Iberis Amara – Bitter Candytuft

Iberis Amara – Bitter Candytuft

The mother tincture is prepared from the dried ripe seeds of the plant, Iberis amara L., a native of Central and Southern Europe and often cultivated ornamen- tally in gardens. N.O. Cruciferae.

The main indications are:

Pericarditis and endocarditis. Palpitations. Stabbing pains in the heart.

In the foreground of the picture of Iberis are its heart symptoms, such as palpita- tion after slight movement, with no intrinsic cause, palpitations with vertigo and anxiety,  heaviness  and  pressure  in   the   praecordium   with   shooting   pains (cf. Spigelia), and particularly a nocturnal aggravation, with visible throbbing of the heart and possible cessation of the heart beat or fibrillation with a small irregular pulse. However, it also has noteworthy nervous symptoms such as weakness of memory, swimming in the head with inability to fix the attention, vertigo on rising, congestion of the head with tinnitus, headache and hearing-impairment with red- dened eyes and optical illusions of light.

In the right shoulder there may be drawing pains with a dull pain and sensation of heaviness in the left arm, and trembling in the lower limbs after movement.

The congestive states of the heart may be ameliorated by increased mucous secre- tion and hawking up of the mucus from the larynx and trachea; there may occur a sensation in the larynx as if bound up with string and suffocating, with inhibited res- piration, shortness of breath and air-hunger.

The abdominal organs may also be involved, with eructations, weakness of diges- tion, distension, sensations of pressure and pain in the liver region, and frequent stools of soft consistency, the colour of clay (biliary disease).

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Iberis amara, published the fol- lowing indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for iberis amara: arrhythmia; cardiac insufficiency.