The Course of Therapy
By introducing the vicariation principle into antihomotoxic therapy, Reckeweg pointed out the dynamics of every disease and/or recovery process. The interrelationships which exist between a bio-system and the damaging homotoxins vary continuously during an illness and during the recovery process. The purposeful, self-regulatory forces of the organism usually are retained during illnesses up to and including phases of the six-phase table of homotoxicosis. In contrast, after the Biological Division is crossed, from phase 4 onward, self-regulation and self-recovery is practically no longer possible for the organism. In this case a therapeutic treatment is required to achieve recovery. Following regressive vicariation, a disease often enters phase 2 or 3. This typically requires a change of the antihomotoxic preparation because in phase 2 a symptomatically indicated acute remedy is usually necessary. In phases 2 and 3, which belong to the humoral phases, the self- regulatory capacity of the organism is still present, so that only stimulative medication is required to initiate inflammatory mechanisms, particularly in the matrix. Usually the excretion of the disease occurs via the skin or the mucous membranes. Increased perspiration, sputum, strong formation of urine, light diarrhea and fever are welcome signs of a shift out of the cellular disease phases which indicates an improvement of the basic illness. In the acute phases 1 and 2, composita preparations such as Traumeel or certain Homaccords are preferable.
Dosage Forms of the Preparations
Homeopathic remedies prepared in solid form are in most cases mixed with milk sugar (lactose) and then formed into tablets. Tablets should be placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve gradually without chewing. This permits the active ingredients to be absorbed through the buccal lining of the mouth, thereby evading the stomach where gastric juices might destroy or inactivate the remedy.
Liquid homeopathic mediciations should be retained in the mouth long enough for their contents to be absorbed by the mouth’s buccal lining. As with tablets, the goal is to avoid the stomach’s juices which can inactivate the remedy. Therefore, liquids should not be simply swallowed.
Topical preparations offer a direct application to the affected area. Ointments and gels may be applied generously, as necessary, by rubbing gently into the skin.
Homeopathic nasal sprays are not associated with side effects or the risk of habituation. To thoroughly coat the nasal membranes, inhale deeply through each nostril after application.
Suppositories offer an alternate route of administration for persons unable to take medications orally.
For comfort in administering, warm the liquid by holding the vial in a closed hand for one minute.
Homeopathic eye drops are safe for wearers of contact lenses.
Homeopathic cough syrups help promote expectoration to shorten the duration of the cough.
The injection solution offers doctors the ability to inject medication directly into the affected area. Remedies are contained in vials and diluted in an isotonic sodium chloride solution base.