

The attenuations are prepared from 1,4-Dioxo-1,4-dihydro-naphthaline, C10H6O2, MW: 158.6.

As a quinone derivate, Naphthoquinone has carbonyl group functions, and thus, according to W. F. Koch (USA) is able to metabolise toxic amino-groups from azomethine compounds. It should be used in all cellular phases, viral diseases, and also in toxic infections (reaction phases), and particularly in neoplasm phases.

The area of indication for Naphthoquinone is smaller than that of other quinones. However, its penetration is considerably greater and there is scarcely another remedy to take its place.

In particular, serious forms of carcinoma in the areas of the intestines and genitalia are the main indications, especially when radiotherapy follows surgical removal of the carcinoma, and particularly in carcinoma of the uterus and the prostate. With Naphthoquinone, freedom from pain can then be achieved.

As well as in rapidly growing brain tumours (occurring without any particular pre- ceding symptoms), Naphthoquinone is also indicated in epilepsy with a brief aura, in traumatic epilepsy and in shock following serious head injury.

Naphthoquinone is also indicated in threatened vaccinial encephalitis. Other indi- cations are diseases of the air passages, commencing with very severe sinusitis and usually associated with intestinal sluggishness, laryngeal cancer with very hard nodes, lung cancer and also particularly bronchial asthma with chronic catarrh, in smokers also. Naphthoquinone is also required in degeneration of the oesophagus, the salivary glands, or in cancer of the oral cavity.

Naphthoquinone patients like highly seasoned food, and add extra salt. They have a typically grumpy, peevish mood. The patients either gradually lose more and more weight, in spite of eating well, or there is obesity with a pale, yellowish, sallow skin.

Not only is Naphthoquinone indicated in stomach cancer with complete emacia- tion, but also in infantile gastritis after artificial feeding with disorders of intestinal evacuation. Naphthoquinone is also required in degenerative kidney diseases, chron- ic nephritis with albumen excretion and increasing residual nitrogen, cancer of the bladder with agonising pain and suppurating inflammations of the renal pelvis, kid- ney damage following scarlet fever, influenza and rheumatism of the joints, and renal hypertension; it may be required in combination with quinhydrone and benzo- quinone.

In spite of the bad general state of health and the cancer, the libido is good. The emotional mood vacillates between religious mania, apathy and complete indiffer- ence towards all relations, and a peevish nature to the point of schizophrenic mani- festations, even in puberty. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis and neuralgic pain sug- gest Naphthoquinone, especially if there is almost complete intestinal atony. The paralyses arising from poliomyelitis may possibly be reversed if the muscular atro- phy has not progressed too far, ongoing exercises being necessary, and Naphtho- quinone should also be tried in post-apoplectic paralysis (otherwise use Gelsemium, Causticum, Arnica etc.).

Aortic stenosis and the status following abuse of digitalis also point to Naphtho- quinone, as does a lowering of the blood pressure during sleep. The heart complaints are dependent on the activity of the intestines, and chronic congestion of the liver with bradycardia may be present.

The shortage of oxygen in the tissues is expressed as cyanosis of the lips, con- junctiva and nails, and in severe cases of cancer, lymphatic congestion may also be present. The deficient adrenalin function is suited to the cachectic patient, whose whole vital activity is exclusively directed to the rapidly multiplying cancer cells.

In such cases as these, Naphthoquinone should at least be given one more try, in order to achieve a change.

Since Naphthoquinone has particular affinities for the tonsils and the appendix,

i.e. for the secondary defences of the lymphatic mechanism, it should also be used after tonsillectomy or  appendectomy,  and  also  in  adenoma  of  the  pancreas  and adrenals, in myxoedema, and in chronic states of spasm because of hy- poparathyroidism.

In all these cases a leading symptom is a certain apathy on the part of the patient, the practitioner being given the impression that the patient is entirely uninterested as to whether any efforts are made on his behalf or not. Although he maintains that nothing is wrong with him, it then transpires that he has had problems for decades with his defaecation, with the consequent secondary toxic effects.

