Ammonium Carbonicum – Ammonium Carbonate

Ammonium Carbonicum – Ammonium Carbonate

The attenuations are prepared from a mixture of Ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3) and Ammonium carbamate (H2NCOONH4) in varying proportions.

Like all carbonates, this is a remedy of weakness. Epistaxis when washing. Chron- ic colds (acute also). Catarrhal blockage with weakness of cardiac muscle. “The chest is full of mucus, coughs a lot but no expectoration.” Ganglion on the back of the hand. Incipient cataracts.

The right half of the body is mainly affected. Complaints are aggravated in the evenings, nights or mornings, and also by fresh air. There is a tearful, low-spirited mood with outbursts of anger.

There is sleepiness in the daytime, whilst at night sleep is disturbed, full of dreams, with jerking and waking.

There are skin eruptions like scarlatina, also papules, spots and vesicles with vio- lent burning and itching. Desquamation.

Apart from the catarrhs of the respiratory mucosa, there are also catarrhs of the di- gestive tract with burning pains down the gullet, a sore feeling with increased sali- vation, sensitive bleeding gums and a chalky scratching taste.

There are also catarrhs of the urinary tract with frequent urging, dark, reddish urine and seminal emissions at night; in women there is leucorrhoea, strong itching of the external genitalia and shivering with attacks of faintness during dysmenor- rhoea.

Also prominent is unusual irritability and excitement of the nervous system in weaker constitutions, especially in acute illness of weakened patients, in diseases of the mucosa and in rheumatic or gouty pains, and also with menses which are painful and too early and with leucorrhoea.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Ammonium carbonicum, pub- lished the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for ammonium carbonicum: infectious diseases with circulatory insuffi- ciency; inflammations of the oral cavity and of the respiratory passages; cardiac and circulatory insufficiency.