Mezereum – Spurge Olive

Mezereum – Spurge Olive

The mother tincture is prepared from the fresh bark, gathered before the plant flow- ers, of Daphne mezereum L., which grows in woodlands on the lower mountains of Europe and Northern Asia. N.O. Thymelaeaceae.

The tincture prepared from Daphne Mezereum is used not only in skin diseases such as eczematous eruptions, and inflammations of eyes and ears, but also in in- flammtory conditions of the mucosa and of the respiratory, digestive and urinary or- gans, especially if there are vesicles and ulcers with slight bleeding; it is also used in epidemics of influenza and whooping cough, rheumatic conditions, inflammations of the periosteum, leucorrhoea, affections of the lymph nodes and ranula. Particular- ly herpes zoster and vesicular eruptions with unbearable itching, the vesicles drying into thick, elevated scales from beneath which acrid pus runs out, constitute a char- acteristic indication for Mezereum.

Febrile symptoms are usually absent or only slight, although the patient may feel generally unwell, with shivering and exhaustion.

Apart from skin and mucosal affections, above all the mesenchymal tissues are in- volved, particularly in the course of inflammations of the joints and especially the synovial membranes of the shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee and foot joints. There is also a tendency towards irritative conditions of the muscular fascia, nerve-sheaths, ligaments and the periosteum at places where there is no muscle, so that periosteal pains in the shin-bone, elbow, lower jaw, top of the skull and hard palate constitute typical indications for Mezereum, especially when there is thickening of the tissue.

These complaints usually occur with greater strength at night and in the warmth of the bed, just as they are aggravated during the evening and in contact with cool air. The patients may also be in a depressed mood, may show certain signs of apathy and irritation or else melancholy weeping.

There may also be spasmodic twitching of the upper eyelid, or drawing, pressing pains in the eyes and eyelids, which are aggravated by light and associated with weakness of vision, neuralgic pains extending along the nerves in the trunk and limbs with lameness, weakness and spasmodic twitching.

Mezereum can also be a good remedy for severe fluent coryza, when there is dis- charge of copious runny or thick mucus streaked with blood, and possibly also ca- tarrhal inflammations of the larynx and bronchi with pain and a tickling sensation, hoarseness and a dry cough, possibly associated with retching and vomiting (pertus- sis).

The lips may be inflamed and swollen, as may the mucosa of tongue and gums, extending back to the oesophagus, with the formation of small vesicles. There is salivation as in Mercurius, and the inflammation may progress as far as the stomach and intestines, with cutting abdominal pains, borborygmi, thick, pappy stools with tenesmus and burning pains in the anus. Acute cystitis is also typical of Mezereum, with dysuria and mucous discharge, and possibly a few drops of blood being passed after urination; so are a vaginal discharge like egg-white, balanitis, and neuralgias of

the spermatic cord and testicles. Thus altogether, Mezereum offers a picture which corresponds to Reiter’s syndrome: conjunctivitis, enteritis, urethritis.

Dewey particularly emphasizes herpetic eruptions with thick, elevated scales, acrid pus being exuded beneath them with characteristic scabs and itching, whilst the neuralgic symptoms of Mezereum are chiefly characterised by neuralgia of the cheek-bones with a sensation of numbness and neuralgic pains along the length of an eruption as in herpes zoster, and by ciliary neuralgia.

Nash has had good experiences with Mezereum in pains of the long bones, espe- cially the tibia, and also in facial neuralgia, an amelioration of the complaints being achieved by holding the painful side near to a hot stove; hot compresses or cloths bringing no relief.

Fellenberg-Ziegler also mentions deep ulcers with glandular swellings, and also the gnawing, boring pains which occur in apical periodontitis in badly decayed teeth, extending over the whole side of the face, a sensation of lengthening of the teeth being typical.

The discharges of Mezereum are frequently bloody and excoriating (from the nose, vagina, and urethra).

If we sum up the symptoms of Mezereum, the following typical remedy-picture emerges:

  1. Herpes zoster and herpetic eruptions with formation of vesicles and pustules with elevated scales and desquamation. Ulceration with swelling of the local lymph glands.
  2. Dry and moist skin eruptions, also on the scalp and behind the ears. Conjunctivitis.
  3. Stomatitis with vesicles. Laryngitis and whooping cough, also acute gastroen- teritis with spasmodic pains and tenesmus.
  4. Ciliary neuralgia, rheumatism in various joints, and other neuralgias, also in the course of herpes zoster.
  5. Periostitis with nocturnal bone pains and sensitivity to touch (skull, tibia, etc.).
  6. Urethritis. Balanitis. Vaginal discharge. Reiter’s disease.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Daphne mezereum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for mezereum: inflammations of the respiratory passages; digestive disor- ders; pruritic skin irritations and skin suppuration; neuralgia; ostealgia; other condi- tions of pain.