There is no doubt that Naphthoquinone is often indicated in therapy. The quinones take hold of the respiratory enzymes and regulate the oxidation, as do the catalysts of the Citric Acid cycle, so it seems understandable if all the Citric Acid cycle cata- lysts and quinones show disorders of internal respiration, asthmatic complaints to a greater or lesser degree and damage to the oxidation enzymes in their symptomatol- ogy. Alongside para-Benzoquinone and Quinhydrone, Naphthoquinone must be brought clearly into focus as a most important therapeutic agent.

The drug picture of Napthochinonum was composed in October 1996 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential characteristics

Affecting sleep patterns with easy falling asleep or restlessness, and increased re- membrance of dreams.

Improvement of premenstrual abdominal distentsion and swelling or extremity swelling, premenstrual spotting, and not waking to urinate.

Head pains like a band. Diarrhea.


DREAMS with the color red in cars and in flags, of betrayal, and silly dreams. Dreams remembered even throughout the day. Vivid dreams. Dull mind and unclear thoughts when feverish. Less worried and more hopeful. Feeling smart and intelli- gent. Talking in sleep that awakens the person without memory of what was being spoken. Waking with weeping after a dream. Apprehension and anxiety and with the feeling time moved to slowly.


Cravings for icy cold things, salad, and sweets. Feeling shaky and jittery as if from a reaction to diet medication. Lethargic. Premenstrual symptoms decreased with less bloating and swelling. Engorgement of blood vessels.


Dizzy after eating with a relaxed and floating sensation.


Stitching, sharp, and stabbing pain in the forehead or sharp shooting pains on the top right side and like a band. Piercing head pain on the left side and left occiput. Head pain like a cap that is a dull constant ache. Raging head pain like a vise on waking.


Uncontrollable twitching of right eye lid.


Bright yellow ear wax.


Plugged sensation as if less sound is being received.


Increase of mucus in post nasal passages. Tickling in nose that leads to sneezing.


Cold sore on the right corner of mouth.


Aphthae on right side of mouth. Soreness on the tongue like a swollen taste bud or as from biting. Biting the inside of mouth.


Tooth sensitive to hot and cold.


Dryness in the throat worse at bedtime. Euphoric feeling in throat that was like tingling. Scratchy sensation of throat with post nasal mucus. Throat clearing in the evening.


Decreased appetite. Thinking of food causes desire to gag. Increased hunger. Ab- dominal cramps with nausea. Stomach growling.


Sensation of a hole like an empty cavity. Dull pain above the umbilicus. Abdomi- nal cramping with nausea and cold perspiration. Aching in the abdomen followed by bowel movements. Decreased abdominal swelling and distension before menses.


Feeling of incompletion after a bowel movement. Flatus with unnoticed stool. Di- arrhea with waking or that causes rushing to the toilet. Intense itching in the anus.


Diarrhea with foul smelling stools. Stool starts solid and becomes more liquid. Rushing to the toilet with runny loose stools.

Genitalia, Female

Menses that starts and then stops suddenly. No spotting preceding menstrual flow. No cramping pain with onset of menses.

Speech and Voice

Hoarseness towards the evening.


Sensation of swollen neck with dullness of the mind. Left sided tightness of neck and back extending to the hamstrings and calves.


Stiffness and aching in the ankle and elbow joints. Tightness in muscles of the left side of the body extending from the neck and back to the hamstrings and calf. De- creased hand, finger, and ankle swelling before menses. Cramp in left calf on wak- ing in night.


Falling asleep late with difficulty falling asleep as if eyes did not want to close or falling asleep early. Restless sleep with tossing and turning. Getting warm during sleep and throwing off the covers. Not waking to urinate. Sleeping on the back.


Moles on neck that disappear.