Listeriosis Nosode

Listeriosis Nosode

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from sterilized cultures of the bacte- ria Listeria monocytogenes (107CFU/g) which cause listeriosis. N.O. Corynebacte- riaceae.

Listeria are gram-positive, sporeless bacilli. They cause the widespread zoonosis, listeriosis, which is found in large anmals (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs) and is charac- terised by granulomatous meningoencephalitis. In small animals, (rodents, poultry), there is septicaemia manifesting in particular organs, e.g. granulomatosis in the liver, spleen, etc.

Although it is rare for the organism to be transmitted to humans, in adults there may be a general infection with meningoenephalitis, liver necrosis, or sore throat.

More rarley there may occur local conditions such as granulomatous keratocon- junctivitis, and in premature babies and neonates a form of septicaemia. Often there are miscarriages and still-births.

Thus indications are habitual miscarriages as well as the symptoms found in listerio- sis, particularly meningoencephalitis; also in the course of influenza (cerebral influen- za), other infections of a septic nature, throat-infections, keratoconjunctivitis, etc.