

The attenuations are prepared from amorphous Selenium, Se, AW: 79.0.

Selenium has similar effects to those of Sulphur, but they are directed more to- wards the nervous system. There is characteristic general weakness, tiredness and exhaustion after physical and mental exertion, with drowsiness, but at night only light cat-naps, as in Sulphur. Hot weather is also debilitating. Sleep is not refreshing. Alcohol consumption is particularly likely to have ill-effects, especially wine. Sele- nium is also indicated for consequences of excessive tea-drinking.

Nervous exhaustion is characteristic, with forgetfulness and inability to cope with mental work, which produces fatigue. There may also be pains in all the limbs, with intolerance of draughts. Stabbing nervous headaches which increase with the heat of the sun, hypersensitivity to smells, complaints which recur every afternoon, episodes of vertigo and unsteadiness, possibly with symptoms of collapse, anxious sweating

and a pale, sunken face, nausea and vomiting, also after breakfeast and lunch; these all respond to Selenium.

There may also be an enlargement of the liver with loss of appetite and tongue coated white, also with itching in the region of the liver and in folds of the skin. Constipation can be so marked that the stool can scarcely be passed without assis- tance, blood and mucus possibly being passed with it.

Particlularly characteristic of Selenium are seminal emissions while the penis is relaxed, and also unconscious dribbling of semen during sleep, particularly when masturbation is practised. There may also be impotence and premature ejaculation with the penis relaxed, as well as prostatitis with the sensation of a foreign body in the anus and painful stinging deep in the urethra after micturition. There may be ca- tarrh of the bladder, with dribbling of urine after urination and involuntary passage of urine while walking.

Selenium has a characteristic emaciation of the face, hands and thighs. Walking may be difficult, with a certain lameness, and a fear of becoming completely paral- ysed.

Mention must also be made of the mucosal affections which are improved by Se- lenium, namely nervous coryza, coming and going as in Silicea, and possible loss of smell lasting for weeks with nasal congestion; likewise hoarseness of singers, oc- curring right at the beginning of the song, or also following over-use of the voice, possibly associated with blood-streaked expectoration.

Selenium patients have a desire for stimulants, and like to get drunk, which how- ever leads to a tremendous aggravation of their complaints. They wake at night with hunger.

On account of its particularly strong indications in the genito-urinary sphere, Se- lenium was formerly one of the chief remedies in chronic, post-gonorrhoeal urethri- tis, along with Sepia, Kali Iodatum and Sulphur.

Mention must also be made of the usefulness of Selenium in falling out of the hair, certain relationships becoming apparent here with Sulphur, and particularly with Thallium (Sulphuricum).

To sum up, we have the following main symptoms:

  1. General weakness and lack of energy. Mental concentration impossible. Exhaus- tion after every physical and mental exertion.
  2. Periodic headaches, especially above the left eye, possibly occurring after sleep (cf. Lachesis). Cat-naps (cf. Sulphur).
  3. Emaciation of face, hands and thighs. Eruption in the liver-region and in creases of the hands (inter-digital).
  4. Aggravation from consumption of tea and wine, also from sleeping and lying down, from hot weather, heat of the sun and draughts. Frequently ameliorated by polyuria.
  5. Neurasthenia after exhausting illnesses (retoxic phases), after sexual excesses, masturbation with sexual excitement. Lack of energy withal. Impotence. Prostat- orrhoea. Prostatitis. Dribbling of urine while walking.
  6. Hoarseness of singers and speakers. Laryngitis with blood-streaked sputum.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Selenium amorphum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for selenium: rashes; greasy skin; inflammations of the upper respiratory passages; digestive insufficiency; general weakness and debilitation.