Pancreas Suis

Pancreas Suis

The attenuations of this sarcode are prepared from the fresh pancreas removed from a healthy pig (Sus scrofa domesticus).

The main indications are:

Diabetes mellitus (of pancreatic origin). Marasmus. Cachexia. Chronic enteritis, and entero-colitis. Malabsorption. Irritable bowel. Reflux oesophagitis.

The drug picture of Pancreas suis was composed in February 1995 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Prominent features of this remedy are coryza, scratching throat pain, and forehead headaches.

Mental confusion and difficulty in concentrating. Vivid dreams. Lightheaded feel- ing. Forehead headaches worse on waking in the morning. Coryza. Scratchy throat pain. Diminished appetite. Constipation with straining. Soft stools. Aching pain in the lower limbs. Waking from sleep to urinate.

Anxious dreams. Unremembered dreams. Fears. Irritability or improvement of pre-menstrual irritability. Aphthae in the mouth. Nasal congestion. Coryza. Consti- pation with straining. Diarrhea. Difficult respiration. Difficulty in falling asleep. Sleepiness. Difficult waking in the morning. Frequent waking. Waking with the de- sire to urinate. Diminished appetite or decreased pre-menstrual appetite. Empty burping. Nausea. Hard stools. Soft stools. Dry throat. Throat pain especially scratch- ing pain. Lightheadedness. Objects seem brighter.


Anger on waking. Anxiety especially anticipatory or on waking. Heightened awareness and senses. Awkwardness and incoordination. Difficult concentration es- pecially while driving or with rapid thoughts. Confusion during the chill. Contrary. DREAMS: animals, anxious even after waking, death of a child, flying, killing, long and involved, climbing mountains, rape, strange, water, and unremembered. Fear of being injured or attacked or of narrow places. Forgetful and disconnected and cannot remember dreams. Irritability from trifles, or on waking, or improvement of pre- menstrual irritability. Screaming during sleep. Slow working of the mind.


Decreased energy especially in the morning. Improvement of afternoon lethargy at 3 p.m. Food desires of alcohol, eggs, fruit, lemonade and sour tastes or sweet and sour tastes, and raw food and salads. Aggravation from eating eggplant with throb- bing pain in the hands and feet. Chilliness. Excessive physical irritability. Lassitude especially in the morning. Physical relaxation in the body with a sense of euphoria that dissipated when the mind was occupied.


LIGHTHEADEDNESS and faintness or like an emptiness in the skull. Balancing sensa- tion like a balance disorder or a spiral unwinding.


Sensation of a balance disorder like a spiral unwinding. Rushes of blood to the head with pulsations. Head congestion. Constriction like a band or hoop on waking with a headache. Empty feeling with a heightened sense of mental perception. Heavy feeling in the head. Tight and contracting head pain in the forehead across the brows, or temples. Drawing pain on the sides. DULL PAIN in the forehead over the eyes. Dull pain at the vertex or improvement of that. HEAD PAIN ON WAKING, in the af- ternoon, or the evening. Hammering pain in the head. FOREHEAD PAIN ABOVE THE EYES or behind the eyes. Pain on the left side of the head. PAIN AT THE VERTEX or improve- ment of that pain. Pressing pain in the forehead over the right eye on waking, or at the vertex. Throbbing pain in the forehead above the eye or vertex.


Dryness of the eyes. Eruptions above the eyebrows. Burning eye pain with burn- ing ear pain. Pain in the eyeballs. Stitching pain in the left eye. Twitching of the left eye lid.


Acute. Objects seem brighter with heightened senses or physical relaxation like a euphoria. Dim, distorted, or loss of vision.


Thick, yellow ear wax that creates a clogged or full sensation and boring with the finger to relieve the sensation. Hot sensation inside the ear with congestion. Itching in the left ear. Ear noises. PAIN that is aching in the right ear. Burning pain in the inner ear. Sharp, twinging pain.


Post nasal catarrh. Nasal congestion. CORYZA on the right side or on waking. Crusts in the nose that bleed when detached and quickly re-adhere. Perspiration on the nose. Sneezing.


Aphthae. Dryness. Thick, sticky mucus. Bad breath.


Aching tooth pain when drinking cold liquids.


Metallic taste in the mouth with indigestion.


Tightness of the facial muscles and tingling in the cheeks. Dry, scaly eruptions in- side the right eye brow. Heat in the cheeks during dizziness. Left sided jaw pain. Throbbing from jaw tightness.


Choking sensation as if someone is pressing the throat from behind and forwardly. Dry throat without thirst. Sensation of a lump in the throat. PAIN that is worse on swallowing. Raw pain. SCRATCHING THROAT PAIN. Sore pain. Feeling as if something is turning in the throat.


DIMINISHED APPETITE or improvement of that before menses or in the morning. In- creased appetite. Empty burping or loud, painful burping. Heavy sensation in the stomach. NAUSEA and indigestion with malaise or metallic taste in the mouth. Feel- ing that a knot or stone is in the stomach. Thirst during the daytime.


Abdominal fullness with constipated. Heaviness in the abdomen. PAIN. Cramping pain with diarrhea or before or after stool. Griping pain. Dull, aching pain before menses is not present. Rumbling from hunger.


CONSTIPATION WITH STRAINING or improvement of that. Diarrhea. Hot flatus at night. Itching around the anus.


Stools like small balls. HARD STOOLS. Thin, mushy, frequent, or orange stool Wa- tery or soft stools.


Green color with a strong odor.

Genitalia, Female

Mucus leucorrhea as if ovulating. Sensation as if the menses would start. MEN- STRUAL CHANGES: copious, too frequent, stopping and starting of the flow, scanty and too short. Sore pain in the vulva and labia worse from the pressure of clothing. De- creases sexual desire in females. Improvement of pre-menstrual symptoms of fa- tigue, ankle edema, increased appetite, and less emotional reaction to slights.


Difficult respiration that causes waking with cold pain in the chest. Wheezing dur- ing the daytime.


Cold sensation in the chest on waking with shortness of breath. Tightness espe- cially in the muscles of the upper part of the chest or in the lungs. Pain that is stitch- ing or twinging around the heart or like needles under the sternum.


Aching or stitching pain in the cervical region.


Awkwardness in the extremities. Tightness in the shoulder. Perspiration in the bends of the joints as if from drinking wine or a hot drink. Restlessness and nerv- ousness of the feet and legs with foot tapping. Improvement of pre-menstrual ankle swelling. Tingling on the back of the hand or on the palm with stitching pain in the bones of the back of the hand or the toes. Trembling of the hand when feeling jittery. ACHING PAIN especially the ankle when walking, or the leg and lower limbs. Aching in the shoulder or thigh. Sore pain in the leg from the knees down to the foot and es- pecially the soles. Throbbing pain in the hands and feet after eating eggplant.


Deep sleep or too long. Difficulty in falling asleep. Sleepiness in the afternoon at 4

p.m. Sleeplessness after waking. WAKING from cough, sudden waking, or as from fright. Difficult waking in the morning, or frequent waking. WAKING WITH DESIRE TO URINATE.


Skin eruptions above the inner right eye brow.