

The attenuations are prepared from Triquinoyl, C6 O6 · 8H2O, MW: 312.2.

Triquinoyl is excellent for the regeneration of blocked respiratory enzymes, i.e. in all cellular phases, including viral diseases and neoplasm phases.

The drug picture of Triquinoyl was composed in November 1996 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Cramping abdomen pain. Aphthae on the inner lips of the mouth. Nasal discharge from the posterior nares. Sleepiness in the afternoon that is sudden and overpower- ing, or unrefreshing. Nausea with abdominal pain. Sore throat pain worse swallow- ing.


Before menses sensitive to criticism and weepy. Weepy during menses. Dullness of the mind with headache. Depressed thoughts about disappointed expectations in life.


Decreased energy. Weariness in morning especially on waking. Weakness and faintness after squatting down but better lying down. Warmth and warmth of bed ag- gravates. Influenza.


Itchy scalp. Dull, throbbing head pain behind the eyes. Pressing head pain worse from light and noise.

Eye Photophobia. Ear

Stuffed as with cotton.


CLEAR NASAL DISCHARGE especially from posterior nares. Watery discharge. Maxil- lary sinus pain or pain in the posterior nares.


Aphthae on bottom inner lip and upper lip.


Tightness of teeth as when wearing dental braces.


Mucus in throat causing one to clear throat. Sore throat pain making swallowing difficult. Scratchy sore throat as from a cold or influenza. Throat pain better drink- ing warm or cold drinks. Swelling of cervical glands.


Nausea during pain and with pain in the abdomen or pit of stomach. Nausea with pain from flatulence.


Sharp or cramping pain on right side or lower abdomen better bending double.

Genitalia, Female

Protracted menses that is 3 days longer than normal.


Pain that is aching or tight and constricting in the lumbar region.


Aching muscles in groin, hips, and feet.


Sleepiness in afternoon or after eating. Sudden, overpowering sleepiness in the af- ternoon. Afternoon sleep unrefreshing in the afternoon. Sleeping on side.