Cartilago Suis – Cartilage

Cartilago Suis – Cartilage

The attenuations of this sarcode are prepared from the fresh cartilage of the knee and hip joints and the intervertebral discs of a healthy pig (Sus scrofa domesticus).

Diseases of the cartilage. Tenosynovitis. Rheumatoid arthritis. Coxalgia. Frozen shoulder. The rheumatoid arthritis (deformans) may be intra-articular or periarticu- lar/infiltrative.

A proving of this substance was conducted in the spring and summer of 1994 by Dr. David Riley which confirmed its usefulness in diseases of the joints.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

The musculoskeletla system is strongly affected by this remedy with stiffness of the muscles, joints, and bones. Headaches and lightheadedness are also associated. Anxiety and mental dullness and restlessness are also prominent.

Anxiety. Mental dullness with irritability. Mental restlessness. Angry. Weeping with sad thoughts. Muscle, joint, and bone pain. Generally worse in the morning. Tired and fatigued. Feeling lightheaded and faintlike. Dull headaches. Forehead headaches. Tingling all over the head. Sore throat pain. Frequent burping. Nausea. Abdominal distention and flatulence. Cramping abdominal pain. Rectal pain. Flatus. Painful joints. Heaviness, restlness, or awkwardness of the extremities.


ANGER and dreams of anger. ANXIETY worse in the morning on wakening. Aversion to company and slowness of thoughts. Difficult concentration. Mental confusion es- pecially on waking in the morning. DULLNESS associated with irritability. Mental ex- citement. Fear that something bad will happen, fear of death, and fear of insects. In-

difference, particularly to things that usually bring pleasure like reading. Irresolution. IRRITABILITY. MENTAL and physical RESTLESSNESS. Sadness and weeping. Sensitive to noise. Screaming during sleep from anxious dreams. Suicidal thoughts. Clarity of thoughts as if head is full of energy. WEEPING at sad thoughts, after drinking, or from anxious dreams. Dreams of falling into an abyss and being in an earthquake. Night- mares and dreams of blood and parts of the body that have been mangled.


Incoordination while dancing. ENERGY is increased, decreased or improves espe- cially at 3 p.m. Better with physical exercise like walking or an increase of physical irritability. Food desires of eggs, lemonade, and melons. Heat, either the sensation of or feeling chilly. LASSITUDE in the afternoon or improvement of fatigue and tiredness especially at 3 p.m. Pain in the bones, joints, or muscles. SENSATION OF HEAVINESS or feeling lighter. Weakness.




Tight or constricting sensation on the occiput. Head feels heavy. Pulsating and throbbing of the head. TINGLING or sparking sensation in the forehead, vertex, or oc- ciput. DULL HEAD PAIN. Head pain in the afternoon at 3 p.m. improves. Head pain in the morning on waking. HEADACHE IN THE FOREHEAD, vertex, temples, or extending from the vertex to the forehead. Pressing pain on motion or on waking.


Throbbing pain in the eyes associated with a feeling of heaviness.


Blurry vision.


Stopped sensation in the left ear. Deep itching in the right ear unrelieved by bor- ing.


Congestion of the nose and sinuses improves. Discharges sometimes bloody, sometimes thick and viscid. Dry discharge improves. Dryness inside the nose but with the usual nasal congestion. Sneezing worse in the daytime.


Dry mouth in the morning on waking. Dryness associated with increased thirst. Heat in the throat. Sore pain on the lower inside lip. Prickling sensation.


Metallic taste in the mouth.


Painful and swollen cervical glands. Dry throat. SORE THROAT worse in the morning on waking.


Appetite that is decreased or increased. Eructations that are acrid and burning and extend up to the throat and mouth and are worse in the evening. Heartburn. Sensa- tion of fullness. Gurgling, rumbling, and bubbling. NAUSEA, with heartburn. PAIN

that is burning, cramping, or occurs with hunger. Burning pain in the stomach ex- tending to the chest. Cramping stomach pain during the menses. Thirst. Thirstless- ness.


FLATULENCE and abdominal distension that is painful or occurs in the evening and prevents sleep. Gurgling and rumbling. Cramping abdominal pain in the hypochon- dria or the left lower quadrant abdominal muscles. Pain as if diarrhea would come on while eating breakfast. Pain in the iliac region.


Constipation with ineffectual urging and straining. Diarrhea with sudden, strong urge. FLATUS that is difficult and worse in the evening. RECTAL PAIN with burning dur- ing stools. Urging for stool that is sudden, ineffectual, or with the diarrhea.


Many different stools. Soft, covered with blood, clay colored, dark, dry, hard, heavy, sticky, and thing. Stools occur earlier in the day.


Burning pain at night before and during urination. Increased urging at night or improvement of that symptom.

Genitalia, Female

Itching of the vulva. Short menstrual cycle.


Fluttering of the heart. Crampy chest pain under the sternum and ribs. Sharp pain in the anterior chest and on the inferior border of the ribs. Breast pain and soreness before menses improves or is worse from the touch of clothing.


Back pain before menses improves.


Awkwardness, ataxia, and incoordination while dancing. Cracking of the wrist and elbow joints. Calf cramps in the morning. PAINFUL JOINTS. Pain in the joints of the upper limbs and knees. Pain in the elbow and wrist. UPPER LIMB and lower limb heaviness. Restlessness, particularly of the upper limbs and knee. Tingling and prickling and warm sensation in the upper arm, hand, fingers, and feet. Weakness in the upper and lower limbs. Aching pain in the forearm and wrist. Burning pain in the elbow and wrist. Joint pain. Sore pain in the elbow and forearm. Sore wrist pain.


SLEEPINESS during the morning, afternoon, or daytime. Overpowering sleepiness.


Perspiration, worse in the afternoon.


Prickling sensation to the skin. Warm skin.