Lachesis – Bushmaster-Snake venom

Lachesis – Bushmaster-Snake venom

The attenuations are prepared from the careful dried venom of the snake, Lachesis mutus L., which occurs in Central and South America. N.O. Crotalidae.

The venom obtained from Lachesis muta is secreted in large quantities during the bite, up to 3cm3, lg. when dried. The homoeopath, Dr. Constantine Hering investi- gated the venom of Lachesis muta in 1829 in South America. A part of the symp- toms which he gives comes from the toxicology. On the other hand, extensive prov- ings have been carried out with Lachesis, which have led to a typical symptomatol- ogy, so that today we have a characteristic remedy-picture of Lachesis.

In it there are numerous symptoms, which show Lachesis to be suitable in widely varying illnesses, of both a functional and an organic kind. Above all it is suited to septic illnesses and decomposition of the blood, but also to thrombocytopaenic pur- pura or a haemorrhagic diathesis, angina pectoris, asthma, influenza, laryngitis, sore throat, stroke, tuberculous uveitis, nasal catarrh with discharge, otitis media, carbun- cles, boils, varicose ulcers, diphtheria, haemorrhoids, appendicitis, proctitis, dysmen- orrhoea, scarlet fever, gangrene, malaria and kidney diseases with oedematous swellings. However, a special remedy-picture has emerged with a classified sympto- matology, which we owe most of all to the American physician, Dr. E. B. Nash. Here we find essentially so-called leading symptoms, whose appearance in a case points us to Lachesis. If one then looks through the whole remedy picture of Lachesis again, and enquires of the patient about other symptoms which may be present, then in many cases one will be able to establish other symptoms from the Lachesis picture.

In fact these leading symptoms point especially to the indications for Lachesis, one of the most important symptoms being the left-sidedness of the complaints, and the further progression of the complaints from the left side towards the right, e.g. in

sore throat, in neuralgia of the left leg (sciatica), in left-sided ophoritis, left-sided migraines, and headaches which extend from the left side of the neck into the nose (similar to Cimicifuga).

A further important symptom is the extraordinary chattiness and loquacity, the patient jumping from one thought to another. There is also often weakness of mem- ory, the patient making mistakes in writing. There may be delirium with confusion of the sense of time and a flushed face, and there can be difficulty in speaking, the jaw hanging down, particularly associated with depression.

A further characteristic symptom of Lachesis is the aggravation after sleep, or the typical sleeping into an aggravation. This applies not only to asthma and headaches, but also to suffocative attacks of a nervous kind or a globus hystericus sensation in the throat, and also to attacks similar to angina pectoris, ovarian complaints and swellings of all kinds.

Hot flushes arising from sleep are also characteristic of Lachesis, not only during the menopause but also in a run-down constitution, e.g. in drinkers. In such cases one might think of combining Lachesis with Sulphur, Sepia and, in serious cases, with Sulphuricum Acidum.

Also typical of Lachesis are blocked secretions, either as a result of treatment or spontaneously, e.g. nasal catarrh, with headache occurring after it has stopped flow- ing, but also hay fever with blocked discharges, asthma which cannot be loosened, and complaints of menstruation or dysmenorrhoea which are relieved by the flow beginning, or else menopausal complaints which are likewise relieved by a recur- rence of the bleeding.

A further important leading symptom of Lachesis is its sensitivity to constriction, to touch or external pressure. Not only is this especially marked at the neck, no necklace, no tight collar, polo-neck etc., but neither can any pressure be tolerated on the hypochondrium, as is also the case with Lycopodium. The larynx too is fre- quently sensitive to the slightest touch, a sensation of suffocation or of globus hys- tericus arising in the throat.

A further important leading symptom of Lachesis is the bluish discolouration of parts of the skin, of mucosa or inflamed places, e.g. carbuncles, boils, ulcers of the lower leg, the ulcerations having a ready tendency to become gangrenous. Thus Lachesis is also an important remedy in acute tonsillitis with a touch of sepsis, where empty swallowing or swallowing of liquids or saliva is far more painful than swallowing of solids. Pains, especially throat pains, frequently radiate out to the ears (cf. Hepar Sulphuris).

