Curare – Arrow Poison

Curare – Arrow Poison

The mother tincture is prepared from the extract of the corky tissue of different va- rieties of Chondodendron, especially C. tomentosum Ruiz. et Pav., C. candicans [L.C. Rich.] Sandw. and C. polyanthum Diels. N.O. Menispermaceae.

The main symtoms are:

Various paralyses and weakened states of the musculature, also following over-ex- ertion (pianists). Dyspnoea and vertigo in emphysema. Liver spots (!). Diabetes mel- litus. Scrofulous skin-eruptions behind the ears and on the face. Effective in thirst from any cause.

An indication for prescribing Curare can be: “as if the brain were full of liquid.”

Curare is also recommended in epileptiform attacks, occurring primarily before the menses, also in rabies and in spasm of the jaw in tetanus. Curare is also said to be indicated in scrufulous children with skin conditions, eczemas (especially on the face and behind the ears – cf. Petroleum, especially where liver spots form).

When a feeling of thirst cannot be removed by Bryonia, Arsenicum etc., then Cu- rare is usually effective.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Curare, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for curare: paralysis; lameness; spasmodic conditions.