Ammonium Bromatum – Ammonium Bromide

Ammonium Bromatum – Ammonium Bromide

The attenuations are prepared from Ammonium bromide, NH4Br, MW: 97.9.

The main indications are as follows:

Catarrhs of the larynx and air-passages. Hoarseness. Soreness of the mucosa.

Further noteworthy symptoms are: headaches, as if a tight band were around the head, with the pressure worst above the ears, or a headache above or near the right eye, as if a nail were being driven in, aggravated by coughing. In the evening the eyelids droop and can scarcely be opened. Feeling as of sand in the eyes.

The nose is congested in a warm room (cf. Pulsatilla). However cold air aggra- vates nasal catarrhs with thick, stringy mucus and a tickling cough which comes in paroxysms with pains in the stomach, stabbing pains in the lungs, nocturnal cough- ing attacks and possible hoarseness.

The left ovary may also be swollen and painful.

Sensation of pressure in the right kidney, better under firm pressure (cf. Bryonia). Complaints are ameliorated by warmth and hot drinks, and aggravated in cold air,

e.g. sneezing on entering a cold room.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Ammonium bromatum, pub- lished the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for ammonium bromatum: respiratory inflammation.