Tuberculinum – Tuberculin

Tuberculinum – Tuberculin

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from purified Tuberculin.

According to Julian the indications for Tuberculinum extend well beyond tubercu- losis and its specific manifestations and cover a successful application in the treat- ment of psoric, sycotic and of course tuberculotoxic disorders. The action of Tuber- culinum is best when this nosode is not used isopathically, i.e. not in tuberculosis it- self, but according to the Law of Similars in similar illnesses, i.e. those which pro- duce similar symptoms. This applies to all nosodes, but is especially applicable to Tuberculinum. Emotional depression. Tearful mood. Hypochondria. Drowsiness during the day. Weakness of memory. Aggravation from music (Julian). Headaches, as if the brain were encircled by an iron band, with nausea, occurring periodically in damp weather or from the odour of coffee, especially above the right eye, also in school-children, aggravated by the least mental effort. Restless sleep with coughing, awaking with feelings of anxiety.

Conjunctivitis. Styes. Keratitis. Photophobia. Chronic otitis and rhinitis. Ulcera- tions of the larynx. Aphonia. Bronchial asthma. Dry pleurisy with a dry, irritating cough and pains in the chest. Palpitations. Arrhythmia. Reddish-purple complexion (cf. Papaverinum, Belladonna, Melilotus). Hypotension. Tiredness. Sweating. Epi- gastric pain. Also in gastric and duodenal ulcer, chronic cholecystitis and entero-co- litis, chronic pyelonephritis, nephritis, hydrocoele, metritis, acute and chronic arthri- tis, osteochondrosis (Scheuermann’s disease), fistulae of bone-tissue, and especially in skin diseases such as desquamating and itching eczemas with fissures, in impeti- go, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, juvenile acne, recurring urticaria, and night- sweats which stain the clothing yellow.

In Tuberculinum there is a characteristic vicariation between rheumatism and skin diseases, and alternation of various phases.