Cantharis – Spanish Fly

Cantharis – Spanish Fly

The attenuations are prepared from the careful dried, if possible undamaged in- sect, Lytta vesicatoria Fabricius. N.O. Meloideae.

Cantharis exhibits a few characteristics symptoms, which principally affect the mucosa of the genito-urinary organs. Here Cantharis brings about violent inflamma- tions with states of irritation, and similar symptoms in the mucosa of the gastro-in- testinal tract and respiratory organs, and in the serous membranes, (haemorrhagic in- flammations). As a consquence of the toxic action objects appear yellow. Addition- ally however there is a powerful action on the nervous and vascular systems and the perception of burning, especially in the mucosa, such as burning in the mouth, phar- ynx and stomach, possibly linked with colics, violent thirst and discharge of white or pale reddish tough mucus, like scrapings from the intestines, streaked with blood. Burning pains in the ovaries and peritonitis with burning pains, and also burning and stinging in the larynx, burning in the chest and in the skin in erysipelas, are charac- teristic of Cantharis. Cantharis can have a beneficial effect on chronic bronchitis with difficulty in raising the mucus, if Kali Bichromicum does not help and there are possibly urinary symptoms (Nash).

In the throat there may be a sensation of cramping constriction, such as is found in hydrophobia, just as the urinary symptoms are frequently accompanied by cramp- ing, spastic contraction, linked with continuous violent urging to urinate. The urine is only passed in drops and the patient has the sensation of molten lead passing down the urethra, linked with violent burning and pains persisting afterwards, ex- tending possibly as far as the sacrum.

Formerly poisoning with Cantharis was frequent, because the Spanish fly was used as an aphrodisiac to arouse the sexual drive. Thus Cantharis is indicated in gonorrhoea with violent irritation and erections, also in purulent and bloody dis- charge from urethra and vagina. Cantharis is also especially useful in cases where – as was formerly general practice – the catarrhs of the urethra or the gonorrhoea were driven back by injections into the upper areas of the genito-urinary tract: an unnatu- ral form of treatment.

In women there is nymphomania with severe symptoms of bladder irritation, and there are also dark-coloured, early and copious menses. Additionally Cantharis can be used to promote the expulsion of moles, etc.

The skin symptoms also reveal Cantharis to be a useful remedy in vesicular erup- tions, above all after burns, when blisters form on a yellowish base, and also in her- pes zoster, although here other substances such as Ranunculus, Rhus Tox., Mez- ereum and others have a more rapid and deeper-reaching action. Cantharis may also be indicated in infected blisters.

The throat-pains of Cantharis are important, occurring as they do in connection with paralysis and the inability to swallow solids, and especially water in rabies (hy- drophobia) and in bulbar palsy. Here Cantharis can be an important symptomatical- ly effective remedy, at least reducing these symptoms. (Otherwise use Medulla ob-

longata sarcode.) Also in the symptom-picture of Cantharis are inflammations like erysipelas with vesicles on the skin, above all on the face, hands, arms and chest, itching and burning strongly and showing increased discharge.

Cantharis characteristically illustrates the Reversal rule of large and small doses. Whilst the lower potencies, given when there is irritation of the genito-urinary tract, may produce violent aggravations, the medium and higher potencies (in accordance with the Reversal effect) have a calming and healing action. So reports Dr. Orlowski (Berlin), who had developed a procedure for curing premature ejaculation, involving cautery of the colliculus seminalis of the urethra with subsequent silver nitrate cautery. Severe bleeding always occurred, which he was able to stop quickly with Cantharis 6X, having previously experienced the most serious complications, day and night every time, because of persistent haemorrhaging. Cantharis is also spe- cially indicated in haematuria, (also in intestinal bleeding with passing of mucous shreds), so that it is an important remedy in renal calculi with haematuria, and in ir- ritative conditions in the genito-urinary tract.

If we summarise the main symptoms of Cantharis, the following typical remedy- picture results:

  1. Special action on the mucosa of the genito-urinary tract with urging to urinate and violent tenesmus, passage of urine by drops, and haematuria. Burning pains on urination and sacral pain. Strong arousal of the sexual drive. Nymphomania. Purulent, burning leucorrhoea. Menses too early, dark and copious.
  2. Vesicles on the skin, filled with excoriating fluid. Skin burns like fire. Scalds. Herpes zoster. Erysipelas (on bridge of nose).
  3. Intestinal inflammations with evacuation of blood-streaked mucus, cutting and burning in the anus. Burning along the whole alimentary canal.
  4. Oesophageal cramps. Hydrophobia. Rabies. Throat symptoms (difficulty in swal- lowing) in bulbar paralysis. Laryngeal and tracheal catarrhs with bloody expecto- ration.
  5. General tendency to haemorrhagic inflammations and gangrene (penis). Haemor- rhagic pneumonia. Dysentery. Ulcerative colitis. Meningitis. Haematuria.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Lytta vesicatoria, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for cantharis: acute inflammations of the mucosae, the urinary organs, the reproductive organs, the gastrointestinal tract, and the skin with formation of blisters; effusions in cavities of the body.