Psorinum Nosode – Nosode of Scabies

Psorinum Nosode – Nosode of Scabies

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from the purulent serous content of scabious pustules obtained from human skin.

After a homoeopathic proving, the Psorinum nosode was introduced into the ho- moeopathic Materia Medica by Hering in 1833/34 – the first nosode to be so includ- ed.

Chronic and acute eczemas with violent itching, especially at night, are typical of Psorinum, the itching being relieved by scratching until it bleeds. Other skin dyscrasias also respond well to intercurrent doses of Psorinum.

A striking feature of the general symptomatology is the offensive exterior, and an unpleasant, musty, typical body-odour which reminds one of un-aired beds, as well as an abnormal sensitivity to cold, hypotension and a sad, desperate mental disposition.

Psorinum patients are usually lean or emaciated, have a wrinkled skin, always look dirty and are wary of water and draughts. In his lecture to the Homotoxicology Society (see “Homotoxin-Journal” 7, 138–139 [1968]), Dr. Julian characterised the illness of Marcel Proust, the well-known French writer, as a typical Psorinum state. Particularly prominent were the peevish, irritable nature, the hypersensitivity to noise, the search for solitude and the absolute pessimism with fear of the future.

The Psorinum patient shivers even in hot weather and wears several layers of woollens; he shivers at the slightest draught (cf. Silicea).

The memory is tremendously reduced, with fixed or bizarre ideas, considerable physical weakness with no energy to work, the Psorinum-type being characterised by offensive skin eruptions, profuse sweating and dry, dirty, wrinkled skin, general predominating despair of ever recovering from his illness; and then, shortly after- wards, like the manic-depressive, he may be bubbling over with gaiety.

The misanthropy with an inferiority complex is intensified by the sensitivity of the head to cold and the consequent occipital or frontal headache and migraines; these attacks are ameliorated by eating and keeping the head warm, and possibly also by epistaxis (like Melilotus). In the middle of the night the patient may have to get up owing to ravenous hunger, having been woken by fearful dreams of dangers. Anx- ious children may scream all through the night.

As with Medorrhinum, the picture may be complicated by chronic coryza with nasal congestion and post-nasal discharge, and also with anosmia and enlarged ade- noids; there may also be hay fever, and possibly asthma, in vicariation with eczema. The picture may also be complicated by expectoration of cheese-like masses of unpleasant taste and smell, sticky mucus on the palate, associated with a continual need to clear the throat, hypertrophy of the tonsils and ear-pains on swallowing; likewise a dry cough with laboured expectoration of yellowish-green mucus with a salty taste, mainly in the winter, dyspnoea with a sensation of ulceration behind the sternum and asthma which is worse in cold surrounding and in the winter (alternat-

ing with eczema).

The hypotension and weakness of the heart is also seen in the dyspnoea, which even occurs after a short walk, being better when lying horizontally and worse in a standing or sitting position. The pulse may be rapid and irregular.

Dr. Hoffmann (Stuttgart) has been able to confirm the favourable action of Psor- inum on the heart. (Homotoxin-Journal 4, 208–210 [1965].)

As in Medorrhinum, there is a tendeny to weep at every opportunity, and stomati- tis, aphthae with periodontitis, looseness of the teeth and swollen gums which bleed easily may also be present.

There is also a typical aversion to pork, and gastritis with sour eructations smelling of rotten eggs. There may be diarrhoea with violent urging. The stools are putrid, dark-coloured, spluttering and foetid. At night an involuntary stool may pass, and on the other hand even a soft stool may only be passed with the utmost effort.

In the genito-urinary system too the Psorinum picture contains similar symptoms to those of Medorrhinum. Incomplete emptying of the bladder with urine remaining is typical of Psorinum, as is a foetid discharge of prostatic fluid from the urethra, staining the underclothes yellow, and in women there is leucorrhoea with congealed lumps which smell rotten, accompanied by sacral pain and general weakness.

The bad body-odour is particularly marked on the genitalia, in spite of the utmost cleanliness. Arising from this, apart from an aversion to the opposite sex, there are often also frigidity, depression and apathy during the menses, and painful breasts with itching, irritated nipples.

As with Natrum Carbonicum, the joints may give way easily, and a tendency to sprains may also be characteristic of Psorinum, as may foot-sweat and shaking of the hands.

According to Julian, there is a wide variety of relationships with well known poly- chrests, such as:

Arsenicum Album (complaints and restlessness at night, fear of death, desquamat- ing skin eruptions);

Hepar Sulphuris (odour of old cheese, aggravation from cold. Suppurations, pee- vish, grumpy mood);

Petroleum (aggravation in winter and from travelling by car, ship, train, aeroplane etc., diarrhoea during the daytime, dry skin with cracks and oozing eruptions, moist genitalia with offensive sweat);

Silicea (hypersensitivity to cold, tendency to suppurations and asthenia, chronic headaches and foot-sweat);

Sulphur, which is the most closely related remedy as regards discharges, burning of the skin, eruptions, vicarious conditions and general chronicity.

There are relationships with Thuja by virtue of the bad mood, sadness, morning diarrhoea, general weakness of limbs, sticky sweat and offensive odour of the geni- talia.

There are relationships with Tuberculinum by virtue of the general irritability with changeable, variable pains which move about the body, morning diarrhoea and per- spiration on the least exertion.

According to Kent (quoted by Julian: “Materia Medica of the Nosodes”, Haug, Heidelberg), Tuberculinum or Bacillinum should be prescribed if Psorinum does not act.

If all the symptoms of Psorinum are summed up, the result is the following typical remedy-picture:

  1. Chronic diseases and states placing a profound strain on the constitution.
  2. Emotional lability. Depression. Catatonia and schizophrenia. Migraines and in- transigent neuralgias.
  3. Blepharitis, conjunctivitis, chronic ophthalmia and chronic, foetid otorrhoea.
  4. Chronic coryza. Hay fever. Adenoidal growths. Bronchial asthma. Bronchiectasis and chronic bronchitis, especially in the winter.
  5. Hypotension with weakness and a cyanotic face, irregular pulse, amelioration from lying down horizontally.
  • Aphthous stomatitis. Pharyngitis. Periodontitis. Ravenous hunger. Diarrhoea. Atonic constipation.
  • Nocturnal enuresis. Chronic urethritis. Urine remaining after urination in prostat- ic illness. Endometritis. Loss of libido and potency.
  • Subluxations and sprains, with joints giving way easily. Chronic rheumatic ill- nesses.
  • Chronic eczema, impetigo and all kinds of skin eruptions, asthma alternating with eczema, also psoriasis, boils, acne, seborrhoea, etc. Pruritus relieved by scratch- ing until it bleeds.

Julian quotes from Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases”, saying that, apart from a nosode, a whole series of remedies come into consideration in the treatment of psora, such as Nitricum Acidum, Ammonium Carbonicum, Baryta Carbonica, Cal- cium Carbonicum, Carbo Animalis, Carbo Vegetabilis, Causticum, Conium, Graphites, Iodum, Kali Carbonicum, Lycopodium, Magnesium, Magnesium Muri- aticum, Natrum Carbonicum, Natrum Muriaticum, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur and Zincum.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Psorinum-Nosode, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for psorinum: various chronic skin diseases; chronic mucosal inflamma- tions, especially of the respiratory organs; conditions of weakness, especially after severe diseases; headaches; emotional discord or upset.