of the female reproductive organs; vaginitis accompanied by purulent discharge; paramenia of all types; disorders experienced during pregnancy and nursing; cystitis; disorders in voiding from the urinary bladder; rheumatic diseases; eye inflammations; otitits

media; measles; mumps; headaches; insomnia; disorders of emotional or otherwise psychological nature; nervous disorders; emotional discord or upset.