Aurum/Aurum Colloidale – Gold/Colloid Gold

Aurum/Aurum Colloidale – Gold/Colloid Gold

The attenuations are prepared from triturated metallic gold powder, Au. In the preparation of Aurum colloidale, colloid gold is used.

The possession of Aurum, or metallic gold, is the goal of the efforts of a greater part of mankind, because of its apparent ability to provide the greatest happiness on earth. However, in its symptom-picture as a remedy, it is characterised by just the opposite: deepest depression, suicidal tendencies and disgust with life. This depres- sive mood-imbalance is the main indication for the use of Aurum. Often coupled with it are heart-complaints, also with missed heart-beats and pressure and constric- tion of the chest. Palpitations are usually hard and pumping, linked with a visible beating of the arteries in neck and temples, with anxiety-states and congestion of blood in the chest. Aurum is also indicated in bone-conditions, such as occur in ter- tiary syphilis, in ozaena and similar nasal conditions involving inflammation, desquamation and possibly offensive discharges. Pains in the bones are susceptible to Aurum above all if they are of syphilitic origin. A further indication for Aurum is hemianopia, the patient seeing only one half of the object. It may also be indicated in corneal ulcer. Aurum is also recommended in uterine fibroids and indurations of other organs (such as testes) and in prostatorrhoea and problems of the inguinal glands.

The following is a summary of the leading symptoms:

  1. Deep emotional depression with suicidal tendency and disgust of life.
  2. Hypertension, surges of blood to the chest, palpitations.
  3. Caries of the bones.
  4. Hemianopia, corneal ulcer.
  5. Uterine fibroids, other indurations.
  6. Prostatorrhoea.

Besides metallic gold, its salts also play an important part in therapy.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Aurum metallicum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for aurum: mucosal suppuration; inflammation of bones and periosteum; hypertension; angiosclerosis; angina pectoris; hardening of glandular organs; de- pressive emotional discord or upset.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Aurum colloidale, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for aurum colloidale: mucosal suppuration; inflammation of bones and periosteum; angiosclerosis; angina pectoris; hardening of glandular organs; depressive emotion- al discord or upset.