para-Benzochinonum – p-Benzoquinone

para-Benzochinonum – p-Benzoquinone

The attenuations are prepared from p-Benzoquinone, C6H4O2, MW: 108.1.

Has a comprehensively regenerative action on cell respiration in many cases (Cit- ric Acid cycle) on account of the free radicals, and also in cases of mutative damage (genes etc.). It is indicated in all cellular phases, also leukaemia, asthma, organic diseases of the nerves, pre-cancerous states, neoplasm phases, heptatitis and other conditions.

From practical experience it has been seen that whilst para-Benzoquinone is ad- mittedly similar to Hydroquinone in its structure and action, it is however substan- tially more specific and deeper-acting. The remedy-picture corresponds to that of a cancer patient with almost hopeless cachexia and totally wrecked metabolism, fail- ing utterly to react to well-selected remedies.

Before para-Benzoquinone is used on cancer patients, they should first undergo stimulation by the catalysts of the Citric Acid cycle. According to the symptoms, the individual acids are selected and injected at short intervals in succession. Then Hy- droquinone should first be injected, about three times, and then followed by para- Benzoquinone.

One of the most prominent symptoms of para-Benzoquinone is its great dyspnoea and heavy burden of the heart, along with oedema in the cavities of the body and in the extremities. There can also be unbearable headache with a flushed face and a very strained appearance. Para-Benzoquinone should be tried even in hopeless cases, possibly i.v. as many as 3–5 times daily. It must never be given in conjunction with tuberculostatic substances (Voll’s testing blockade in 80%). As well as in all diseases

involving neoplasms, it is also indicated in all psychoses, which must possibly be in- terpreted as preliminary stages or vicariations.

Likewise certain protective functions against viral infections may be achieved with para-Benzoquinone.

In psychoses, para-Benzoquinone should be given in combination with sarcodes: either Cerebrum or Cerebellum.

One should always think of para-Benzoquinone in almost incurable dyspnoeas, re- mitting neither by day nor night, and with the possibility of transition into respirato- ry paralysis (e.g. in side-effects of opiates).

Among other remedies, para-Benzoquinone is also for use in degenerative dis- eases of the eyes (retina) and ears, and also in diabetes mellitus.

It is also indicated in drinkers’ tremor, with destruction of the personality and ag- gressive mood; the patient becomes unapproachable and there is a danger of Kor- sakov’s psychosis.

Para-benzoquinone can also help with a state of paresis occuring after po- liomyelitis, encephalitis or vaccinations. There is complete failure of the memory, and disturbance in neuro-muscular coordination; this and conditions such as multi- ple sclerosis and tumours in the spinal area with pains and paresis, as well as brain tumours, may respond favourably to this remedy. In many cases of the highest de- gree of meningeal irritation, para-Benzoquinone deals with the terrible pains better than an opiate.

Para-benzoquinone can have action similar to Sulphur, when a well-selected rem- edy does not act sufficiently, if this depends on a change in the nervous system. Para-benzoquinone is also capable of compensating action in the critical stage of states of shock or albumin poisoning which occur after blood transfusions or infu- sions of live cells or plasma.

It is likewise indicated in patients with whom meat does not agree.

Para-benzoquinone also has wide-ranging action on the endocrine glands, e.g. in beard-growth in girls or growth of breasts in boys. In such conditions there is often a ‘stupid’ facial expression. Unusual adiposity or extreme emaciation may also be present.

In serious disorders of the parathyroids it can be of astonishing assistance when combined with the Parathyroid gland sarcode. Para-benzoquinone should also be thought of in adrenal failure and Addison’s disease, also in multiple sclerosis when pain and spasms are pronounced, as well as in damage to the spleen with changes in the blood-composition, and in states arising from removal of the spleen, in pancreat- ic insufficiency with enzyme-disturbance and consequent respiratory problems.

In combination with Malicum Acidum, Fumaricum Acidum and Natrum Ox- alaceticum it is helpful in all serious toxic states, and in reaction phases.

A particular indication for para-Benzoquinone is, if, after using Hydroquinone, an aggravation occurs in the patient’s whole condition.

Para-benzoquinone may well have a good effect in all illnesses which could be connected with albumin poisoning and in which therefore auto-antigens (wild pep- tides) are involved; auto-immune diseases; e.g. in primary chronic polyarthritis, en-

docarditis and other auto-immune diseases, also after blood-transfusions and in in- tractable children. In such conditions, the longer the irregularity has existed, the higher the potency which should be used, whereas in acute and dramatic illness the lower potencies are preferable.

The most important indication for para-Benzoquinone are cancers, especially those of the lower sections of the intestines, in which there is a distinct aggravation from eating meat and eggs.

It may be expedient to use Para-benzoquinone in combination with Anthraquinone or Hydroquinone. Such patients are mostly out of sorts, irritated and can never laugh. The impression they make is one of unutterable suffering. Their stools, almost always dry, can suddenly alternate with watery diarrhoea, with agonising pains in the whole abdomen, rectal paralysis and inability to hold the stool.

Para-benzoquinone can also be effective in summer diarrhoea, especially when travelling or from change of diet (eating meat).

It is also indicated in chronic pyelitis, incontinence of urine, papilloma of the bladder and condylomata on the penis, which are often hard and strongly pigmented. Through the whole picture of Para-benzoquinone there runs degeneration of a  wide variety of tissues, underdevelopment of retarded children, tumour-formation and faulty hormone-function (pituitary or adrenals), putrid secretions (e.g. from the mammary gland or from weeping eczemas on the genitalia), which are scarcely pre- vented by washing. Consequences of hereditary syphilis may be present, as may be stubborn eczema with lichenification of the whole skin, with a preference for the arms, legs, neck area and face, as is often found in the terminal stage after the usual

external therapy or after withdrawal of treatment with cortico-steroids.

With all this it is essential first to cleanse the body of its whole homotoxic state, using nosodes and especially remedies which stimulate elimination, otherwise the homotoxic material which is set in motion by the Para-benzoquinone may give rise to considerable extension of reaction phases, e.g. to abscess-formation which, under the circumstances, must be seen as a biologically favourable channel of elimination. Para-benzoquinone is also called for in certain degenerative changes in the skele- tal system, such as joint problems after taking cortisone, osteomyelitis, rachitic changes, Scheuermann’s disease and scoliosis in early youth, the children being able neither to sit straight nor to stand. The deposits typical of this remedy are also seen on the teeth. They crumble in large fragments, painlessly, with brown patches and

exposed necks.

Para-benzoquinone combines numerous groups of symptoms of a degenerative kind which are found in the symptom-pictures of Arsenicum, Sulphur, Phosphorus and Mercury compounds, and particularly in the nosodes (Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Tuberculinum etc.), Therefore it is expedient to give it in combination with whichev- er of the other remedies is also indicated, especially with the corresponding nosodes and sarcodes of the tissues or organs in question, but for expediency in parenteral treatment it should always be given singly, with the other remedies being given alongside it.

The characteristic situation requiring Para-benzoquinone could be described thus: the patient, his resistance and ability to oxidise at a low level, is threatening to choke in his own intermediate homotoxins. Only a superficial, small part of the serious inner toxic state is being dealt with by the existing discharges and inflammations – just suf- ficient for life to limp along, but not enough for a full clear-out of the whole toxic con- dition to take place with a positive, complete regressive vicariation into a reaction phase. In such a situation, Para-benzoquinone can tip the balance. The author experi- enced such a “miraculous healing” in 1979, in a dying 84-year-old patient.