Aethiops Antimonialis – Hydrargyrum Stibiato-Sulphuratum

Aethiops Antimonialis – Hydrargyrum Stibiato-Sulphuratum

Aethiops Mineralis – Hydrargyrum Sulphuratum Nigrum

Equal quantities of Antimonium crudum and Aethiops mineralis are triturated to produce “Aethiops antimonialis”, and a mixture of mercury sulphide and sulphur are triturated to produce “Aethiops mineralis”. The attenuations are produced from these preparations.

Scrofulous inflammations, skin eruptions and discharges. Scrofulous conjunctivi- tis with marked photophobia and keratitis. Offensive discharge from the ears. Cra- dle-cap on the face. Mucous colitis. Oozing anal eczema.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Hydrargyrum sulfuratum ni- grum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for aethiops mineralis: crusty inflammation of skin and the eye- lids.