Plumbum Metallicum – Lead

Plumbum Metallicum – Lead

The attenuations are prepared from metallic Lead, Pb, AW: 207.2.

The main indications are:

Spastic constipation. Porphyria. Renal colic. Albuminuria. Renal atrophy with danger of uraemia. Arteriosclerosis with fatty heart and ventricular hypertrophy. Bleak, despondent mood. Emaciation in paresis. Multiple sclerosis. Amaurosis. Contractures of the joints. Alopecia. Tendency towards miscarriage. Jaundice.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Plumbum metallicum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for plumbum metallicum: neuralgia; neuritis; spasmodic conditions; paralysis and other diseases of the nervous system; hepatic disorders; colic; consti- pation; nephritis; mumps; arteriosclerosis; emotional discord or upset; states of con- fusion.