Convallaria Majalis – Lily of the Valley

Convallaria Majalis – Lily of the Valley

The mother tincture is prepared from the fresh aerial parts in flower, Convallaria majalis L., occurs in deciduous woodland in Europe, Asia and North America. N.O. Liliaceae.

The main indications are:

Weakness of myocardium. Endocarditis. Nervous palpitation. Athlete’s heart (hy- pertrophy). After abuse of tobacco.

Convallaria has had a homoeopathic proving and, apart from heart symptoms, it also has depression and irritability, especially when the prover was asked about something.

There is also a dull, heavy headache, which moves from the vertex to the temples, headache with fever, sleepiness on entering a warm room and restlessness during sleep.

On the front of the thigh there are little nodules, as from insect-bites, itching strongly.

There are also optical illusions while reading, with all the letters looking the same. There is a heaviness of the upper eyelids with a dull pain in the right eye and a pul- sating pain in the left ear with heat.

There is a typical sallow complexion with a sunken, Hippocratic facial expression. Further indications for Convallaria include rheumatic complaints in the loins, dull cutting pains below the inferior angle of the shoulder blade and, in the renal area, a rheumatic pain in the left elbow joint with numbness in the hand, and pains in the wrist; also cramps on the inner side of the right thigh, pains in the knees, cramps in

the right calf with sensation of numbness, and pain in the ankle.

Apart from dyspnoea with a feeling of faintness and palpitations, and great air- hunger on the slightest movement, the provers complained of a sensation of flutter-

ing in the heart on exertion, then flushing of the face, and of a sensation as if the heart were about to stop beating. Then it would suddenly beat strongly again, with a feeling of faintness.

In the digestive tract there is this striking symptom: fatty-tasting eructations; also nausea after meals with mucous vomiting, and a dull pain, similar to colic, in the left hypochondrium and umbilical region.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Convallaria majalis, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for convallaria majalis: arrhythmia; cardiac insufficiency.