Cirrhosis Hepatis Nosode – Nosode of Cirrhosis of the Liver

Cirrhosis Hepatis Nosode – Nosode of Cirrhosis of the Liver

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from surgically or bioptic removed tissue of human cirrhotic liver.

In the last few decades there has been a considerable increase in the incidence of cirrhosis of the liver, which may be attributed not only to considerable alcohol con- sumption, but recently also to refinements in diagnostic techniques (liver biopsy) and probably also to the ever increasing use of chemotherapy in the treatment of minor diseases, since numerous drugs used in allopathic treatment have a deleterious effect on the liver, which is shown recently in an increase in the incidence of these diseases.

Thus the Cirrhosis Hepatis nosode is not only for use where cirrhosis of the liver is already established, but also in the preliminary stages, e.g. in widely varying kinds of iatrogenic damage, especially where liver symptoms are in evidence and changes in the serum proteins can be detected, and in pathological changes in the transami- nase values etc.

The Cirrhosis Hepatis nosode can also make a significant contribution in the treat- ment of other illnesses, e.g. in abnormal toxic states of many kinds, since the liver

acts as the most important detoxifying point in the body and in cirrhosis this detoxi- fying mechanism is considerably disturbed.

One should therefore think of using the Cirrhosis Hepatis nosode in rheumatic polyarthritis, septic conditions, to support the detoxification of the liver in a wide va- riety of chronic conditions in the area of cellular phases, and experimentally in neo- plasms also. Evidence for the use of this nosode exists in the testing procedure for medicaments developed by Dr. Voll (Plochingen) with the Diatherapunkteur, and this is also valid for the use of other nosodes.

The remedy may also be tried experimentally in cholangitis and in intrahepatic cholestasis.