

The attenuations are prepared from L-Thyroxine, C15H11I4NO4, MW: 776.9.

When the thyroid gland is absent, either in thyroid aplasia or after surgical re- moval, a typical deficiency-disease develops, known as myxoedema. In endemic cretinism there is a degeneration of the thyroid gland, and possibly also a goitre with colloid atrophy. The metabolism of food and energy reduces by up to 50%, but it can be normalised again by the administration of thyroid hormone.

The thyroid hormone has particular importance for the functioning of the intersti- tial mesenchym, which is generally accelerated and activated by Thyroxine, Thy- roidinum or generally by the thyroid hormones. Thus doses of the hormone are

given not in substitutive, but in excitative dosage (higher potencies), and are includ- ed in combination-remedies which are aimed at activating the mesenchyme, and at removal of the homotoxic deposits in the connective tissue.