Aesculus Hippocastanum – Horse Chestnut

Aesculus Hippocastanum – Horse Chestnut

The mother tincture is prepared from the fresh ripe nut, not including outside shell. The tree, a native of northern and central Asia, is planted for decorative pur- poses in Europe and North America. N.O. Hippocastanaceae.

The principal indications are as follows:

Venous stasis, also in the portal system. Haemorrhoids. Varices. Paraesthesia. Lumbo-sacral pain.

Other noteworthy symptoms are: great sleepiness by day, and dull, heavy sleep with irritable mood.

Complaints are aggravated on waking from sleep, and ameliorated by movement in the open air.

There are headaches with a heavy sensation, as if numbed, especially above the eyes, with vertigo and especially with occipital pain, also accompanied by flickering of vision.

There is a typical constant pain in the sacrum and the hips, particularly pro- nounced on bending down and on rising from sitting. Ameliorated after walking. There is a paralytic sensation in the left hand and left arm, as well as pains in the knees and lower legs.

Burning and stabbing pains in the praecordium. Constriction in the chest. Fever with hot, dry hands.

Violent fluent coryza with burning discharge and excoriation of the nostrils. In- halation of cold air causes discomfort. Tickling in the larynx and air-passages with coughing and expectoration.

The tongue is coated with a yellowish-white mucus. Bitter taste. Nausea, retching, eructations, pains in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium, extending to the right shoulder. (Cholangitis.) Blind, knotty haemorrhoids.

Irritation of the male and female genito-urinary organs. Seminal emissions. Leuc- orrhoea. Contraction – like pains, radiating from the sacrum to the uterus.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Aesculus hippocastanum, pub- lished the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for aesculus: venous congestion with sequelae; haemorrhoids; sacroiliac distress.