Sinusitis Nosode – Sinusitinum/Sinusitisinum

Sinusitis Nosode – Sinusitinum/Sinusitisinum

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from the sterilized mucous substance obtained by puncture from the inflamed sinus cavities of 5 to 10 adult patients be- tween 20 and 50 years of age, who suffer from acute sinusitis maxillaris and who have not received therapy with antibiotics.

This nosode is not only used in acute and chronic suppuration of the sinuses, ade- noid enlargement, lymphadenopathy, nasal ulcers, hay fever and asthma, but also in reflex-illnesses which may be influenced from the nasal mucosa, e.g. (experimental- ly) in duodenal and gastric ulcer, neuralgia, etc. It may be used in conjunction with Mucosa nasalis to treat nasal ulcers, and with Psorinum in enlargement of the ade- noids and nasal polypi, and with Duodenum in affections of the gastrointestinal tract.

A proving of this substance was conducted in the summer and fall of 1994 by  Dr. David Riley.

Congruent symptoms with Dr. Reckeweg:

  • sinusitis
  • nasal congestion and discharge
  • gastritis

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Irritability. Difficult concentration. Spacy feeling. Right sided symptoms. Fatigue and loss of energy. Sharp head pain. Nasal congestion, coryza, and catarrh. Sore throat pain. Decreased appetite.


Absent minded and forgetful. Angry. Anxiety and agitation in the wind. Desire for company and to be taken care of. DIFFICULT CONCENTRATION while working with num- bers. Spacy, confusion, and makes mental mistakes. Mental confusion. CONTENTED and tranquil like with gentle sedation. Delusions of seeing ghosts on waking from a dream. DREAMS: of being cut with a knife, dead bodies, urinating, and robbers. Nightmares. Elation and euphoria as from anesthesia. Fear of people. IRRITABILITY to the family or when questioned or in the wind. Weak memory. Quarrelsome. Sensi- tive. Time passes too slowly. Mental tranquillity with a heightened sense of alertness and well being. Delusions of spectres and ghosts.


Decreased energy. Food desires of chocolate. Heat: flushes of heat, sensations of heat, or feeling chilly. Trembling with nervousness. WEARINESS as from low blood sugar. Agitation in the wind. Right sided symptoms.


DIZZINESS especially in the afternoon. Lightheaded.


Tingling sensation all over the head. PAIN IN THE FOREHEAD especially right fore- head or in the forehead and temples or behind the left eye. Pressing pain in small spots.


Discharge from the eyes of mucous and pus. Eyes were stuck together in the morning. Dryness of the eyes. Heaviness of the right eye. Inflammation, irritation and pain in the eyes that is aggravated after exposure to warm air. Tearing. Pain that is sharp or burning, and associated with a sinus headache. Eyes feel hot are sensitive to warm air. Twitching of the lower lids especially the left.


Sees objects in the field of vision.


Stopped sensation after exercising. Ringing in the ear.


CATARRH especially left sided. Congestion worse on the left side. CORYZA that is fluent like a drop of water sliding down the nostril, or left sided. Bloody discharge.

Itching and tickling. Improvement of the internal sinuses. Obstruction. Sneezing. Tingling inside the right nostril.


Small whitehead pimples on the chin. Right cheek has heat or numbness or hot tin- gling.


Numbness. Sore, painful tongue when brushing the teeth. Sensation of swelling in the cheeks.


Sharp pain in the teeth. Aching pain in the left upper teeth.


Constriction in the throat associated with lung and heart constriction. Dryness of the throat not ameliorated by liquids. Sensation as of hard pea in the throat that won’t go away. Mucus in the throat. SORE PAIN on the left side, and worse in the evening. Rough, scratchy throat associated with mucus.


DECREASED APPETITE as if nothing appeals. Eructations like sulphur. Nausea worse at night. PAIN. Pain after eating. Sharp pain. Pain extending to the throat pit im- proves. Pain on bending double.


Sensation of internal coldness in the intestines. Abdominal distension during menses. Pain that is sore improves. Rumbling at night that prevents sleep or feels as if diarrhea will come on.


CONSTIPATION or improvement of a 20 year history of constipation. DIARRHEA after midnight, or preceded by burps of sulphur, or the sensation as if diarrhea is coming on. Frequent or sudden urging to stool with only flatus. Flatus before passing stool. Anal itching especially after a bowel movement. Rumbling at night or as if diarrhea would come on.




Stitching pain in the bladder and a sudden urge to urinate. Urging at night.


Offensive odor to the urine like a skunk.

Genitalia, Female

Increased sexual desire. Painful menses and bloating.


Difficult inspiration as if the chest is collapsed and the chest is unable to be ex- panded fully.


Dry cough associated with a sinus headache.


Phlegm in small pieces.


Sense of constriction or oppression in the chest like it is collapsed. Eruptions on the breasts that are slow to heal. Sore pain under the sternum. Swelling of the axil- lary glands.


Neck stiffness worse on turning the head to the right.


Coldness in the upper and lower extremities that warm only when immersed in hot water. Cramps in the calf, or leg at night. Itching of the toes better from a hot bath. Numbness of the fingers and hands that is painful. Tingling of the right little finger. Resurgence of warts on the fingers. Aching in the hand extends to the shoulder. Shooting pain in the arm and wrist. Sore pain in the hand and wrist or improvement of that condition.


Waking from fright of a dream, after midnight, or difficult waking like in a fog. Falling asleep difficult. Deep sleep.


Offensive odor improves. Night sweating.


Skin eruptions on the hips in dry patches improves. Resurgence of warts on the left fingers. Cracking skin on the fingers an dorsal hand.