

The attenuations are prepared from Histamine, 2-(4-imidazolyl)ethylamine, C5H9N3, MW: 111.15 (potentised allopathic compund).

In reaction phases, Histamine is of decisive importance for the initial phase of the inflammation, and widens the capillaries to allow an infusion of plasma into the tis- sues, resulting in the consecutive symptoms of pain, swelling, heat and redness. His- tamine becomes biologically especially dangerous if such inflammations are sup-

pressed by drugs, when the histamine can no longer undergo the degradation which is provided for in the course of the inflammation. It can then assume an allergic ac- tion on other tissues (in the literal sense of allergy: allos ergos = other action) and other symptoms develop in completely different locations which do not have any- thing to do with the previously occurring inflammation. In actual fact they are only the transfer of the toxic state (Histamine) to another phase.

If the inflammation is allowed to run its natural course undisturbed, (or if its course is speeded up by means of biotherapeutic or homoeopathic remedies), then there should be no associated allergy, since the histamine is rendered non-toxic in the normal course of events, or as a result of biological – or particularly homoeo- pathic – treatment, and leaves the body through the normal excretory processes. Thorough accounts of this will be found in the literature on homotoxicology; here we can give only the barest outline.

The main indications are:

Impregnation phases and retoxications of all kinds. Allergic illnesses. Bronchial asthma. Vasomotor rhinitis. Eczemas and other skin diseases. Neurodermitis. Pem- phigus. Pyoderma. Boils and carbuncles. Angina pectoris. Gastric and duodenal ul- cers. Burns. After contusions, fractures, tissue destruction and emotional traumas. Frequently indicated as an intermediate remedy in all cellular phases, possibly in combination with the intermediary acids of the Citric Acid cycle and other interme- diary catalysts (q.v.).

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for histaminum, published the fol- lowing indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for histamine: allergic dermal and mucosal disorders; hypotension; cardiac complaints.