Hekla Lava – Hecla Lava

Hekla Lava – Hecla Lava

The attenuations are prepared from the lava taken from Mount Hekla, a volcano on Iceland.

The main indications are:

Exostoses on the feet, also on the jaw and other sites.

Hekla Lava was taken into homoeopathic use because large-scale occurence of ex- ostoses was found on the jaws and other bones of sheep grazing at the foot of Mount Hekla on Iceland, and were therefore in continual very close contact with the solidi- fied lava of the volcano. The author has been able to verify the beneficial action of Hekla Lava on exostoses in numerous cases in his practice again and again, some- times in combination with Mercurius Iodatus Ruber which has a selective action on the periosteum. Thus in suitable cases one may take advantage of this combined ef- fect.

A most severe case of trigeminal neuralgia (mandibular division) reacted surpris- ingly rapidly and lastingly to Hekla Lava 6X after all the teeth had been extracted. The unbearable bone-pains in the lower jaw vanished within a few days, never to return.

Heinigke points out that the action of Hekla Lava has been verified in a wide vari- ety of bone diseases, including osteosarcoma, tubercular and syphilitic osteitis and exostosis. Thus Hekla Lava should be used in toothache, abscesses of the gum, swellings on the jaw and in difficult dentition.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Hekla Lava, published the fol- lowing indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for hekla lava: inflammation of bones and periosteum; exostosis.