Magnesium Oroticum – Magnesium Orotate

Magnesium Oroticum – Magnesium Orotate

The attenuations are prepared from Magnesium orotate C10H6MgN4O8 · 2 H2O, MW: 370.5.

Not only Magnesium has important intracellular functions to fulfil, as an impor- tant trace-element factor in enzyme functions, e.g. the Citric Acid cycle, but the presence of Orotic acid steers the action of the remedy towards intermediate detoxi- fying functions, e.g. in the urea cycle, etc.

Thus Magnesium Oroticum has been used – as a trace element enzyme-activator – in preparations which are designed to re-activate blocked enzymes, e.g. those of the Citric Acid cycle, and particularly also for various liver enzymes.