Salmonella Paratyphi B – Nosode of Paratyphoid B Bacteria/ Paratyphoidinum

Salmonella Paratyphi B – Nosode of Paratyphoid B Bacteria/ Paratyphoidinum

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from the paratyphoid vaccine.

The main indications are:

Highly febrile illnesses, e.g. angina lacunaris, foetid diarrhoea. State of chronic marasmus following earlier typhoid or paratyphoid illness (Julian.) Gastroenteritis after eating ice-cream and from shellfish- and meat-poisoning. Protracted throat in- fections and influenzal pharyngitis. Chronic emaciated state. Chronic cholecystitis

with intermittent fever; also general subacute, protracted febrile states with myocar- dial weakness and fluttering pulse. Mental effects of intestinal illness. Supporting remedy in neoplasm phases. Enlarges adenoids in children (Julian.)