All discharges from Lachesis patients smell offensive, whether they be pus from carbuncles or boils, intestinal haemorrhages, stools or secretions from throat infec- tions.

The Lachesis patient’s tongue can only be protruded with great difficulty and is very dry. Usually it trembles and remains caught on the lower teeth. From this it may be seen that Lachesis must be indicated in serious septic diseases where such a state of the tongue is found, although it often responds well likewise to Natrum Muri- aticum in high potency.

The trembling of Lachesis is also characteristic, similar to that which is found in Gelsemium, but in Lachesis there is tremendous weakness.

The sensitivity to the heat of the sun and the exhaustion caused by it are similar to those found in Glonoinum.

Lachesis has a typical sensation of cramp in the left upper abdomen possibly ex- tending downwards along the sigmoid colon, with a fear of cancer which is often not unjustified.

Lachesis is often indicated not only in serious blood dyscrasias and in disorders of hormonal function, as at the menopause particularly, but also in catarrhs of the mu- cosa, in haemorrhoids, in suppurations and inflammations with the development of sepsis, e.g. sore throats, and other inflammatory states of the kind described. It usu- ally works particularly well – and this may be especially emphasized – in the form of injections, since this is most similar to the natural toxic action of snake-venoms. But one must be very cautious with respect to the potencies used; in particular do not use too low potencies, since patients often react to these initially with consider- able aggravations. On the other hand, septic conditions such as influenza, boils, car- buncles, ophoritis etc. often require the lower potencies to begin with. However, in longer-term treatments, especially if they do not prove too effective, one could suc- cessively increase the potencies which should then achieve astonishing results.

If we make a brief summary of the Lachesis symptoms, the following leading symptoms emerge which characterise the remedy, and where they occur they will point us to the prescription of this very important polychrest.

  1. Left-sided remedy, the complaints having a tendency to move to the right side, as in tonsillitis, ophoritis, headache, tracheitis, laryngitis, angina-like pains, etc.
    1. The patient sleeps into his complaints. Aggravation after sleep.
    1. Intolerance of any clothing, pressure or constriction, especially round the neck but also abdominally, and at the mouth or nose. Feeling of suffocation. Globus hystericus. Bronchial asthma. Angina-like chest pains.
    1. Inflammatory symptoms with bluish-red discolouration and a tendency to be- come gangrenous. Oedematous swellings and foul-smelling secretions.
    1. Tongue dry, can only be protruded with difficulty, trembles and remains caught on lower teeth.
    1. Haemorrhagic tendency. Haemorrhagic purpura. Haemorrhagic diathesis. Ma- lignant infectious diseases, or acute infections (scarlatina, measles, erysipelas, smallpox, boils, carbuncles, ulcers of the lower leg etc.) become malignant.
    1. Aggravation from heat of sun. Great exhaustion.
    1. Ovarian remedy. Ophoritis. Salpingitis. Endometritis worse on the left side. Menopause. Ovarian dysfunction, especially hot flushes.
    1. Extraordinarily rapid change of emotional mood. Ecstasy, a kind of trance-like state and unaccustomed loquacity. Jumping from one thought to another. Weak- ness of memory. Emotional depression.
    1. Kidney disorders with albuminuria and dysuria.
    1. Skin diseases with exfoliation and haemorrhagic tendency.

Lachesis is an extraordinarily important polychrest, indicated in numerous illness- es which occur in practice, and it justly finds very wide application in homoeopathy. The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Lachesis muta, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for lachesis: inflammations and haemorrhages of the skin and mucosae; menopausal complaints; glandular diseases; infectious diseases and general blood poisoning; phlebitis; angina pectoris; cardiac and circulatory insufficiency; neuralgia; rheuma- tism; spasmodic conditions; paralysis; behavioural disorders; emotional discord or
