Euphorbium – Gum Euphorbium

Euphorbium – Gum Euphorbium

The attenuations are prepared from the hardened sap of Euphorbia resinifera Berg, a native of Morocco, N.O. Euphorbiaceae.

The main indications are:

Violent irritation of mucous membranes, leading to catarrhs of the eyes, nose, and larynx. Sensation of dryness in spite of great secretion. Erysipelas with large blis- ters. Pains in the bones.

Eustachian catarrh. Supporting remedy in nasal ulceration. Extremely strong burn- ing pains in mucosal conditions.

Euphorbium has one sure indication, and that is swelling of the middle ear, with  a sensation of complete deafness in the affected ear, possibly associated with tinni- tus.

The swelling of the middle ear does not generally respond to Apis, as one might expect, but almost exclusively to Euphorbium. The author had to treat a 40-year-old businessman with this symptom, who had been an out-patient at a university hospital for 2 months, with no improvement in spite of many treatments. One single injection of  Euphorbium   brought   about   a   considerable   improvement.   After   about   3 injections the whole condition was finally and permanently removed.

Successfully treated cases are the best recommendation for homoeopathy. In this case, too, our colleagues at the hospital were interested in the therapy which the pa- tient had received.

Further indications for Euphorbium are catarrh in the Eustachian tubes, pharyngi- tis, laryngeal catarrh, sinusitis and catarrhs of various sinuses.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Euphorbium, published the fol- lowing indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for euphorbium: acute dermal inflammations; inflammations of the respiratory pas- sages.