

The attenuations are prepared from yellow Phosphorus, P, AW: 30.97.

The liquid potencies obtained from the solution of white phosphorus in alcohol are used in numerous complaints and diseases which are typical of Phosphorus, the whole remedy being permeated by a characteristic hypersensitivity and excitability with a general aggravation from emotions.

As with Nux Vomica, cold aggravates the complaints; however, it ameliorates the head, stomach and spinal symptoms.

Phosphorus works well in morning diarrhoea, whilst most of the complaints are worse towards evening. The Phosphorus patient feels worse after meals and lying on the left side, although the latter symptom does not hold good in all cases.

Emotionally there is a general excitability and irritability, laughing alternating with crying. There are timidity and fearfulness at twilight and above all during thun- derstorms; the patient fears to be alone, and is hypersensitive to light, noises, music and the scent of flowers, as with Nux Vomica. There is a general tremulous weak- ness with vertigo and possibly headache, which is ameliorated by cool air and wash- ing in cold water.

Thus Phosphorus is indicated in alcoholic tremor. This symptom which occurs during withdrawal treatment, might otherwise provide the incentive to start drinking alcohol again and so prejudice the success of the treatment.

There may be black spots dancing in front of the eyes, or the patient may see as if through a mist with momentary states of blindness. There may also be impaired hearing of the frequencies of human speech sounds. Exhaustion occurs, particularly after emotional states, over-work, acute illness, loss of vital fluids and sexual ex-

cesses. Phosphorus does excellent work particularly in states of exhaustion follow- ing acute illnesses (e.g. diphtheria) linked with sleeplessness. This Phosphorus symptom is also seen in the withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism.

Necrosis of the lower jaw is typical of Phosphorus, as is a grey, mucous coating of the tongue with brown and black patches. There is ravenous hunger and a feeling of faintness with nervousness, worse around 10:00–11:00 a.m. The patient wakes at night feeling hungry; he must eat something, desires cold food, which may then be vomited.

Generally there is a predominant sensation of emptiness and weakness in the ab- domen. The stools are painless, with a sensation as if the anus were open.

In many cases there is a high degree of sexual excitement with accompanying physical weakness and seminal emissions at night. The menses are mostly scanty.

Phosphorus displays characteristic catarrh and cold symptoms, particularly hoarseness with coughing and roughness of the larynx, worse in the evening, the lar- ynx being so sensitive to touch that the patient cannot speak for the pain. In the chest there is a tense, constricting sensation with air-hunger, such as occurs in pneumonia. Lobar pneumonia is a strict indication for Phosphorus, also coughing with mucous, blood-streaked, rusty-coloured and possibly salty sputum. Phosphorus must not be given in low potency in tuberculosis. Indications include stabbing in the left side of the chest and pains in the back as if it were going to break, with tearing pains in the left shoulder, worse at night. There is congestion of blood, possibly with hot flushes, fear and burning in the face and hands and between the shoulder-blades. The patient cannot sleep for internal dry heat. All pains are of a burning nature (as in Sulphur and Arsenicum).

Phosphorus is also an effective haemorrhage remedy. Small wounds, especially, bleed profusely. Thus Phosphorus is also indicated in purpura, bruises, petechiae and haematoma.

The Phosphorus patient is said to feel better after a massage.

Typical of Phosphorus is the stooping posture in patients who are lean, slim and asthenic, have grown too fast, are usually blond and in need of the Alexander Tech- nique.

However, Phosphorus is frequently also effective in gastric illnesses with chronic dyspepsia, ravenous hunger and vomiting. It is a remedy for the glands, and is indi- cated in bronchial pneumonia, in colds which proceed from the nose downwards into the trachea and bronchi, and in tuberculosis, as well as in chronic diarrhoea. However, only higher potencies must be used where there is a haemorrhagic tenden- cy (especially in tuberculosis). Phosphorus is indicated in hepatitis with jaundice, and in other kinds of impregnation and degeneration phases, e.g. myocardial dam- age, endocarditis and fatty degeneration of the heart, typhoid anaemia, osteomyelitis with fistulae, and also in suppurations of connective tissues and glands.

Clear states of exhaustion require Phosphorus in low potency. Phosphorus has al- ways proved its worth in pneumonia, (orally or injected, in the potencies 10X, 30X, 200X and 1000X).

If the symptoms of Phosphorus are presented schematically, the result is a many- sided remedy-picture as follows:

  1. General fearfulness, especially in thunderstorms. Fear of solitude.
  2. Vertigo, especially on rising or on changing position quickly.
  3. General weakness with trembling of the limbs or as soon as something is picked up. (Withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism. Delirium tremens.)
  4. Diseases of the bones, especially of the spine and the lower jaw (after dental ex- traction). Burning between the scapulae.
  5. Haemorrhagic tendency. Purpura. Bleeding haemorrhoids. Protracted haemor- rhages generally, also haematoma without obvious injuries. Thrombocytopaenia.
  6. Frequent need to eat, especially at night. Subsequent amelioration – if only tem- porary. Dyspepsia. Catarrhs and glandular inflammations, e.g. laryngitis with hoarseness, worse in cold air. Sore, raw feeling under the sternum. Specific for lobar pneumonia. Liver damage. Myocardial damage. Damage to the parenchyma of the kidneys with albuminuria. Nephrosis.
  7. Rapid fatigue during coitus with heightened libido and subsequent weakness.
  8. Sweating during first sleep and burning heat between the scapulae and in the hands. In tall, slim people who have shot up, asthenic types who tire quickly but soon recover. (Alexander Technique.)

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Phosphorus, published the fol- lowing indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for phosphorus: inflammations of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive organs; severe infectious diseases; disorders in convalescence and conditions of ex- haustion, cardiac insufficiency; cardiac pain; circulatory disorders; haemorrhages; blood diseases; vascular diseases; rheumatism; spinal complaints; osteitis and bone decalcification; neuralgia; headaches; paralysis; abnormal growth or development among children; hypersensitivity of the sensory organs; eye diseases; abnormal be- haviour, emotional discord or upset.