Embryo Suis

Embryo Suis

The attenuations of this sarcode are prepared from the 6 to 8 week old embryo of a healthy pig (Sus scrofa domesticus).

The main indications are:

For revitalisation. General use in cellular phases. Arteriosclerosis. Muscular dys- trophy.

A proving of this substance was conducted in the summer and fall of 1994 by  Dr. David Riley.

Congruent symptoms with Dr. Reckeweg:

  • Pain and cramping in the extremities, particularly in the legs.
  • Disturbances of the circulation.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

A strong sense of anxiety and irritability that is even noted with restless sleep is a prominent characteristic of this remedy. There are many strong headaches in the temples and dull forehead pains. There are also strong abdomen pains associated with distension and flatulence.

Anxiety and irritability. Impatience. Sadness. Difficult concentration. Numerous delusions. Many dreams. Sensation of being too hot or too cold. Vertigo. Heaviness of the head. Sore throat. Decreased appetite. Nausea. Increased thirst. Constipation alternating with diarrhea. Increased urgency to stool. Soft stool. Frequent waking after midnight.


Active and busy. Anger or improvement of anger. ANXIETY on waking or improve- ment of anxiety. COMPANY, either aversion to or desire for. DIFFICULT CONCENTRATION or improvement of concentration. Increased confidence. Confusion on waking. Con- tented or discontented. Delusions that she is floating or that her husband is disgusted with her. Better from diversions. Many types of dreams: of giving birth, swollen or amputated body, of her dead mother, foolish and nonsensical, frightful, remembered or unremembered, or of work. Dullness of the mind. Dwells on past unhappy events at night that keeps her awake at night. Fear of poverty or improvement of the fear something bad will happen. Grief from deception. IMPATIENCE. Improvement of in- trospection. Irascible. Irresolution. IRRITABILITY to her family, from noise, on waking, or from dreams. Changeable mood. Music ameliorates. Critical of others. Restless- ness improves. SADNESS for others. Sensitivity or improvement of sensitivity to music and noise. Startling when closing the eyes before sleep. Sympathetic. Thoughts that are persistent, or that are clear but with more emotion. Calm and peaceful and less sensitive to external impressions. Weeping.


Desire for open air. Increased energy. Desire for and improved by physical exer- cise. Food desires of bread, cakes, cold drinks, honey, ice cream, salt, sweets, tea, and wine. Food aversions to beer, spicy food, and tobacco. HEAT SENSATIONS or feel- ing chilly. Tired, fatigued, and weary. Rapid pulse in the morning. Sensitive to touch and so aggravated from touch.


Dizziness. Sensation of floating and lightheadedness.


Sensation as if floating. Heat in the head. HEAVINESS OF THE HEAD especially the forehead that feels like an increased density or the sensation that the head is light as relieved of a burden. Perspiration. Pulsations in the left temple. DULL PAIN IN THE FOREHEAD or temples, vertex, or sides. Head pain better from applied pressure. Sharp pain in the temples. HEAD PAIN ON THE SIDES especially the left side. TEMPLE PAIN that extends to the vertex or that is pulsating on the left side. Vertex pain extending from the temples. PRESSING PAIN at the temples, extending to the head, or better from pres- sure. Sore pain in the temples.


Dryness, daylight photophobia, and burning of the eyes. Tired sensation.


Mild itching in the internal ears. Constant ringing noises in the ears. Pain that is aching, or shooting in the left ear. Stopped sensation with ear popping.


Congestion as from sinus pressure. DISCHARGE that is thick or green or yellowish white. POST NASAL DRIP. Pain in the left nostril.


Flushes of heat in the face. Dryness of the lips. Numbness of the cheek, lower jaw and lips. Tingling of the lips.


Dryness of tongue or palate. Insensitivity and numbness of the tongue. Bad breath unnoticed by the person. Sore tongue pain. Increased salivation.


Altered sensation of taste. Metallic taste or liquids taste metallic. Sour taste. Bitter or bitter sweet. Chalky.


Grinding of the teeth during sleep. Dark brown spots on the teeth.


Swelling of the cervical glands. Dryness. Heat. Irritation. Pain better from drink- ing. THROAT PAIN THAT IS SORE when talking or that is raw, sharp, or scratching. Throat tension.


APPETITE is decreased or increased. Full sensation. Heartburn in the afternoon. NAUSEA before or after eating or with a headache. Cramping pain. THIRST or thirst- lessness.


Tense sensation in the umbilical region. DISTENSION before the menses. FLATU- LENCE before the menses, or in the morning, or at unexpected times. Fullness or heaviness as if the pants are too tight. ABDOMINAL PAIN. Sharp pain in the iliac region. Sore pain in the umbilical region. Stitching pain before the stool. Rumbling.


CONSTIPATION with ineffectual urge or with straining. DIARRHEA in the morning or afternoon. Flatus that is offensive or before the stool. Bleeding. Pain during the stool. URGING that is sudden or ineffectual or on waking.


SOFT or watery stools. Hard stools. Stools that are acrid, like balls, covered with some blood or mucus, copious, frequent, and long and sticky.


Pain that is burning and extends through the urethra and occurs even when not uri- nating.


Strong odor that is offensive.

Genitalia, Female

Dry and numb sensation of the vulva that is uncomfortable. Sensation of fullness in the labia and vagina. Warms sensation in the labia. Leucorrhea that is thick, yel- low, mucusy, or bloody. Menses is scanty, protracted, or has odor. Increased sexual desire in females.

Speech & Voice



Intense pressure and constricted feeling in the upper chest that extends to the throat.


Tightness or tension in the cervical region at the base of the skull. Dull or sore pain in the lumbar region. Stiffness in the left kidney region.


Uncoordinated and drops things. Aching calf and leg pain at night. Cramps in the leg and calf at night improves.


DISTURBED AND RESTLESS SLEEP. Difficulty falling asleep. WAKING AFTER MIDNIGHT. WAKING that is difficult in the morning, too early, from perspiration, sudden, from warmth, or with the desire to urinate.


Cold sweats at night on waking from a nightmare sequence.


Voluptuous itching of the skin. Wandering itch. Prickling and crawling sensations.